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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I bought a Steamfast at Home Depot several years back--on Black Friday. It was only $25 and I love it. It does clean the floors, but it also takes all the shine off them. It only come with 2 pads and I need to order more, I don't think you can buy them in the store. Oh, and I looked and HD still carries that cleaner--it is $44!
  2. Funny, I have had mine for 2 yrs and not a problem. And I know several other folks that have had them even longer and had no problems. Guess it is all in how you use it and take care of it???
  3. No--it just seems stupid!!! First we have a dang parade and then this weekend I heard that we are going to have another one of those big road blocks--with County doing it instead of Hiram. Got to find out exactly where they will be--to aviod the mess!
  4. I realize that they need to /and should have this, but during a major traffic time??? They could have easily just started in downtown and not bothered with BC Pkwy and Hiram Sudie??? Guess I will take the scenic route (NOT) all the way down 278 and 61, since I live right on Hiram Sudie.
  5. I have the little ACer mini and I love it!! I got it on Black Friday a few years back for $200, but they aren't much more than that now. For just fun--it works. For working, I still have my desk top.
  6. I noticed Saturday that Kohl's and several other stores were advertising for holiday help. Could be a start that might work into a long term job!!
  7. Well--concert was great. Best part was sitting in traffic on 61. There was this really nice black 70's model Bronco in front of us, no top on it and a guy and girl in it--Tennessee tag. All of a sudden--Luke Bryan turns around and starts waving at us!!! It was him and his wife (I guess) and you could see tennis rackets sticking up in the back. So, I guess they had ventured out in little ole Villa Rica to play some tennis!! And I have pics to prove it--just don't know how to post on here!!
  8. Mine was never over $120 this summer and my house has been plenty cool enough. My central air went out several years ago (3 months after the warranty ran out) and I just went to window units--my house is small. This year I bought a new unit for the living room/kitchen area and it had a thermostat on it, so I would turn it down during the day and I turned the units off in the bedrooms during the day. I never come home to a hot house--not the least bit uncomfortable. The units in the bedrooms would run from the time we got home til we left the next morning. I am loving it. My bills were always m
  9. Rght after Christmas--usually the n=month of January. And if you really wnat to play--you n eed to sign up that first week. Most teams will have already and a pre-registration.
  10. My boss was at the game--with his 3 boys (9 and under). He said that the younger 2 really didn't know what was going on, but the 9 year old was really upset by everything. he said that all you could hear around them was the "F bomb" and then 3 guys got in a fight right beside his son and he had to grab him out of the way. What examples sme grown ups make????
  11. The same thing happened to one of my sons many years ago. He thought he had it empty and, like n idiot, he put his finger on the end of the barrel and shot--BB went thru his fnger and bounced off the wall. Of course, we had to go to the Dr. and he did xrays--it had cracked the bone in his finger. He was about 8 or 9 yrs old at the time.
  12. There are several websites that lead you to free books for the Kindle everyday. You can find thme on Amazon, but the websites make it easier. The most user friendly of the sites is www.ereaderiq.com. I use it daily. Lots of times they will give the first book of a series for free and then you can go in and buy the others. I have found many great books that way. I do occaisionally slurge on books from certain authors that I have read for years, but using that website has really saved me money. Before I got my Kindle, I was going to the book store and spending at least $50 a month, now I might s
  13. But you got to remember that Renee is a major drama queen--just like Nancy Grace!!! I would expect nothing less from her. Not saying that I agree with her 100%, but it is her responsibility to represent her client--to everybody.
  14. Public defenders are all different. Yes, you have some small time attorneys that mainly survive off those cases, but then again, if they do a decent job--they will get referrals from these folks buddies. You also have many very good attorneys that take on those cases. There again, it gets their names out by defending Joe Blow for nothing and then he goes and tells all his criminal friends what a good guy you are. Don't have a clue how the cases are chosen, but one of my former bosses was on a murder case--that was an appointed case.
  15. Yep--court appointed. And they will bleed the county dry in attorney fees!!! But as an attorney friend of mine once told me, when I asked him how he could represent child molesters and such, ALL he has to do is see to it that they get a fair trial.
  16. Hate to say it, but if she is going around using the name "Coco" she is looking for trouble. Most folks only think two things with that name--hooke or stripper. Just wonder what kind of home life she has had??
  17. I was just thinking the exact same thing--about the piercings. Yeah--I know that kids sometimes try and do them for each other--but I would hope not in those places!!!
  18. I like to watch the birds--but hate to feed them. You will be kicked out of our "gang" if you start feeding the birds!! I hang out with a bunch of folks that either live full time or have weekend homes on the west end. Since they are there all the time--they hate the birds!!
  19. That's great!! I am afraid to change my insurance. I have been with GEICO for over 20 years. At one time, I had 3 teenagers on my policy and had several claims with them. Also, one stupid claim when I backed into my son's truck. One of my son's totalled a car that belonged to my parents and they paid for it. Just afraid that if I change and then have a claim--they would cancel me???
  20. HaHa!!! I have this thing about older women and long hair--to me it's just not right. And yes, I am a woman. It almost looks lazy to me, but then again I am one of those that HAS to style her hair every morning just because it is straight as a board and flat as a flitter!! Not meaning to hurt anybody's feelings or piss anybody off at all. Just stating my opinion.
  21. Are you thinking of Buddy's??/ You can't eat there--it's just a seafood market, but they have the best steamed shrimp around. Only thing is you have to get there before 5:30 for them to steam it. Dusty's is good, I prefer them to any of the others mentioned. Most are too "touristy" for me. Boondocks is good for fried shrimp and oysters--and cheese grits. We like to take a little ride on Sundays and have brunch at Red Bar--really cool place, but gets very busy very quick. If you aren't there 30 minutes before it opens--you will wait forever.
  22. Yep--had one in my living room. For months after that, when I would go to bed, I would practically strip the bed to make sure there wasn't a snake in there!! Then went and got a cat--and she is scared of her shadow, no help at all. Is she saw a snake she would probably run from it.
  23. tbird

    Food Stamps

    I can vouch for the law office part. Almost everybody that I know (myself included)got the job by knowing somebody. You either know somebody that works in the office or some associate fromthe outside recommends you to the bosses.
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