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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Thanks for clarifying. I thought maybe it was just fireworks after all and that the superficial wounds were from those. Glad to hear the young man is okay, for the most part anyway. I can't imagine what it would be like to be shot at.
  2. I'm hearing a lot of what sounds like fireworks. Didn't think anything other than aren't they a few weeks early until I read this. I hope everyone is okay and nothing too serious is going on. It doesn't sound like that is going to be the case though.
  3. We had something similar happen to us a couple of years ago. I don't remember the code or the details but we ended up driving ours to CarMax on my husbands birthday and selling our van. It ran fine but every year we were having problems with a code and spending 100's to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. We are getting ready now to have a Oxygen sensor replaced in one of our current vehicles. It's been replaced 2 x already in the past but apparently there are several so it may be a different sensor this time and if we don't we won't pass. Best of luck to you! I rea
  4. We went there for 6-7 years right up until the last summer they were open and had to close early when something went wrong with the pool and they couldn't get the part in a timely manner, (actually we may have only gone once that year). Anyway, I met the lady owner a handful of times over the years and she was always very friendly. Anytime I asked for a donation for our Fall Festival basket she would donate tickets, the staff was always, always nothing but kind and nice to my children and I. We were not planning on renewing our passes anyways, as the kids had grown bored of it and with the
  5. This whole thread is kind of making me sick.
  6. There actually was mention of it in a thread a couple days ago from a Mom looking for tickets to the game so her son who now plays baseball for East could go. I expect a thread would have started today if not last night if this one hadn't have come along. My daughter also told me about it and she goes to East. Just because it is not on P.com yet doesn't mean East folks aren't proud. The younger generation doesn't hang out here but have definitely been talking it up on their social media networks the past few days. I sure wish the title would have been something more along the lines of "Way
  7. Anyone have a phone number or address for MOM's? My husband is going to take his laptop in and I would feel better giving him an address and also we want to make sure they are open today. Thanks
  8. Glad to hear the positive reviews. This is our first year with passes. We've had six flags passes the last couple of years and in the fall they offered a deal for a combo pass that was just to good to pass up. I think it was @$60 for both parks and includes parking. The coupons are great. We used a discount coupon last year that we got with our six flags passes ($9.99/person) to check out White Water last year and two of my three kids loved it. The third is more of a home body but still had a good time. I haven't made it there yet this year but hope to this week.
  9. No significant change here. I was hoping for an increase so I could do a tax appeal. Worked on a few of them last year and found them informative. Didn't do any in Paulding County but with the counties I worked with I found the county appraisers were very reasonable and professional.
  10. I saw that on facebook this morning and thought it was funny. I still haven't seen the commercial. I guess now is as good a time as any to see if I can google it.
  11. Wow, $140? I sure hope that is for more than one phone. We are with Verizon and pay around $200 for five phones. Two of them are smart phones and the other three are regular. We have unlimited text. Personally for us I need my phone for work, my kids need them to text or call me when they need to be picked up. My phone is more than just a phone for me. My boss and I call and text each other several times a day. He can also e-mail me and I will get notified right away. For work the flashlight app comes in handy (also at night when I need to get up but don't want to turn on a light), com
  12. I thought both videos were great. I didn't see where it said that dancing was against any rules and for the music to be relayed to that big of a crowd it had to be somewhat planned if not approved. Just because your smart doesn't mean your value is limited to your IQ. In today's world in a lot of career paths it is important to know how to get and keep peoples attention and both of these kids did that. If you disagree with the kid who danced because you think he broke a rule then you have to disagree with the kid who ripped up his "approved" speech and said the Fathers Prayer instead
  13. Kind of a confusing article if you ask me. At one point he says if you have it that "the cause" is the best cure for it? Then at the top it has an update that says he didn't necessarily get it from that way but that it was one way to get it.
  14. Congrats! How exciting. I have a brother that works in the entertainment industry. Not an easy place to get into but once you get your foot in things usually start happening. Your daughter is beautiful by the way. If I was in NY I would definitely check out her show.
  15. I too found a tick on my stomach. It happened a few weeks ago and I was surprised it was a tick. I had been in class all day and had only been outside for a couple minutes when I took the dogs out to go to the bathroom. When I first noticed on my stomach I thought it was just something (not a bug) sticking to me and had no idea how it got there. When I couldn't wipe it off I looked closer and then noticed it was a tick. Creepy. Haven't found any on the dogs thank goodness!
  16. I worry about this too. I was recently doing an appraisal south of Atlanta and was surprised when I could not find an active listing in the area my Subject was in. We drove around looking to see if we could find one and saw dozens of for rent and for lease signs but not one for sale that was similar to our Subject. It is not that we place weight on what is currently for sale but it is nice to show the clients an example of what else is available.
  17. Appraisal values are based on recent sales, not a percentage of the listing price. I'm just finished working on an appraisal that came in 25K over the contract price, which was 13K over the asking price. I also had one a few weeks ago that came in 20K lower than the contract, which was for 5K over the asking price. I was asked to look for more comparable sales on this one and the sales I found, if used would actually bring the value down even more. Our office worked long and hard on that one trying to make sure we weren't missing anything. If the sales are there to support the value there
  18. I am an appraiser and I have never had a client tell me to be conservative or otherwise. Appraisals are not opinions of value but are based on recent comparable sales. We are going through the opposite situation as we did when the market started going South a few years back. When as homes prices were falling the values were slower in coming down. Now they are slower in coming up, but as the number of sales and sales prices increase the appraisal values will start to follow. Our office has had a few appraisals recently that didn't make the contract price. Sometimes the buyer comes up with
  19. My husband is one of those men who wears those outfits when he goes to the SCT. You would think after 20+ years I would be used to them but I think they look funny to. I get their utility and when he goes out he is usually gone from the house for 3-4 hours and sometimes rides over 40 miles. I tried to do the bike thing with him when I was younger and it was hard trying to find a pair of those shorts that I thought looked cool. They were comfortable though.
  20. How sad that there are people as judgemental and close-minded as you. It doesn't shock me that there are but it sure makes me sad.
  21. I don't see how lifting the ban on gay boys to be in the Boys Scouts sends the message that they are okay with "young men having sex with other men". If you think that is the case then do you think allowing heterosexual boys into the Boy Scouts sends the message that it is okay for young men to be having sex with women? Young men (boys) shouldn't be having sex period.
  22. I'll be honest I caught a little of her plea the other day and it sounded odd. She was talking about how she wanted to start a book club, help teach inmates to read and get recycling going. She actually sounded kind of blah, not like she really meant it but on the other hand not like she didn't either.
  23. It is so nice to hear a bus driver say they love their job. I know it's not an easy job and the pay does not adequately show how valuable drivers are. Thanks!
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