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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Funny...I read this topic when I got home from work and couldn't stop thinking about salad. I had to fix myself one for supper.
  2. Yesterday at 2:25pm 11:30, Thursday. I have completed my education field experience for the day. Mr. Maxwell is hard to get used to. Now I am at Stevie B’s. I sit in the back with a full view of the room. To my left is a group of Special Ed students on a field trip: Down Syndrome, Autism, etc. Twenty or so there are. All from high school, nearly my peers. I am surprised. I have never seen so many, so congested in one place. For a moment I feel a connection. I have Aspergers and rarely do I come across others with similar conditions. I watch them sit at their table. Though they are mostl
  3. I started thinking of this when I was shopping for an Autism awareness shirt online and found that many of them said "Cure Autism". If you havae a child who is affected by autism (anywhere in the spectrum) would you cure it if you could? Keep in mind that your child would be (theoretically) neurotypical in EVERY way. I don't think I would opt to "cure" it. Although it would not be my decision since my son is 19 years old. He is diagnosed with Asperger's. He is extremely high functioning. If he were not autistic, he would not be such a deep thinker and as brilliant as he is. It woul
  4. radishes, onions, carrots, sunflower seeds
  5. You know I will be in blue on Friday!!!! Autism awareness ribbon and all.
  6. I would never threaten anyone. All they had to do really is walk down the street and ask. The boys like to play in the garage on Friday afternooon because all of the neighborhood kids come down the road to listen to their "concert". There are kids from 8-17 (sometimes a grown up or two) that stand in the driveway for the show. I have always thought it was kind of cute how all of the kids showed up asking to watch. I guess they will continue to play only at a lower volume.
  7. LOL...I will have to see if I can get a video next time they practice. They are getting better. Some of the boys are better with their skills then others. Right now they have a younger boy playing the drums and he is trying hard but he seems to know only a couple of beats but at least it gives them some percussion.
  8. No, he actually told them that he didn't see what the problem was but asked them to turn it down a little. I think it scared them none the less becasue they quit for the night. I don't think it is against the law either, but I am not sure.
  9. We just had a visit from a policeman. It is the first time a policeman has ever been to our home. My 17 yo son and his friends have a garage band. They practice in our garage on Friday afternoons for a couple of hours. Now my home is in the woods on a one acre lot in a culdesac with 2 other houses. I know that the immediate neighbors in the culdesac were not the ones who called because their kids are here, one plays the drums. Now I could understand calling the police if it was late at night, or every night, or if they had ever complained to me about the noise in the past. However, I
  10. Speaking as a trained hair stylist, from the pictures they look to be basically the same cut. The brunette just has shorter bangs. When you get it cut you should be able to style it either way, if it is cut correctly. the blonde is styled in a little more "messy" style.
  11. My son is a student there (and lives on campus)and I have not been able to reach him today. Makes me wonder why I pay for the phone sometimes!!!! Anyway the stories are so conflicting. It is either a 6 story parking deck or a 9 story parking deck. It started as a man and then turned into a woman. No one knows the cause but speculation is running wild. I am so sorry for her family and a little worried about the other students, including my son. I am hoping that it was an accident that way the other students will not be in danger. Still it is a terrible thing taht has happened to one per
  12. Lately I have done much better at Publix. I use coupons and do very well there. I don't get my meat there though, just too high. I go to Sam's for most of it but I am starting to hear really good things about Food Lions meat so I may start picking a few things up over there.
  13. My family enjoyed planet hollywood, there are many food choices there also.
  14. My son was given Geodon when he was 16 for Tourette Syndrome. It caused him to become paranoid. He thought that the school nurse and i were trying to kill him. I then started getting phone calls from him talking about how people were following him. it was really weird. He was of it before a month was up. I am not sure I would want to go with Geodon for depression. It is a powerful drug.
  15. I agree! Effexor works great for me but if I miss one dose I feel like someone is shocking my brain about every 3-5 minutes. I have asked the doctor if I can come off it and she suggested that I stay on it for now. However, I don not look forward to the withdrawl symptoms I know I will have. Also- I have a friend who take Klonopin and it works great for her.
  16. What do you mean you forgot Valentine's Day?!!!!
  17. You're welcome. I was so proud of that paper when he wrote it. It opened my eyes to his feelings and I told him that many others could be touched by it.
  18. I thought it was awesome. It was not meant to be like the first one; it was meant to be new and fresh so that the young people today will relate to it. I think they did a great job.
  19. I think this is a good thread to post a paper that a brilliant young man with Aspergers wrote. He does not think of himself as disable but superabled instead. It is kind of long but worth the read. Overcoming a Disability By: Tyler Maxwell It is said that growing up with a disability is difficult; there is no arguing this. However, people tend to associate difficulty with pity. I would argue that the labors associated with a disability save a person from the consequences of being all too normal. I was ten years old when I moved to Georgia. The middle school I attended was less
  20. I am sure this was a nightmare day for busdrivers. You guys did a super job! Thanks for taking such good care of the kiddos.
  21. I work at one of the high schools. To be honest unless they had made the decision yesterday to only go half a day today I don't see that things could have been different. It was after noon by the time the snow started and after 1 oclock when it first started showing signs of sticking. By that time we were only a little more than a hour away from the elementary schools being dismissed. We had to wait until the buses finished delivering the elementary school kids to load the middle and high school kids. It was the best that could be done under the circumstances. As far as I know, all of th
  22. I'd rather have straight snow than sleet/ice anytime.
  23. Thanks. I was hoping that they would postpone it.
  24. Friday is the HS Special Olympic at the bowling alley. I am just wondering if anyone has any info on what is going to happen now that there is "the chance of early dismissal" due to snow. I can't imagine being at the bowling alley with all of those children and trying to get them loaded up, back to school, unloaded and ready to load again on their regular buses home. Maybe a bus driver will know the answer to this question.
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