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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. The last cruise we took was a Princess out of Seattle to Alaska (Inside Passage). It was AWESOME. A word to the wise, however - DO NOT book a cabin without a good view!!! It was cool and breezy, and the scenery is beyond stunning, so we spent many an hour with our draperies open staring out the sliding glass doors. That's the only Princess I've ever been on, and we were pleased. A bunch of folks got the norovirus, but we just washed our hands scrupulously and kept hands away from our mouths and eyes, and we were fine. The crew were fanatical about wiping down surfaces all over the ship w
  2. I've only been to LV once, and that was because I was meeting up with my parents for a trip out west (I flew; they drove). I went in one of the big name casinos just to see what they were like, and the single biggest shock to me was all the older people sitting around in sweats and muumuus feeding the slot machines like zombies. I thought it very sad. Edited to add that the single scariest thing was when I realized you can play slots with your credit card. YE GODS!!!!!!!
  3. Wow. I do not even know what to say, except that I will very definitely be praying for her and for her family.
  4. Thank you...it was the right thing to do. Good luck on yours! Glad you found the free paperwork. Yeah, I don't blame you for talking to a paralegal for wording in your case...even though you probably want to say "because he's a deadbeat loser who should be kicked in the head by a mule".
  5. OK, gotta ask...what's QFT? Also, to the poster who had to testify - not to be a nosy nellie, but can you give your perspective?
  6. Excellent advice. My main advice would dovetail with #1 on this list - DO NOT go with one of the cost-cutter cruises (i.e., Carnival 2-for-1 cruise)...I had to do this for a former job (we were entertaining clients), and it was like being marooned with a bunch of trailer park trash. Hideous experience. Good tip as well re: avoiding smoke-filled casinos. The better lines will have more discreet casinos; the slummier ones will have mega-casinos you have to walk through to get anywhere on the ship. Very annoying.
  7. That, my friend, is awesomeness. Yeah, I didn't get that, either. I mean, if it was so all-fired important to them, why didn't they schedule an event there?
  8. I had heard that the state has raised a LOT of fees by a LOT of money, so I'm guessing that's the diff. (Like notary going from $37 to $162 or some such crap.) My sister did it in Floyd Co., and she was very nervous, but the clerk told her what to do and gave her the forms. She did the newspaper thing, and when she went before the judge, the judge just signed everything and didn't give her any grief. Now, her situation is different from yours...the baby's father had been killed in a car accident; they were going to get married, but never did, so she had the baby's name changed to the fathe
  9. You know, I wish all you people would stop with the logic and common sense in these topics lately! Geez...you're making entirely too much sense!
  10. Oh, come on...you're just talking crazy now.
  11. My father quit cold turkey many moons ago, and he said that even years later he would smell one and want to smoke (he's one of those types who LOVED smoking). But he never did...he said the thought of the good of quitting was way better than wanting to smoke. Man, there's a lot of quitters here at Pcom! I must say again - y'all are awesome.
  12. $207? DANG gooberment. My sister had my nephew's name changed last summer and her cost was $82 for court papers (she did it pro se...the court clerk will tell you what to do, IIRC), plus the ad to run 4 weeks in her local paper, which was a little over $150, I think. Good luck. I'm so sorry the little feller's loser sperm donor threw away such a treasure in favor of crap, but very glad that your husband loves him.
  13. I'd call down to DOC headquarters in Atlanta and tell them what you need. I know they have some long-timers down there, and I should think they'd be good for some very good info. They could at least point you to the right direction. I'd start at the top (Commissioner's office) and work my way down. Also, suck up to the secretaries who answer the phone. That always helps.
  14. What does "uff da" mean? Saith the native Georgian. Sounds like y'all have found a very nice place to live.
  15. Oh, I think if you watched the interview with the dad, she'd be mega-motivated to do a good job. She's a very good kid (nationally-ranked chess player, honor society, etc.), and from the way he sounded, they'd make SURE she did a good job.
  16. What he said. I would have had a cow as well, and I am behind your idea 100%. I would, however, be all grovelly and sweetie-sweet in a pleading way with the imaging place if you have to pay it to see if they'll reduce it.
  17. WOW!!!!!!! That is awesomeness!!!!!!! Didn't Mrs. B quit recently as well? I think y'all should keep a running thread of encouragement. Truly, y'all are da bomb!!! I have never smoked, but I know from my dad and others just how hard it is to quit. He did it, and I know y'all can, too. WAY. TO. GO!!!!!!! :yahoo: :clapping: I have read that you can see (if you were inside your lungs, that is) a noticeable improvement in the lung tissue after just a week or so of not smoking. The body has marvelous abilities to heal itself, and y'all are encouraging me to eat healthier
  18. That's one reason I like to take all my stuff tot he Thrift Store in Paulding Plaza...because like a dozen places give vouchers that they honor, and you can't beat that.
  19. Yes, indeedy. If you want something screwed up (except the military most of the time), assign it to the gooberment. GRRR...
  20. As DGITW would say, it's awesomeness.
  21. Good heavens...a month! I think I would have had to visit her after a couple of weeks.
  22. Yeah, don't be litterin' up the back yard like that. I vote dump. Or ditch. Or some slimy pond somewhere. Ewww...
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