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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Dwarf Nandinas are my favorite little bushes. They are nice and bushy green in the summer and the leaves turn a pretty red in the fall and stay red all winter. Hydrangea is my favorite flowering shrub even though I don't have dood luck with them, I see them around and i think they are beautiful. Crepe Myrtles for a tall addition to your garden is always nice.
  2. I think Dr. Murray should be jumping for joy to only e charged with involuntary man slaughter. It seems pretty obvious that the man gave Michael Jackson a drug that should only be given in a hospital setting where there is access to life support. Did Michael ask for the drug? Probably...but ANY physician who gives an addict a drug because he asks for it is not fit to be a physician. I believe that he was in it for the money and he did not want to lose his cash cow by telling him "no". It is unacceptable and irresponsible...mn slaughter is a slap on the hand.
  3. I took m y son to West Metro driving school. It is by the Wal Mart on 120. I don't know if they do just behind the wheel but the behind the wheel is a part of their driver's ed course. There is also a $45 coupon in the little coupon paper that you find lying around at businesses. It is about $400 but it will save you on your insurance too.
  4. If I wasn't attached at the hip to my job (and you know I am) I would jump on that. They are really good people and would be good to work for.
  5. That is what I was taught in a class on dealing with potentially aggressive kids. I think it would work in the daycare/school setting. At home, however, when my now 17 year old son was a baby he bit me hard and I bit him back and he never bit me again. It did not stop him from biting his brother though. I tried to get his brother to bite him back but he wouldn't. He didn't want to hurt "his baby".
  6. Buffalo's has garlic lemon pepper and I think Birdie's has lemon pepper. Both are VERY good.
  7. This is my second month and they started me at 50 also. I go back next month to get checked and I am sure that they will increase my dosage. I feel better but not as good as I could. I have not had any side effects from the synthroid though. As for the weight loss...none yet. I did gain before I started taking it and I am hoping to lose it.
  8. It doesn't bother me. I am not a Joe's fan anyway, but the commercial wouldn't keep me from going. Maybe I am so desensitized because I work at a local high school. The F bomb flies through the hallway as much as the work "and". I don't think this little commercial is going to cause more disrespect than I see on a daily basis. That is just my opinion.
  9. I pray for you, my heart breaks for you...and I want to say thank you for being strong enough to put this message out there as well. My son, who is now 17, was sick for over 3 weeks when he was a baby. We took him to the pediatrician and emergency room 15 times during that time only to be told that he had a cold and made to feel like we were crazy for being so concerned. One morning when I woke up he was barely able to breath, we took him to a different doctor and he was immediately hospitalized and diagnosed with RSV. If we had not taken him to the new doctor he would not have survived.
  10. I know that one of the men that 11 Alive was saying was in critical condition was actually pronounced dead last night. The reason for the mix up I believe is that they were keeping his body on life support because he is an organ donor. This man leaves behind a wife and 2 daughters. They will need everone's prayers.
  11. I put one medium sweet onion and one medium bell pepper (cleaned and seeded)in my food processor and chop them fine. I don't care for cunky salsa but if you do you can just processes it less. Dump that in a bowl. Then put 4-5 medium tomatoes and several stems of fresh cilantro (you can use chopped cilantro in the jar, about 1 Tbs.) in the processor and chop them finely. This time of year I use Roma tomatoes because they are not too watery. Pour that in the bowl with the peppers and onions. Add the juice of 2 limes and margarita salt to taste. i like the margarita salt because of it's fl
  12. I really thought he confessed years ago but I guess not. Everyone knew about is so it is old news now.
  13. Those are the cutest things I have seen in a long time! Kudos to you and your hubby and roommate for taking in Diamond when she needed someone. I doubt those babies could have survived in the weather. You are doing a good thing and I believe you will be rewarded!
  14. The email that I received from Dr. Fraker says: *We will have a regular school day on Tuesday, January 12. Final exams will be January 13 and 14 (Wednesday and Thursday). I have attached the schedule here. It is the same schedule as before - just date changes. Since there is no school sanctioned early release, we will run the bell schedule as listed here. We will not house students in the commons area. They will change classes as noted on the final exam schedule. Second semester begins Friday, Jan. 15 - we will go to advisement first thing on Friday!
  15. South will have the finals that were scheduled for Monday on Wednesday and the finals that were scheduled for Tuesday on Thursday. So basically the same schedule just Wed. and Thur. now. That is what my email from The principal said anyway.
  16. Boy, do I agree with this!!!! Why is it ANYONE'S business who he is or is not screwing?!! I honestly don't care who politicians, athletes, movie actors or anyone is doing. (with the exception of my family) As long as they are doing their jobs as public servants, hitting golf balls, making good movies, etc. I'm good with that. I think our society has become way too obsessed with these kinds of stories and they distract us from the real things that we should be concerned about.
  17. I disagree about him needing to resign. He may need to take some time off to begin healing but to resign would probably worsen the depression. I know from personal experience, keeping busy will help. I think his depression is rooted from his divorce not from his job.
  18. That is exactly what I was talking about! It is insanity to think that putting someone in a "prison" where they get 3 good meals a day, AC, cable TV, lawyers, work out facilities, etc. would be enough to make them not commit a crime. Put their arse to work all day and then let them sleep, wake up and do it all over again! A lifetime of that would make them think about what they did.
  19. I have never been a supporter of the death penalty. It just seems wrong to me. Having said that, I also DO NOT support the current prison system. The prisoners should NOT be allowed the freedoms that they are given. I feel that when they took a life they gave up their rights as a citizen. They should have to work (and I mean hard work) every day; the way it used to be. None of the TV watching, rehabilitating, warm fuzzy bull that goes on in the prisons now!!! They should be chained up and taken out to do the grunt work; ditch digging and such. The states should use them as free laborer
  20. I saw that! It just makes me want to beat someone to a pulp. Only a really messed up person could do something like that for fun!!!!
  21. I really want to learn all about Photoshop. Is there somewhere close to go for lessons? I love taking digital photographs and I have lots of creative ideas, I just need to know HOW to use Photoshop. I have watched the tutorials online and all it did was peak my interest. I need a hands on teacher. Any suggestions?
  22. Very nice. You made me have a sweet memory of my grandfather too. He would never leave the house without his "snake stick". LOL
  23. I agree. The food has always been good when I have been there. The atmosphere is SO nice, compared to your average Asian restaurant. They also have more choices than most other places since they have Chinese, Japanese and Thai.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZJc4Enzac I don't know how to load the youtube videos so I am pasting the link here. This guy is hilarious.
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