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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I have some neuralgia but nothing occipital. To be honest with you I am not sure what that is but I am assuming it has to do with your eyes. Am I right? I took some meds for a while that were supposed to help heal the nerves that were damaged but it I can't remember what exactly it was. Now I just treat my symptoms when they flare up, usually with a prescription pain medication because I cannot take NSAIDS.
  2. Sheese, I thought it was funny. Hand the kid bags and he asks what to do with them...that's funny. I don't know where the other thread went but I knew what you were saying. I didn't even give a thought to you being mean to the kid. My son was a bagger at Kroger for over 2 years and it sounds like something he might say. Oh Yeah, I would have laughed at him too. Seems people have been snowed in too long, getting a little touchy.
  3. They sit up straight in the back of the car and I don't have cans all over the place when I get home. They are also easier to carry up the steps. The green thing is a plus though.
  4. I am thinking we won't. The backroads are not going to thaw enough to make the bus travels safe. I think we can count on going back Tuesday. Better safe than sorry.
  5. Here is a good quote I found: The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. Doug Larson
  6. I like it, especially whe we have plenty of warning and can stock up for the stay at home. I like watching my 18 yo son act like a 12yo in it. Since I work for the PC Schools I also look forward to that phone call in the afternoon telling me that we are out. I reminds of being a kid in Kentucky, snow days were so exciting. However, I am sure that I would not like it if I was a business owner losing business or someone who was suffering from losing their income during this time. Being a grown up, having to pay the bills can take the magic out of snow.
  7. My son is a senior and I am all for anything that saves money!
  8. My son is 18 and a senior. He has to be in bed by 11:00 on school nights. I rearely have to tell him though because he has always been the "early to bed, early to rise" kid. When it is not a school night he usually goes to bed at the same time unless he has company over or he is engrossed in an xbox game.
  9. Here is an idea for the next snow that I saw on TV. In one state (I don't know where, I wasn't listening) a couple of the trash companies have snow blades that they can attach to the front of their trash trucks. When they have big snow like we have the local trash companies make extra money from the state to put those blades on and go clear the side roads. Pretty good idea, but I am not sure how much the initial investment would be and if it would be worth it for the trash companies. Maybe offer them a LARGE tax break for buying the equipment. Just a thought.
  10. Youngest of five here. The baby, Mom and Pop's favorite, the spoiled one...just ask any of my siblings.
  11. I was just reading FB and here and I have determined that people get "cabin fever" really quickly these days. Have our lives become so fast that we are actually physically unable to slow down? I, for one, am enjoying the slowness of it all. Maybe that has to do with my age and the fact that my job had me so stressed last week that I needed a good break, I don't know. It's just an observation, not a bad thing, but who else thinks that "cabin fever" is something that is happening VERY quickly these days?
  12. I usually agree with you, LPPT, but on this one I we are going to have to agree to disagree. I am from Kentucky and it is really not much different there even though they are more accustomed to this kind of weather. I65 is their major interstate and I have seen it shut down for days when there is this much ice. The problem becomes HOW to get rid of it. Of course they salt, like they did here. Then they re-salt and run a plow over it. Salt is only going to melt the ice for a short time and it will re-freeze in these temps. They can and do plow the top layer off but plowing water is not po
  13. Yep, it is pretty awesome to see the kids (including my 18 yo son) out playing...just playing. My dog is loving it too. The only down side is that I may be eating too much, but i will deal with that later.
  14. Maybe the state will give us a waiver at least for part of the days we miss. Whatever we have to make up I hope will be done by adding on to each day. As a para, if they furlough me anymore, I will have to pay the school system to let me work.
  15. overreact much? Ok...I get that there have been lost wages, but even in the states that are accustomed to this kind of weather the roads are not always cleared as soon as everyone would like. With the best equipment it takes time. Snow equipment was actually brought in from other states to help even before the snow even hit. Over 5 million pounds of salt have been dropped on the roads. They are working, it just takes time, especially when it has been coming down off and on all day and the temps are not getting above freezing.
  16. And they shouldn't. This is not a regular occurance in GA so to spend the money on snow removal equipment would not be wise. If the DOT had all the equipment sitting around I am sure someone would be complaining about how much the state spent on it. Anyway-to the OP-enjoy a couple of days off, and for the love of Pete, don't try it tomorrow. From all the news it will only be worse.
  17. If the weatherman is correct about the upcoming temperatures I will be surprised if we go back to school at all this week. If I am not mistaken, we are off Monday for MLK too. I have a feeling that the February break may be history because of this unexpected break. What are you thoughts on how it will be made up?
  18. My 7 month old baby loves the crunchy part. She just keeps jumping around so she can break the ice.
  19. I predict I will get 2 on my cell phone and 2 on my home phone split into about thirty minute intervals starting at...oh I don't know...about 4 am. Even when I don't have to work and the boy doesn't have to go to school they still manage to make me get up. LOL Oh yes, even if the storm is running a little late and they decide to send everyone to school and do the early release thing, my son will probably stay home. I can't have him driving on any slick roads. He is not experienced enough and I prefer to keep him safe.
  20. I would rather have 24 inches of snow than 3 inches of ice. Bring on the SNOW!!
  21. fishnthec


    Those idiots are more harmful to children than Harry Potter could ever be. I LOVE Harry Potter....
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