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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Everyone I know who has had kids go there have had nothing but good things to say. Edited to add: All three of my kids have attended or attend Moses. I pretty much have loved it. We have a new principal this year and I'll be honest, she has some good ideas but I'm not wild about her yet. Doesn't help that in one of my few interactions with her she was quite rude to me in front of my child and I am not a confrontational person so I just let her go at it but I was offended. There is just a different feel there this year but I do think she has some good ideas. Most of the teachers send
  2. I've lived here over 10 years and did not know y'all did this. Thanks for the heads up!!
  3. I fear I may know one of the girls involved. Two of my kids went to school with the girl I'm thinking of and I always knew she had a lot going on at home. Sweet girl, I hate to hear this. If she isn't involved I wouldn't be surprised if this young man jerk is related to her based on some of the stories she told about her family during the several years I was her room mom and sometimes substitute.
  4. I remember this and still tear up every time I hear the theme song, Holding out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler, which was the theme song for the show Cover Up he was on at the time of his death. In regards to the original topic, I am just so sad about this. A relative of mine died a few years back of an accidental gun wound. I don't know the exact details. He is my Godparents grandson (and a cousin of mine) and was just out of High school. He and a couple of his buddies had gone hunting and had gone back to my Godparents house where Brent had an area of his own above the garage, to nap.
  5. I got a Kindle Fire for my birthday last May and until now I have hardly used it. I had an I-phone already and am just too cheap to re-purchase all the games and stuff I have on it. While I was surprised and grateful for the Kindle Fire I secretly wished I had gotten an I-pad instead or a giftcard toward one (I know they cost quite a bit more). If you have an I-pod or I-phone already you can put the stuff you already have onto your I-pad. I do plan to get an I-pad in the next year because I can now justify it as a lot of people in my line of work speak of the time it saves them while out i
  6. I think it was wrong then and it would be wrong today. Makes me want to cry just reading it.
  7. I'm pretty sure our household is done watching Idol. I didn't know who Nicki was but my kids did and said it was a stupid move on Idol's part to have her on and that they didn't want to watch it anymore.' I am loving the X-factor though and like how positive the judges are and am amazed week after week with the talent that is out there.
  8. No reason to jump all over the student for reporting what he saw and giving his opinion. Whether you agree with him or not, most of you probably appreciate the first hand account. Don't deny it.
  9. Just downloaded my first book this morning and put two on hold. I've had my Kindle Fire since May and have spent less than an hour on it. I am excited to be able to use it more without spending a bundle on books I may or may not like. Thanks to the wgrl for adding the e-books!!
  10. The title says PCHS (Paulding County High School)
  11. So depressing. I think Seve had a little to do with it . I can't believe we lost though. If Tiger and Steve could have one just ONE point well, doesn't matter now. Kudos's to the European team for not giving up!
  12. Me too! I've been watching it off and on all day long. My kids aren't too happy that I get the TV for the next 3 days. Phil and Keegan did really well this morning. Woods and Striker, not so much. U*S*A!!
  13. Thanks everyone. I sure hope so. Unfortunately my husband has that "we live in a safe neighborhood, blah, blah, blah" attitude and it tends to rub off on the kids. It drives me nuts. I am constantly getting on him to lock his doors. He doesn't even lock the house at night I do. She is usually pretty protective when it comes to her camera. I am still holding out hope it will turn up.
  14. They were left in an unlocked car. I had told her Sunday to bring her stuff up, then Monday I told her whatever wasn't cleaned out of hers (I had to drive someone somewhere Tuesday am and didn't want her stuff all over) that I was going to take it so she shouldn't leave anything she didn't need. When I cleaned out her stuff Tuesday morning I didn't see the camera and thought she must have brought it up with her book bag and clothes and when she went to look for it she thought I had taken it as a punishment. We didn't put it together until we were getting ready to leave to go out of town unt
  15. I see this all the time when I appraise homes that have been foreclosed on. Usually the HVAC, Water heater and pipes are missing. It's quite sad really. I am sure the homeowners leave the home in decent condition (well, not all of them) but then once people notice they have been vacant a while they come in and steal what they can.
  16. So we just realized today that my daughters camera and cell phone were stolen sometime in the past week. My guess is last Sunday evening. The camera is a Canon SX30IS and her heart is just broken about it. She takes hundreds of pictures a week and photography is her passion. I took on extra work last year just to be able to afford to get it for her for Christmas. She is also a bit of an artist and there is some yellow and pink paint on one of the buttons that she didn't clean off for fear the water would damage the camera in some way. There is also more than likely a camera card in
  17. Sounds like it might be a good choice for you. I think a lot of families in your situation that had elementary age kids who go to GCA were able to finish out their grade early and start on the next grade level in the same school year. You are supposed to be able to go at your own pace. We weren't there long enough to take advantage of moving ahead quicker. I remember kids in some of my sons classes who were taking both 8th grade and high school classes.
  18. I had an 8th grader enrolled last January through the end of the school year. It worked great for us as well. I'm headed out the door now but if the child/children you are considering will be in the middle school grades I'd be happy to share more about our experience later on when I get back. They send you pretty much everything you need other than paper and pencils. They have many great field trips that you can take advantage of. They have so many resources that it can be a bit overwhelming at first trying to figure out what they all are and what will work for you. It is not for
  19. I also wanted to recommend getting on their e-mail lists. I get offers from Disney resorts and they are usually better than most deals you can find. We haven't been to Disney in several years but the last time we went we stayed at their on property value resorts for $66 a night. In fact the last two times we went to Orlando we stayed at Disney because they had the best room prices but all but one of our days were spent at Universal since their tickets are less expensive. Depending on when you are going I would recommend Mickey's Very Merry Christmas. It starts at the end of November an
  20. Firs,t I would recommend signing up with mousesavers.com. They send out an newsletter on the 15th of every month and have a great website with tons of resources when planning any kind of Disney trip. You can see what rides are closed, what hotels are offering special deals, etc.. They also have links to undercovertourist.com which almost always has the best prices on tickets. We are heading to Universal next week and I just bought our tickets from them for less than guaranteed lowest rate. If you use the mousesavers link you usually get an even better price than if you were to just go to un
  21. I tear up every this topic comes up on P.com but I love hearing the stories and hope to one day see the documentary that was made.
  22. That stinks that it wakes your baby up. I remember those days. I was always a night owl and preferred to be up late with my kids so they would sleep in a bit in the morning. Maybe you could get one of those sound machines that you plug in and plays a variety of sounds to block out outside noise. I totally see your side of things but also understand the need for the trash pickup to start early. We have trash trucks coming through our neighborhood 4 days a week at a variety of times. Our company actually comes through twice on our day~in the am for recycling and in the afternoon for tra
  23. While driving from the Library toward New Hope I saw a large sign that said HOE DOWN October 6, 6:30pm (I think that was the time) on the right hand side of the road. Anyways, I was just wondering if this is one of those long standing Paulding events that I have somehow missed over the past 10-11 years or if this is something new? Seeing the sign brought back memories of a MS/HS field trip where we learned to Square Dance in a barn and all had to wear bandana's. Does anyone have any more details?
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