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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. My doc gave me more pain meds and she is sending to me an orthopaedic doc this morning at 9am. She said it definitely sounds like sciatica pain but she was concerned about the weakness in my leg that has just started. (I fell yesterday out of the blue. It didn't hurt, it just felt like my leg disappeared for a second) It seems to get to feeling better as the day go by. Of course that could be pain medicine doing its job too. The very worst time is first thing each morning. It is an unbearable pain. My plan was to not take any pain meds at all before going to the ortho today but I quickl
  2. I know I am beginning to sound like a whining wussy but I truly am new to this. I am normally a pain tolerant person so this is a shock to my system. OK, here is the situation. My puppy brought a stick in and tore it up on the floor. There were a million tiny pieces so I couldn't just pick them up. So, I pushed the vacuum cleaner down the hall, plugged it in, made a couple of quick swipes over the mess and fell on my arse. No pain...just fell...like my leg was not attached to my body. There was no warning sign or anything, just my big butt on top of the vacuum cleaner. I got back up an
  3. I agree. I don't see how the accident could have caused the axel to become dislocated the way it was. I think they need to look into the possibility that the axel malfunctioned and caused the wreck. If the driver had a CDL license he was obviously qualified to drive the bus. I truly hope it was a mechanical failure and not the fault of the driver. That would be hard to live with if you knew you were the cause of a child losing his life.
  4. CAbinet refacing on youtube has a few good ideas
  5. Thanks. I do not want to imply that the chiropractor that I saw was not knowlegable. He was a very nice man. It was just not what I expected. Everyone who told me to see a chiropractor told me that I would get x-rays and an then a thorough adjustment. I was just a little surprised that there were no x-rays or tests of any kind involved. Like I said, i have never tried chiropractic approach before because I have never had back pain. Maybe he is just not the best fit for me. Can you tell me if you are on Lockheed Martin Aetna insurance.
  6. I went to a chiropractor today and he didn't even do x-rays, just a cold gel and ice pack and a few stretches on my legs. He was a really nice man but it cost me $100 and I don't feel any different at all. When I left his house/office I was numb from the ice but as soon as my tush warmed up it was hurting again. The ER dr. x-rayed my hip to see if there were any fractures but he basically told me after that there was nothing he could do and that people that have sciatica learn to live with it. Now...I have a high pain tolerance..I am no wimp, but there is NO WAY to "live with" this shootin
  7. I watch the daily deal sites online and order Christmas presents all year so that when the Christmas shopping time gets here you don't have so much out of pocket. You can check most all one day sites at: dodtracker.com
  8. WOW you did have yourself a day!!! I hope today is better. You had my sympathy with "sciatica". Since I am having my very first round with it I am literally feeling your pain!
  9. I love New Orleans!! It is really not a scary place if you stay in the rench quarter. I also love Biloxi, Mississippi. The Casinos are great places to play and eat. I have never been to Helen, GA but I hear that it is a nice girl's BFF spot too.
  10. I wish I could. The pain is all in my leg now and I literally can only take a few steps before I have to take all the weight off my leg. I am a very pain tolerant person normally so it is unusual for something to actually stop me from moving. I am even trying to figure out how I am going to get myself to the doctor today.
  11. Thank you. I am absolutely going to see someone tomorrow. I have never felt pain like this, except maybe childbirth.
  12. I am calling a chiroprator in the morning. After my ER trip yesterday I felt a little better because he gave me a steroid shot and a pain med shot. Today I realized it was only masking the symptoms. I guess because I felt better I got up and moved around too much and today I cannot walk more than few feet at a time without having the WORST pain ever shooting through my leg to below my knee. The muscle in my thigh is twitching so bad that you can actaully watch it moving. When I called the ER today to ask if I needed to come back they put the actual doctor who saw me yesterday on the phon
  13. Just got back from the ER at Tanner in Villa Rica. Luckily they were not busy at all so I didn't have to sit and wait. I couldn't have sat anyway, there is no comfortable position. They did a hip x-ray to make sure that no bones were cracked. The doc told me that it is in fact sciatica. He gave me a steroid shot for the inflamation and a pain shot for the pain. More than likely, since I have never had any other back issues, the sciatica is called from a sprain in one of my muscles causing the muscle to swell and press against the sciatic nerve. If the pain is not MUCH better by monday I
  14. Thanks for the advice. At this point I am ready to try anything. Since I have never had any trouble with my back I was wondering if you know why it keeps getting progressively worse. I just assumed it would get better everyday and that is not the case. I have read that I need to be up and mobile as much as possible but it is so painful to walk I am having trouble doing that.
  15. I dated my first husband for several years through high school before we got married and we only stayed married 3 years. I dated my current husband less than a year and we we have now been married 21 years. I would do them both over again because it go me where I am now.
  16. Last Saturday I was working in my koi pond and lifted too much. I was sore the next day just like I expected to be. (I'm no spring chicken) Each day this week I seemed to get more and more sore instead of getting better. Yesterday I could not even walk when I got up. The pain is the worst I have ever had. I have NEVER had back problems. It starts in my right hip and runs down my leg to my knee. The muscle in my thigh is twitching involuntarily so much I can see it moving. I am planning to go to the ER today but I was wondering what I can expect. From everything I have looked up on th
  17. Good for you! And who gives a rat's patootie if she "reported" you. It is not going to hurt this child to be yelled at, even in full sea monster mode. Maybe it will even make her slow down in fear of seeing you again. LOL EDIT: REMOVE QUOTE WITH PERSONAL INFORMATION
  18. Oh thanks ya'll...I'll be fine. Sometimes I just feel the need to whine and get on with it! My cat is feeling better already. He got a long lasting pain shot and it seems to be helping.
  19. No problem...mean people get on my nerves.
  20. I think that most companies know a little about their local competition and she said she "suspected" illegal immigrants. I think she asked a valid question and I don't understand why people feel the need to post replies that only insue an argument or make the OP feel guilty for something that was not her intention.
  21. I get up this morning with a stomach bug only to realize that my 17 yo son was asleep in a living room chair. He said he just couldn't sleep last night...whatever!! Then my cat comes into the kitchen and he is drooling like a St. Bernard. WTF SO when I try to feed him his favorite canned food he starts crying and his chin is shivering. I call the vet, no appointment, take him anyway and he has an absessed tooth. He gets two shots of antibiotics and I have to take him back friday to have it pulled. Get home, still sick at my stomach, and my son calls from school "sick". Okay, I know he is
  22. Today I am home with a stomach virus and that app would just be too time consuming!!! I know...TMI...right?
  23. I don't see where it would hurt to look into it. If, in fact, the company is being run illegally it is a shame that they are taking business away from honest, hard working, law abiding citizens. If they are legal then at least you will know.
  24. Sorry I read it wrong. I couldn't figure out why we would get food there.
  25. I use Barnes Temite and Pest Control.
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