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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. That is awesome news. I had asked if they would get them earlier in the summer and the lady I spoke to said they wouldn't be due to the cost. I'm glad to hear it is in the works. I got a Kindle Fire for my birthday back in May and have spent maybe 30 minutes because I can't bear the the thought of paying $10 plus dollars for a digital book.
  2. While I agree that it is ridiculous how far back those people started going down the wrong lane I also find it crazy to sit in a backed up line when the turn lane is empty and no one is coming. After reading about the tickets people on here have gotten I am afraid to drive in the gore but I occasionally still do. However I would NEVER start as far back. I always wait until only maybe two of my tires touch the yellow "gore" area and I am still looking all over for a cop and praying I don't get pulled over for it.
  3. Me either . Sadly been here over 10 years and that still doesn't help. I just don't make it to that area although I have a feeling I have probably driven in that area a few times over the years.
  4. I thought this was going to be a ban in schools when I first saw the title. While I don't agree with this ban I will say I was talking with my Dr. the other day about how big people are these days. And not just adults, kids too. He said the only way to lose weight in America is to leave~lol. He gave an example of a friend of his from another country who moved here for a period of time when he was younger and gained 50lbs, then moved back to his home country and lost it all, then came here to retire and gained it all back. He said it is the way our foods are processed. I also happen to
  5. I saw it as well. Even Simon got chocked up. I really like the Garcia girl who was 19 and sang that Oh-la-la song. And does anyone know what was up with that guy who sang with Britney years ago? That was kind of weird. The kids and I watched it again tonight and that 13 year old girl was AMAZING!! I couldn't get into this show last year but I am already hooked on this season. Simon and Demi crack me up~~him with his "Stay away from Niles, he's pure" talk~ so sweet. I did not realize One Direction had some out of the X-factor. My daughter says that they didn't win but they do seem
  6. I'll admit that I was unaware of the curfew law. I assumed there was one but other than my band daughter getting home late after an away football game the curfew talk hasn't come up in our house. If my kids are out that late they are either spending the night at a friends or with me (like when we attend a midnight movie release). There must be loopholes though because I see a ton of kids at those midnight movie releases (like for Harry Potter, Batman, The Hunger Games, etc..). As for the no passenger law I knew about. For whatever reason my 15 year old has gotten lazy about getting her
  7. I doubt it. The kids last year were Seniors. These kids are 16 and according to the article were kicked out of EPHS earlier this year. Sounds to me like they were ticked off and wanted to something destructive. My daughter said that park of the Graffiti said something about South which could be there wanting some blame to go to our new principals former High School ( I think she came from SPHS). She said that although it was covered up there was at least one painting of a certain male body part. This did not sound at all like what happened last year. I'm glad it didn't end up being
  8. It may have been EPHS Students but why does everyone jump to that assumption without any word that there is proof? It could be a rival school or just some idiots thinking it might be funny to see if they can get everyone riled up after last year. My daughter is part of the class of 2015 and she and her friends all thought it was pretty stupid of the kids who did it last year to do what they did. I find it hard to believe that the students at EPHS would be so stupid as to do something like this after what happened last year. If that turns out to be the case I will be very disappoint
  9. Does anyone know if the Henna Tattoo stand is still there today and what the price range is? TIA
  10. We were there yesterday from about 7:45 am to noon. I started watching the video but really have to get back to work and then church. It was fun though. I tried to find someone who was there last year but didn't see him. He was selling wood cutting boards and I was hoping to get one. My daughter wants to go back today and get one of those Henna tatoo's but first she needs to make some moolah to pay for it~~anyone know how much they run and if they are still there today? I'd hate to drive her out there for that reason only and not have them be there today.
  11. I used be the type to always give someone the benefit of the doubt but the older I got the more suspicious I have become and I am sorry to say but this sounds fishy to me. I am wondering if they officially change their address to yours and the post office recognizes it then somehow they think this is going to benefit them in some way. I just can't see why she would use your address unless she thought it would be to her/their advantage.
  12. I have both Firefox and IE and I am always getting those IE has stopped working messages when I am using it. I have hesitated removing it all together because although Firefox is great nearly all of the time there is one site I use a lot and it is not supposed to be Firefox compatible. I haven't had problems too often when I forget and log into it using firefox but there have been several e-mail warnings that there are some compatibility issues and that I may lose work. If I remember correctly it isn't compatible with Chrome either. It's nice to hear great things about Chrome though. I ju
  13. I've noticed them in New Hope and at the Crossroads. I actually think they look nice and there was a business on one of them that I didn't realize was there. I don't think they are filled up yet because they are still selling the space. They don't look electronic to me and they look much classier than those signs that some businesses and people stick in the ground and on the utility poles. I don't mind garage sale signs as long as they are taken up once the sale is over. Same thing with political signs.
