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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I think you answered your own question.
  2. I really hope this was a sarcastic comment and you don't truly believe this. There is a huge difference in the population of college and high school. The people in college classes are there because they want to be, they are paying for it, and they will lose money if they fail. All it is going to do at the high school level is add more drama, behaviors and problems in a classroom with the few kids who are trying to learn and it will be impossible for the teachers to teach.
  3. Yep...it is getting loud here and this is just the first round! Be safe everyone.
  4. The petunias and mini petunias are a full sun flower. I just have some of those sheperd hooks that I hang mine on. I am frantically searching for day lillies too. They come back a spread every year and they are also a full sun flower. They bloom most of the summer too so bing bang for the buck. I am always looking for things that will return so I don't have to spend lots of money every year. If you have shade, the best bet is a hydrangea. Lots of big balls of flowers and very pretty. I will try to post a picture of my baskets if I can figure it out.
  5. I went out in search of flowers today and ended up where I always do because the big Hiram stores are too expensive for what they have. I went to my "green house guy" off Ridge Rd. I don't know what the name of the side rod is but you will see the sign on Ridge Rd. saying "Green House Open". He has the biggest, fullest best hanging baskets of Wave Petunias and Miniature Petunias (my favorite) that I have seen in a long time for only $15.oo a basket!!!! He has lots of other stuff in the green house too and it is all VERY healthy looking. Check him out before you drive to Hiram. He rocks
  6. The police would have been called on the person who did the whoopin' then. That is what is wrong with this world...no discipline allowed. Drives me crazy!!!!
  7. Tomatoes when they are fresh off the vine. I also LOVE Weight Watchers Giant chocolate ice cream bars. They are SOOOOO good!
  8. Q #1: It is real but the need could be filled by someone else. I am just not sure it would be filled like the need gets filled now. Q #2: The one person that I am side by side with everyday loves, appreciates and treats me well. It is the drama of the others that makes me not want to be there. Seems like so much jealousy, backstabbing, and CYA going on. It is like a really small town where everyone knows your business or makes something up if they don't. The other place that I am considering going to was always a pleasant place to work. I know it. It is just so hard to leave som
  9. Okay, let me put it differently. Would you change jobs to go to the place that you used to wok where you love the other employees ad enjoy being there even though the job you would have to do is not really the one that you want to do? Keeping in mind...The job that you are doing now is at a place where it is just not much fun to work, but someone that you love needs you (really wants you) to stay where you are. LOL...you are too funny!!! I would not do it here or there I would not do it anywhere.
  10. Would you do something you were not really crazy about doing to be somewhere that you really want to be even if someone you love needs you to be where you are at?
  11. What an idiot spending money for that. Unless it was his wife who hired the pilot I think it is crazy. If Elin did it...you go girl!
  12. Congratulations!! Nursing is a great choice. There is nothing better than to have a good nurse when you are sick.
  13. I didn ot mean to say that you were okay with her stealing. Yes, I agree I am very lucky and would also help her if I knew she needed something and it was within my means to help. I am more worried for her that someday she will be hurt because she is doing something that she has always been allowed to do.
  14. I am being considerate of my neighbors. That is why they only practice once a week on Friday afternoons between 4 and 8 pm. I am also considerate of my neighbors when I did not call the police on the ones who have loud parties at their pool every summer, or the ones whose young children pull the limbs off all my pear trees, or the ones who leave their bikes and other toys in the middle of the road, or even the ones who lets their two large dogs roam the neighborhood. You know why? Because I live in a neighborhood where I realize I am not going to like or agree with everything that everyone
  15. Are you sure it was her? Did you see the pictures? I'm just asking. And okay, I know this is not going to be really popular, but what the heck... It seems there are several people, from what I read on here, that help her out regularly. I have been reading PCom for years and there have been several times that the group has gotten together to help Miss Jessie. I like her and I have spoken to her several times when I see her out and about in the stores, but allowing her to do the things she does is one of the reasons that she continues to do the things she does. I don't think she should be
  16. WOW I have never had a topic that I started stay on the front page this long. To answer a couple of questions...the policeman was really nice. He just asked the kids to turn it down a little. He also told them he didn't see what the problem was. As far as the soundproofing the garage goes, I suppose I could do that. However, they like to play with the garage door open because the neighborhood kids come to watch and it is like a little free concert. I do understand that there are people who work nights. Since they are not starting to play until 4 in the afternoon and never play past 8 at
  17. I have 19 and 17 year olds. No way I would let them do spring break without an adult along. Now my 19 year old is in college and he can't aford to go anywhere on his spring break unless I pay for and guess what...I don't. I told him that I would pay for him to visit things in the area that he had not seen before. My younger son will also not be allowed to do the Senior Spring Break trip next year. Not unless he wants to take mom along. That may be seen as overprotective, but I don't want to be one of the parents who regrets letting them do something that is against my better judgement to
  18. My Rada knives and sharpener. They are like $3-$4 each and you order them online. The sharpener is just 2 washers on a plastic thing but I swear they are the best knives ever!
  19. You have to break out the wasp spray and kill the little suckers os your kids aren't afraid to walk out the door!
  20. That is definitely true. I also am a firm believer in people underestimating what these children can learn. I work one on one every day with a boy who is autisitc and he is forever amazing me with what he learns. The way he learns it is quite frequently outside the box. I would love to change things for my son with Asperger's, but I don't want to change him. Maybe the world needs to be cured and the only way that can happen is to educate.
  21. That's bad but not surprising. It is so difficult to teach with the class sizes that the school have. When there are over 30 kids in each class X 6 classes each day it is nearly impossible for a teacher to focus on the students who need extra help without leaving the others behind. I work in a high school as a paraprofessional and I see this happening all the time. It is really sad because the parents blame the teachers. The teachers are stressed to the max with all of the work that they have. Even the best teachers in the world have a limit as to what they can accomplish, and now there
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