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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Funny you should ask. Wed. my hubby came home from work early with stomach cramps. He said it felt like the cramps the you get in your legs only it was his stomach. By 4 AM Thur. he was vomitting and in a great deal of pain so we went to the ER. After a quick CT Scan we found out it was his appendix and he was sent VIA ambulance to Tanner in Carrolton where they did emergency surgery to take out his appendix. He is still in the hospital as I type because he continues to run a fever from the infection from having an infected appendix inside him for so long. The moral of my story is: if y
  2. I think one of my large (12-18 inches) goldfish has developed dropsy. He started swelling in his abdomen a couple of days ago and I thought it just might be a female with eggs. Today his/her scales look like a pinecone. I googled it and found that is the classic sign of dropsy. I have taken it out of the pond to seperate it from the other fish. The internet said that it is almost always fatal. Has anyone ever dealt with this before? Is there another treatment that I can do?
  3. Fret Not is a music store on 92 in Hiram. My son is a guitar plyer and we buy a lot of his stuff there. You can give them a call they are nice folks. (678) 567-9229 1379 Hiram Douglasville Hwy, #121 Hiram, GA
  4. It's the best thing that could happen to here and if she is really lucky they will keep her in there for the full 3 months so that she can detox! When she gets out if she doesn't continue her sobriety I think she will be the next one Hollywood will be burying.
  5. I was in Fret Not today and noticed that they had several band instruments there for sale too. I don't know anything about their pricing but you might want to call them and see. I doubt that they would be selling any of the cheap "made in china" stuff that you can get from discount stores. However, the cases did look like they were used but in good condition so you might get a good deal.
  6. In South Paulding we have had several really hard showers today. Nice and gloomy outside right now.
  7. That is so sad. I have a pond with 9 fish, 3 large Koi and the rest are 8-12 inch fancy goldfish. We keep our waterfall on constantly to make sure that the water continues to move. It keeps it cooler. It is also a good idea to keep a lot of plants in the water for shade. It has been so hot lately that I have to add water nearly everyday. In the past year I have only lost one and he decided to swim into the skimmer and got hung up in the pump. It broke my heart. I hope the rest of your fish are okay and it is just coincidence that you lost 3 at once, but I think I would go and get anoth
  8. I think it is firm enough even if you add a littel extra sugar to compensate it would be okay. Problem is, at least I think, it melts much easier than shortening and the decorations...especially the ones on the sides may slide. I would try a small cake first and see how it works for you and if you even like the taste.
  9. Thanks Scarlett- that sounds perfect.
  10. fishnthec


    If you play Bingo around here where do you play? I need place time and cost. I have never played and a friend of mine wants me to go but we don't know where.
  11. THis is the best caption!
  12. Dollar bowling on Thursdays is fun if you go with him or find someone who wants to go with him.
  13. It was a beautiful house. The stone work on it was fantastic!
  14. Just my oopinion but if it is an emergency where the police officer is not able to pull over for any reason that is the time he should be using his radio to run plates, etc. I think the computer is a wonderful instrument for them but they should have to practice the same safety precautions that everyone else does. I know if a police officer killed someone while using his laptop and driving the discussion on here would not be about police officers doing whatever they need to in order to get the job done. Keeping people safe is their job. Typing while driving is not keeping people safe.
  15. You and I must make a pact We must bring salvation back Where there is love, I'll be there I'll reach out my hand to you, ...I'll have faith in all you do Just call my name and I'll be there LOVE LITTLE MICHAEL!!! I am a child of the 80's so I loved all of his music. He was definitely one of a kind.
  16. I know someone this happened to also. It was a grandaughter though and she was living with the grandparents, didn't like the rules, and made up a lie to get him out of the house. It worked and he is stuck with this for the rest of his life unless by some chance she decides to tell the truth when she gets older. Innocent people get accused everyday and it takes little to no evidence. It is usually he said she said and most of the time they side with the "victim". It is really scary.
  17. He has not been convicted yet. I am holding back on my opinion until I find out more of the story.
  18. okra beets brussel sprouts cottage cheese i'm sure there is more but that is the top 4
  19. Just a note to whoever: If you have to pack Goo Gone to go to the beach then you probably shouldn't be letting your kids play there!
  20. Hey now...LSU...don't go hatin' on us Kentucky folks. Isn't Brittney Spears a Louisiana girl. Actually my boys were both born in LA so I can't hate on them either. Anyway...Does anyone remember Madonna? She has pushed the envelope so many times I am surprised she even has an envelope anymore and all it ever did was make her more popular. Truth is if Miley didn't go way outside the box she was in she would have forever been associated with her Hannah Montanna alter ego. That is career suicide for someone her age. In all of the interviews I have seen her in she seems to have her fe
  21. I am not sure what it tells you about me but I did giggle a little when I read it. It reminds me of something you see in a Smokey and the Bandit movie.
  22. I watched it today also. Alone...just me and a box of tissues. It really hit home for me with my husband being military during Desert Storm. Trying not to give anything away but the special needs part was unexpected and also hit home. It was an emotional movie on so many levels. Like some of you I would have preferred a different ending but I understood why it was that way.
  23. It takes several months for the doctor to get your new medication regulated. I had to go back every 3 months and geta test and an adjustment. As soon as the docot finds the correct amount you will feel like your old self again. You will still have to have to go to your doctor a couple of times a year to make sure you don't need to increase/decreas your meds but it will work out.
  24. He did what needed to be done. Looks like it should have been done sooner by someone else...maybe her parents.
  25. I love my tea and stawberry/kiwi Crystal Light....however....when I am really hot, NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING is better than a big ole margarita with salt on the rim!!!!
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