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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. And here I thought Stubhub was a site to sell tickets at inflated prices that you couldn't use. I will have to check them out next time I am in need.
  2. If this is true, someone please let me know. I have several family members who work for the postal service. My Dad is a retired Post Master (he also worked in the Finance dept.) and he may have made in the 70-80K range when he retired but I'm not even sure about that. I have an Uncle and a couple of cousins who work as carriers (one of whom has been in a coma for over two months after having her vehicle struck by a vehicle who swerved to avoid an accident while she was working~so if you pray and have room for one more her name is Rachel). They have been at it a while and I am sure they mak
  3. It sounds like there will still be some deliveries on Saturday ~ packages, Priority, etc.. just not regular first class mail. That should really cut down on time and expenses like gas. That's fine with me. I pay most of my bills online or in person so the only things I would be in a rush to get out would be gifts to family and if there was something small I needed to get somewhere I would just pay to ship it priority or overnight. The USPS is still loads more convenient that Fed-ex or UPS, for me anyway.
  4. We've been there once. The service was great but I wasn't impressed with the food. This was back when they opened and I have heard a lot of good reviews from others so I'm not sure if it's just me, we went at a not so great time or what. We will probably check them out again sometime but just not in a rush to do it.
  5. I'm a real estate appraiser and some weeks I take over 100 pictures of homes. Before I got into appraising I used to be a little freaked out as well and totally understand when someone comes out to ask what I am doing. I'm not going to lie though and say I do get a little frightened from time to time. Last month I had a guy come out to the street in his boxers to watch me. When I drove back by (I had to turn around in a cul-de-sac) I rolled down my window and said Hi and explained to him I was out taking pictures of homes that had sold recently. Another time I had an really old lady chase
  6. Hate , hate, hate that the Falcons aren't there but they did us proud with how they played this year and how far they came. For this game though, I'm pulling for the 49ers mainly because I remember Jim Harbaugh during his college days at U of M (I am from Michigan). I was also raised to pull for the team that beats you to get there. My Mom is a Ravens fan. My hubby thinks the 49ers will win but is pulling for the Ravens for the sake of Ray Lewis. Kid #3 is pulling for the 49ers as well. Kid's #1 is only watching for the commercials and kid # 2 has already gotten bored and left the r
  7. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to watch the actual presentation. According to facebook CBS News at 11:00 is going to show it.
  8. Thanks for letting me know. My daughter is the photographer in the family. She won't be able to make the meeting on the 14th (she will be at District Honor Band) but she may be able to make the one after that.
  9. Sorry to bump up an old thread but I was looking for the Paulding Photography club website and the one listed above is no longer active. Can anyone point me to where the new website might be? TIA
  10. I am. The hubs is working and asked me to record it for him. I'll probably switch to Greys Anatomy and watch the whole show sometime later.
  11. I took her "coming out" speech as kind of a joke. She made it sound like she was going to come out and then said something else. Kind of like she thought it was ridiculous for people to think she should officially come out in the first place. I'm really looking forward to the Oscars. I try to see all the nominated movies before the big awards each year. So far I've seen Silver Linings Playbook, Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild and Les Mis. Hoping to catch Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained, Lincoln and Life of Pi in the next few weeks on cheap Tuesdays or a matinee some other day
  12. We rent from both Redbox and Blockbuster. I've noticed they are both great about giving you credit when you get a movie or game that doesn't work quite right. I don't think we've ever gotten something that was notably scratched up as bad as yours sounds. Usually I think they have just run their course.
  13. Me too! This past summer I installed some new security on my computer and it disabled JAVA and couldn't view the Deeds I need to on GSCCCA.org. It was very frustrating. I finally had to remove it so that I could use JAVA. I worry every day about my computer not being as protected as it should but I couldn't do my job properly without it.
  14. Thanks for the update. I'll keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. While not online I recommend A.R.E.A. (Georgia Real Estate School) in Woodstock. Their web address is: http://www.education-area-ga.com/ I have taken the majority of my appraisal classes there. Dick Viti and Nora Monahan teach a lot of the classes and take pride in the high number of students who pass the state exams for both Real Estate and Appraising. I believe they have just posted the schedule for 2013. Personally I think there is a lot to gain by being in a classroom setting vs online. The input and connections made with the other students is quite valuable. Many of the other stude
  16. The archery club through 4H is starting up again in January. I don't have the number handy but I will try to find it for you if you are interested.
  17. Went to bed about 2:30 am, kids got up at 5:00 but didn't get us up till 6:00 and only because my husband got up to go to the bathroom and could hear them waiting anxiously in the living room. I have no idea why he did that. They had a plan in place to let us sleep till 6:30 am. I did however go back to bed. I got this awesome "cooling" pillow and I did not want to get back up out of bed but the hubs had to work so I got up at noonish.
  18. If you haven't voted yet today go ahead and do it now and then again when you have finished wrapping presents just after midnight.
  19. We went by there tonight with family from South Carolina and California. One of the people helping with traffic control said that they had 600 cars come through the day before. That is crazy! Everyone was so nice and we had a great time.
  20. We've dropped down to second place so I'm bumping this up to remind y'all it's a new day so time to vote again.
  21. I voted throughout the first round and started again yesterday. Last year we Felix Family Lights came in second in the NATION! Oh so close. How awesome would it be for Felix Family Lights to be recognized (they don't just have fancy lights, they also have a box for people to donate money to charity if they would like), the school system to win this much needed cash and for Paulding County to be in the news for something positive. I'll be voting daily and asking my facebook friends to as well.
  22. Good to know. I've heard of that site but am not familiar with it.
  23. I don't buy it. Sure some do but I have two kids and two sibling born during that time range. My parents live in Michigan and the siblings I'm talking about live in Texas and Ireland. Actually my sister in Ireland is about to move to Colorado and before Ireland she was in Chicago. My brother in Texas never moved back into my parents house. I don't know if education is a factor but these two graduated from U of M and Notre Dame. In regards to my own two who fall in those years they are still in High School and I don't see them as being falling into that category either. Only time will te
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