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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. It just shocks me that we are getting so much of our chicken from China. Really it shocks me that we get so much of EVERYTHING from China. With the toxic children's toys, dog food, etc. coming from China I really prefer not to get my food there. We are way too trusting in the US. Not only that, but doesn't it seem like the US chicken farmers could grow and prosper more if we were not getting cheap chicken from China?
  2. Oh my goodness...I shop at that Publix all the time. I will definitely be on the lookout from now on when I leave there. Tahnks fo the info.
  3. I agree. I used to see Dr. Gooslby every time I went but it is getting harder to see him because he has so many patients. I just ask for Glenda now and I LOVE her!!! She is very thorough and I never leave without know ing what my problem is or at least waiting for test results.
  4. I can't help with the flea issue because my puppy is still doing fine on Frontline, but the skin irritation and itching I can help with. Try giving your dog an Omega 3 fish oil pill everyday. You ca google it and check out all the benefits but it will work wonders on itching!
  5. This sounds like my kind of place. I love seafood! Is it casual dress or dressy dress?
  6. Quick Hijack...I love your avatar INTRUDER!!!!!!!! I am a cat fan myself!!!! Back to the subject...you should absolutely get a lawyer because not only is half of the assets hers but she is also the owner of half the debt.
  7. Dis Jr. sounds like a handful. I think I would try to find some indoor daycare place and make him sit his bum in there all day while I enjoed my vaca. Truthfully kudos to you for showing him who is boss. It sucks now but you will not regret making these tough parenting decisions later when he is older. Oh, and when you get home take your daughter some place special and fun and leave jr. out of it. Eventually he will get the picture. Just remember...you are one of the good parents!!! (no matter what jr. says)
  8. Fat looks better on black ladies too. It is so unfair. That is why we light girls have to go to the tanning bed before we put shorts on.
  9. fishnthec


    Thanks. I am hoping to be able to reach her in time for the shower.
  10. fishnthec


    Last time I was looking for her somone on here contacted her for me. I have left messages on her FB page but I haven't got a response. I am leaving Saturday morning for KY to go to a babyshower. Some of the gifts that I was supposed to give her were ordered from MDB July 4th weekend and I REALLY am at crunch time now to get them. Otherwise I will have to rush out and find something else before I go. Her web site told me they were finished I just need to get with her and get the stuff.
  11. Pigs need all the fun they can get before becoming bacon. The mantis might have the right idea.
  12. It was handled quickly and safely. The fire was contained and put out very quickly but the smoke had to be blown out with big fans before the fire marshall thought it safe to send kids back in. I know most of the kids were perfectly happy spending time on the football field socializing instead of doing their work. Good job SPHS!
  13. Sounds pretty scary to me.
  14. I am a firm believer in all the education in the world cannot give you common sense. Some people have it and some don't. The worst are the VERY educated people who have no common sense but like to toss their "I have a degree" around like it means something.
  15. I put mine in a hospital tank and even gave him antibiotics in his water and he still died. I think the best thing to do is euthenize them if they have dropsy. It is sad to watch them suffer. Ick is more treatable though. They should have meds at petsmart.
  16. I am not pointing the finger at ALL parents, only the ones who truly have no clue what their children are doing. I know that you are nothing if not involved so I am definitely not pointing in your direction. I know there are also some teachers out there who need training...no doubt...but I don't know if it is possible to train someone to handle such large classrooms with no way to discipline the kids.
  17. I know..right? Seems like people are more responsible for their pets bad behavior these days than they are their own children. Today's children never do anything wrong...it is always the teacher's fault. *sarcasm*
  18. I am not singling you out because I am mad at you, I just know that this is the way that MANY people feel and it hurts my heart and is somewhat offensive. Saying the "autisic population" shouldn't be in the mainstream population and the fact that people think it is "absolutely unreasonable" to expect high marks from them is also stereotyping a very broad group of individuals. There are now 1 out of 90 kids diagnosed in the autism spectrum. I have one of them. He is now a junior in college and is an A/B student in all of his classes. He also lives on campus and takes care of himself. Not
  19. I haven't watched him in a year or so but I have watched him a few times in the past. He definitely believes in what he is saying and like others said some of his points are worth thinking about. There are lots of scary things in the news and it is hard to figure out what is real and what is propaganda these days. Everything can be editted to sound however the particular news outlet wants it to sound. I think a lot of times Glen Beck gets a bad wrap because he is so vocal and an easy target for the more liberal news outlets.
  20. I heard it today at school but it is just a rumor. We got an email from the principal to tell us that the field house was decorated with EPHS regalia to pump up the team for the game tonight but it was NOT done by anyone from EPHS. There was no damage done, just balloons and streamers in EPHS colors and stuff thrown around including EPHS T-shirts. I think there was some stuff written on the white boards too to pump up the rivalry. I don't know who did it but it was made clear that it was not done by EPHS students. The kids ran with the rumor as usual, and it grew into a life of it's own.
  21. If I were one of the lesbian parents of this child I would not want her at this school. They will obviously be teaching Christian beliefs. This would be teaching that the way her parents live is wrong. Why would they want this?
  22. I took both my boys to the school parking lot as soon as they got their permits and practiced driving and parking several times. Then they both tok driver training courses and on the road training with the driver training schools after which they had the defensive driving classes. It was definitely not cheap but I felt like I couldn't put a price on the feeling of doing everything possible to keep them as safe as I knew how to. I have also told them both that as long as they are in school (high school and college) I will pay their insurance, unless they get a speeding ticket or have a wreck
  23. This is why it is the parent's responsibility to educate and inform teachers of nything that they might see from a tourette's child. Dialog between the educator and prent is the most important tool in helping the child succeed. And I would NOT be surprised what is asked of you to do with ESEP children. I too work in the ESEP Dept. I know that there are a lot of unreasonable requests. I have been asked by parents to do things that I find unbelievable. However, I know that every time my child tics or suppresses a tic it is impcting his education because it takes his focus off his scho
  24. This makes my blood boil! Being the mom of two son's with Tourette Syndrome on of which also has asperger's. I have fought for many years to make teachers and school personel understand them. I know you know, but many people don't, that with Tourette syndrome the tics wax and wane (come and go) and change. My son may have a head tic for a few months and then all of a sudden his arms start jerking and the head thing quits. The more stress the more tics! In order to receive a Tourette's diagnosis the person must have both motor and vocal tics documented for at least a year prior to diagnosi
  25. This discussion is not about acadmics it is about behavior. However, I would bet that the Biloxi School district (which is the one I'm referring to) would stomp Paulding County academically as well. As far as I know no other counties in MS have started using classroom video surveilance. Trust me it would be a great tool for teacher and parents alike.
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