  14. How sad. I heard someone, a brother or family member taking on the Bert Show and it sounded like she was doing okay. The Bert Show was discussing how her husbands co-workers had asked the school board if they could donate their sick or time-off days to him so he could be with his wife and they refused. The relative said they understood the decision and he talked about a fund that had been set up for their expenses, one of which sounded like either getting a house that would be more suited to Hannah's condition or making changes to the one they had. So sorry to hear she passed.
  15. Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you and everything going on since I read about this. I have said before that I wouldn't hesitate to call the cops on anyone if I thought they were hurting my kids. My husband was once a juror on an abuse case and he couldn't believe the wife was there supporting her abusive husband. I feel sorry for these people. I know it's a free country, but I wish the law had the power to stop abusers from being able to have any more children. I would love to meet that judge one day~he sounds like he's in the perfect line of work.
  16. I would but not in a way were I would be up in her room reading it everyday or week or even month for that matter. If you don't have a good reason to be checking your child's journal on a regular basis it seems like your just reading it to be nosey or curious. My only interest would be in finding out if something is going on that I should know about. I think I would honestly have to have a reason. The last time I read my daughters 'diary" and I use that term loosely because although the girl probably hasn't written in one in years she has about a dozen she started in elementary school tha
  17. This past week I got a Kroger Credit card which gives me an extra .25 off a gallon for the first 90 days and I was telling someone how I wish I had had it a when I was up in Cartersville earlier in the week and found gas for $3.23/gallon (when I got back here it was $3..55). They mentioned that they and some of their friends used to use Kroger gas because they could get it cheaper (when they were traveling for work) but then realized that the quality of the gas was inferior to Quicktrip. She said that the gas mileage they get when the fill up at QT is better than when they were using Kroger.
  18. I wouldn't want a repeat of the floods but I do love a good storm. Hopefully it won't bypass us totally. I also think we could use a bit of rain.
  19. My youngest and third child just started band. With the first child we went to band night and rented a trumpet through their rent to own program. When I got home looked at the paperwork and figured out it was going to end up costing us close to $1,000 for a used instrument, I started shopping elsewhere. I used that initial rental period to shop for one on Craigslist and ended up getting a trumpet for $65. By the time the second kid came along I knew to start shopping the summer before he started 6th grade. He wanted to play the Clarinet. We spent some time in Florida with family over
  20. I've actually enjoyed the last few seasons. I liked Steven Tyler better than I expected to, same with J-Lo but Steven was only really good for one season. I think the talent has been great and am glad the show has continued after Simon's departure. I do agree it has not been the same since he left, well he and Paula. She was entertaining. I love Phillip Phillips and hear his song all the time. Of course I wouldn't be too upset if it ended. I have to many tv shows that I like to watch now as it is.
  21. We've lived in Paulding a little over 10 years. I like it enough but I'm not really attached to it here. I just feel most at home near the Ocean, or any large body of water. I can't really explain it. We won't be moving until the kids are out of school and even then I don't know. If they feel an attachment, and I am not so sure that they do, I would want them to have someplace to come home to. I changed schools quite a few times as a kid and love the my kids have all attended the same schools from the time they entered Kindergarten until now (they are in 6th, 9th, 10th). If anyone is at
  22. I graduated back in 86 and we got ours before our senior year, I think it was in the spring of our sophomore year we got them. To me it makes total sense. You wear them longer, In your junior year you have the expense of Prom and the ACT or SAT( we also got our letterman sweater or jacket that year since that was when most of us earned our Varsity letter) and then your Senior year you have all the graduation expenses as well as another Prom, college application fee's etc.... I never even looked at it as a "Senior" ring, it was considered a "Class Ring" which in my case represented not only
  23. We went for lunch one day last week. We were seated right away, the waitress was nice and the chips were colorful but stale and the service although friendly was a little slow but that is to be expected with a new place. I wasn't wild about the food but good customer service goes a long way for me so I will go back and try something else next time.
  24. If I get another ticket I don't think I'll bother going to court. Both times in my adult life when I went to court not only was I there for hours but they offered a deal, The first was I could either take the points or the fine. I took the fine. This was @ 20 years ago in SC. Everyone was talking about how the judge was in a foul mood (understandably~his teenage son had recenlty died). I was young and scared and couldn't afford it but opted to take the fine over the points. The second ticket I got in Cobb near the older WM several years back (on Black Friday) for going something like 50 i
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