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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, what with the gutless wonders in DC and the nincompoop do-nothings here at home, I'm right there with you. DANG. Which is why I'm voting PERSON, not PARTY.
  2. I must say that I have a fair amount of book learnin' and a fair amount of common sense (not by nature, but because both my parents are ultra-common-sensical, I absorbed a fair amount by osmosis...). However, I find that I have an even bigger amount of stupid trivial knowledge, like who starred in what movie, etc.
  3. I'm sort of tired of seeing her (Bristol), but somebody said cast members get paid $100,000 per episode, so I can't blame her for doing it. She's got a kid to raise.
  4. Nice pic! We do love our hummer babies!
  5. Oh, that one is CLASSIC!!! Has to be in my top 5 favorites.
  6. Fun unless you're sitting in the ER getting vials of antivenin pumped into you! And yes, I saw a snake yesterday. We have an enclosed garage, and as I backed the car out into the sunshine I saw something moving on the hood...it was a SNAKE!!! It raised its head up and looked around and slowly slithered off the car onto the ground. Creeped me out, but it wasn't poisonous venomous...it was a rat snake. Still weren't too happy that it was in the garage. We keep it closed unless we're working outside, but I'm sure they can get in the tiniest of cracks.
  7. Cute. You might be a little lighter in the wallet for stuff like this, but you will never regret it.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA That right there is hilarious. hahahahahahahaaha
  9. RE: Weatherboy - you totally crack me up, dude! RE: naturegirl's cleaning method - I would totally use this great piece after cleaning this way. I love vinegar...it can be use for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things, and is safe and natural as well.
  10. Thanks (duh)...didn't take time to watch the whole thing. Yeah, getting her back from Indonesia might be a trifle more difficult than that girl I know getting her kid back from a deadbeat loser in Alabama. Sad, sad.
  11. Do they think it was stranger abduction or the father/his relatives? If it's any consolation, a girl in my hometown looked for her kid for 10 years before finding him and having his goob of a father arrested. Cannot imagine.
  12. Well, from what I read just now in a cursory look, most of ours go to Central America, not South America, but they do cross the Gulf in a single flight (18-20 hours). Amazing.
  13. My all-time favorite is the one where Andy and Barney go up to the Darlings' house because Ernest T. wants to marry Charlene because he says she's not really married to Dud because it wasn't a church wedding. HILARIOUS!!! (I have a Robert E. Lee Memorial Bridge at the back of my property. ) Citizen's arrest is another favorite. The one where Andy cleaned up Ernest T. and tried to fob him off as civilized was hilarious as well. "HowDoYouDoMrsWiley." HAHAHAHA Any of the ones with Ernest T., the Darlings and/or Gomer. Barney was absolutely CLASSIC in that show. He won a ton
  14. They'll be leaving any day now for their trip to Central and/or South America. Many of ours just go straight to South America. Get this - the adults don't fly with the first-year babies, but somehow they know exactly where to go. But it's just evolution, right? Anyhoo, they can leave as early as now, but sometimes they stay later. One year a few years ago - maybe the year several hurricanes came through at once, and Ivan flooded Vinings? - anyhoo, that year, they didn't leave till late in October, and we wondered if it was because they knew the hurricanes were right in their flight pat
  15. She is doing the RIGHT THING. Sometimes the grief is just so great, and the pain so deep, that the body just cannot function like it should. I will pray for her to find healing and peace.
  16. Excellent, awesome news. You will be in my prayers.
  17. Cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! I love when they get that sad, pathetic, I'm-gonna-starve-any-minute-if-you-don't-give-me-some-of-that look, esp. when their tummies are poking out from eating so much already.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. And I hate it, but I pretty much agree with you.
  19. Read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. ELF and their ilk certainly don't have a problem burning entire subdivisions from time to time, and that's not helpful to the environment. But I'm guessing the eco culture is probably 20% true believers and 80% wackos who just want to foment trouble.
  20. I have thought the same thing before...don't like being so cynical, but there it is. Well, go on - spill your guts, girl!
  21. Wow. I will pray for both of you. I am WELL-acquainted with grief, but not the same as yours. I firmly believe that the grief of losing a child is the deepest, most anguishing, awful, horrible grief we can suffer on this earth. Don't let anybody tell you different, and certainly don't let anybody tell you that it's been long enough to get on with your life. When you think you can stand it, read Zig Ziglar's marvelous book "Confessions of a Grieving Christian"...he wrote it after the death of his daughter, and it really spoke to my heart (and my grief wasn't even the same). God bless you
  22. I have no idea, BUT I would like to see some true investigation BEFORE everybody starts running to the microphones saying oh, it's not terrorism, blah blah blah. Whether it really is terrorism - I think we've had an awful lot of trouble in the past few years with refinery fires/explosions, and now these two oil rig explosions. There are a lot of folks (eco nuts, al Qaeda types, lone ranger nuts, etc.) who would like to see us in even bigger trouble re: obtaining energy, and in general disarray. I just think it's a creepy coincidence, and I generally don't believe in coincidences when it co
  23. Watch as the FBI spokesperson rushes out and says there is no evidence of terrorism; just an accident...move right along...in 5...4...3...2............
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