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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I have never been a puker either. It takes an awful lot to make me throw up. My son pukes for everything. Sometimes I wish I was more like that. There have been times when I know I would have felt better if I could just puke.
  2. I love Gumbeaux's. I forget it is there though.
  3. Check Barnes and Noble and Borders. I have seen them at book fairs at the schools too.
  4. I agree. The kids do not realize that writing something stupid on a wall can cause so much trouble for everyone.
  5. Actually the letter said: "Today, administrators received information regarding a threat written on a bathroom wall which led to a precautionary evacuation of the school just before noon." I don't know where the kids got the "tick tock" thing, but it is not accurate. There was never a bomb threat. Just a blanket threat on a bathroom wall, nothing that exciting. Schools have to treat each theat as if it were real so the school was evacuated and things went fine. All's well that ends well.
  6. I heard it on the news. Can't believe that they will raise the price of cereal. It is already the most overpriced item in the store. Seriously, I think the profit on a box of cereal is high enough that they could afford not to raise it!
  7. Let the fun begin! Pray for those of us who work with children!
  8. Make your favorite frittata in muffin pans. I like bacon and cheese or spinach, mushroom shredded chicken and cheese. All you do is mix whatever you want with about a dozen eggs and about a quarter cup of milk (beaten). Pour it into muffin pans that you have sprayed well with cooking spray. Bake them in the oven for about 20 minutes. Let them cool, put them in individual ziplock bags and grab them before you go in the AM. You can eat them cold or quickly warm them up in the microwave. The good thing is you can have variety. Try different meats, cheeses and vegetables. They make a grea
  9. I am passionate about the kids that I work with but not so much the system. It is hard to be passionate without the support necessary to do the best job you can. I don't hink it is entirely the fault of the local system mostly the fault of the federal government involvement.
  10. That is just ridiculous. If it is not real people how can it be real porn? As for the thinking it may lead to other porn, I don't think we can convict someone on the "it might happen" theory. This man's life as a teacher is now ruined and for what?
  11. I know a lot of people who live in that area.
  12. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” Dr.Seuss He was an incredibly smart man with many great quotes...they are all my favorites.
  13. We are getting some here on the 61 end of Nebo. I hope that is our cold front coming through. I love the cool fall weather!!
  14. Well that is closer, but I don't think there has been words invented for what she is yet.
  15. That is even too good for them. They give white trash a bad name. I don't know if there is a name bad enough to classify that bunch.
  16. I'm guessing many of the classified employees will be looking elsewhere for work. Most of us could work part time anywhere and make more than we make. We for sure don't do it for the money, but none of my fellow workers are going to do it for free either. We deserve to be paid for what we do and they will miss us when we are gone.
  17. I would like to have five minutes alone with that crazy b*tch! Huntington's Disease is one of the worst ways that anyone can die and to have someone living by you like this would just make it worse. I don't care how much she says she is sorry. SHe is only sorry because she is reaping her rewards for being the kind of person she is. Whatever she gets she deserves but she does not deserve to be let off easy. This is bullying in its worst form.
  18. Why can't we get an Outback or Red Lobster? As for the Oga's place, it was Mexican before it was Oga's and it went out of business. I don't think putting another Mexican restaurant there makes good business sense. We could use a really good Cajun Home Cooking type place too!
  19. Pine cones in a basket. Add a little string of white xmas lights in it and it is too cute. You can also use leaves, guords, pine cones, acorns, etc. in clear vases or bowls to sit around for decorations. Fall is a good time to walk through the woods and find pretty stuff to use as arrangements. I really like the stuff put in tall clear vases.
  20. Maybe we will both get straight one day. I so understand the leg on the pillow thing. I am keeping mine propped up as much as possible. The problem I have is that I am not good at staying still. If I take the pain meds and I feel better it is REALLY hard for me to stay put. I keep looking around the house noticing all the things I should be doing. I am definitely listening to the doctor. He seemed to know what he was talking about. The PT sounds good too. Now you need to get someone else to take care of that dog food!!!
  21. Thanks for all the help and advice. PCom folks are the best. I got to the pharmacy only to have the wrong medicine so I have to go back later to pick up the right stuff. Hopefully, I haev found the issue and will get it worked out fast!
  22. I saw Dr. Pesson at Pinnacle on Bill Carruth. He found that I have no reflexes in my right leg now, probably due to nerve damage. It seems that all the pain meds I have been taking have given me the ability to screw myself up worse. He did prescribe Prednisone for 6 days and Neurotin to hopefully repair the damaged nerve and I have to start PT next week. I am really feeling the need to get back to work. I work with a young man with autism everyday and I hate to leave him. Dr. says no work until Monday though. I know I need to follow orders but I am not good at sitting on my butt when I
  23. No I haven't seen a neuro yet but it would not surprise me at all if the ortho referred me to one this morning. It seems like every dr. sends me to a different kind of dr. I swear I think they are all in cahoots to get as much money from my pocket while I am vulnerable. At this point I would give them ANYTHING to stop this pain. I know I should be really concerned about the weakness but when it hurts so bad the only thing I can think about is stopping the pain. When the pain meds kick in then I start to worry more about the weakness. It has been progressively getting weaker each day. I
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