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Blunt Trauma

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About Blunt Trauma

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/16/1960

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  • Place of Residence
    South Paulding

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Atop Mount Nebo peering down on the moneyed gentry of golf
  • Interests
    My bikes, projects and home.

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  1. There's many reasons this could have happened. From soil investigation, to design, to materials, to site prep, to construction. Most likely each one a different entity. Knowing the type of footing would give a narrowing of potential causes. Fixes could run from minor (minor in this case will still be expensive) to partial demolition. Probably be some firming of the lawyer full employment situation.
  2. This oughta cover it. Hope you gots some time: Georgia Underwriting Association – The FAIR Plan The Georgia Underwriting Association or FAIR Plan was implemented by the legislature as a residual insurance market offering homeowners insurance to those residents who are unable to obtain coverage through the private marketplace after being deemed "high risk" often due to filing claims. The GUA of FAIR Plan acts as a complement to the private market and provides peace of mind to Georgians who are left out of the private market due to the area they own property in or because of the dwell
  3. Some boilerplate PR: Georgia Underwriting Association mission The Georgia Underwriting Association (GUA) functions as a residual insurance market in order that basic property and liability insurance may be made available to all Georgians. The GUA promotes the health and welfare of the community by only insuring risks that are maintained or improved to meet minimum safety standards. The Insurance industry holds an important place in society. GUA, as a complement to the private market, provides peace of mind for thousands of Georgia individuals, families and businesses who may no
  4. Never been on suicide watch, so I have no reference on how much harder that migh make it. But I've been in a cell like that. Some redneck (said with affection) with skills for making something out of nothing, given enough time and no cell searches, might be able to pull it off. A billionaire used to having somebody wipe his behind for him? Most likely not. Bare minimum.......he had help.
  5. See.....too far.......the rope was there, and you just had to hang us.
  6. The correct answer to that would have been "Yes ma'am, every red blooded American male for 6 counties is aware of that fact." Note the lack of quoting the original post.
  7. I got no theory, but the smell test is gonna be hard to get by. Course it's New York, so there's gonna be a little odor, no matter what.
  8. Same dog, but she's too fat for the sweater. Perspective https://imgur.com/gallery/cpXtxQi
  9. Well theres two ways to go with that. Either y'all messin' with them fancy, extra good lookin' fellers, that don't end up in them sityeeations. Or you was in to guys from Alabama. Low probability of teeth related marks of any kind in Alabama. Had it not been invented in Alabama, it would've been called a "teethbrush".
  10. So.......between y'all ......you seen a many set of teeth marks?
  11. Now people that right there is the way its done. That's how you talk smack about a fella's writing without talking smack about a fella's writing.
  12. On paper, yeah. But, did you know that if there's 4 folks in a car, and a joint in the console, lots of times all 4 people go to jail. So how do I know you ain't got a joint in your pocket? Now here I am in the car with y'all. I don't know these people occifer. (cough, cough) And these aint even my pants! (cough) Its my sisters car so you can't search it! (cough)
  13. I do so hate to explain my humor, much preferring folks to take from it the jokes they write themselves. If you judge from the responses I get in general (not just this instance), many are jokes that I never actually said. But since I had something pulled (it was a mass purge of a thread) that was labeled as either political or racist. Now granted at the very end I may have said something mean about the smell during preparation of some dishes of Asian cuisine. But the purpose was to point out if you live near a meth house, there will be the occasional funky odor. I'm concerned we may get
  14. If its not, half or better of my material is shot to hell.
  15. Well, I don't know. They was right there where I could see'em. And it takes a while to get thru an arm.
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