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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Very sweet thoughts, and happy birthday (late).
  2. I've heard about the massive infestation in other places, and I've not had a problem. AND DON'T WANT ONE!!! Ugh. ::runningtocheckunderbed::
  3. Good move. Actions (or inactions) have consequences. It's best to learn that when you're little 'cause it hurts a heck of a lot more when you're big.
  4. ::checkingalloverbodyforsmalllumps:: Yeah, I'm creeped out now.
  5. I'm assuming you mean the building that was already there and they've been doing some work on the inside? I've been wondering what it is as well. I noticed that somebody also cut the grass on the empty corner lot next to Auto Zone (I love that store), and I was hoping something would be going in there, but I've seen no sign of anything. I did see a couple of Chick-fil-A guys in a company car walk from McDonald's over to the empty corner lot as if they were checking things out, but that was like TWO YEARS ago, so I don't know if that means anything or not. But come to think of it, there's n
  6. Well, you would have much more room to move about, and see more people. But the hair!
  7. Yeah, I am also missing the correlation between a strip club and kids/choking game. Two things about the comment about churches keeping it out - a) Most churches won't bother to do anything, and 2) if the church members wouldn't patronize said establishment, I'm guessing it wouldn't remain viable. (And yes, I'm an evangelical Christian. I know whereof I speak.)
  8. Yeah, I've been mulling this over as well. My behavior around my nephews has never altered, although their behavior has (they try to get out of the hugs as they get older, but I just squeeze them tighter...).
  9. I'm sorry to say that I have found MUCH MUCH MUCH Christian fiction to be utter crap. Not so much in the content (although some plots, certainly), but esp. in the writing style. ACK!!! But I have read several things of late that were much better, and then a few on par with any good writer out there. So maybe publishing houses are recruiting better writers.
  10. Oh, I hope he can stay. What a treasure he has been!
  11. Ooh, a two-fer! I guessed at the iron one, and I already knew the sugars one.
  12. For those of us who don't have time to research, what was Milanese's question, and what was Kirby's reply? If you don't mind, that is.
  13. I can't think why she didn't step aside prior to the run-off for two reasons: a) How do you keep this issue from distracting you from your campaign and future job; and 2) How in God's name can you function doing something as stressful as campaigning (I know it's county politics instead of national, but still) while all this is going on with your family? Guilty or not, it seems like it would just rip out your insides and not leave any energy or anything left to do anything but focus on this. I'm not saying she should have stepped aside...that's her choice. I just don't know how she managed
  14. I first heard of these nutters in the AJC story about the $300 billion in fake bonds. WHAT A MAROON!!! So anyhoo, I had to look up what a sovereign citizen is, and DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG...these folks truly are WHACK!
  15. Ugh. I've never thought it seemed glamorous...seems more like being a waitress in a confined space in the air to me. That's not to say it wouldn't have its advantages...it's just not something I ever wanted to do.
  16. I have four bushes that the previous owners planted...they are up against the house on the south side. They receive partial shade, and that protects them, too, from late frosts, etc. Anyhoo, they are MARVELOUS. The bushes themselves are gorgeous plants, and color in fall is indeed lovely. Mine are in loamy slightly acidic soil, and they are humongous. They are as tall as the eaves of the house, and would grow taller, but I keep pruning back. (Read Walter Reeves or somebody to see how to prune correctly to not adversely affect berry production.) I think the most I've ever gotten in a sea
  17. I just read about what this is (story in today's AJC about some idiot caught with $300 BILLION in fake bonds and claimed to be a sovereign citizen)...I had never heard of it. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG...talk about a bunch of nutters!
  18. I have one of those...sweet! I think I tuned in on Channel 3, but it's whichever comes in clearest.
  19. Hey, that's awesome! We've been praying for her. What is the arm surgery for?
  20. Oh, please. The UN isn't going to do anything, and neither are we. That and worse happened in Rwanda, Darfur, Bosnia, and Kosovo. Then, there's Saddam's feeding people into giant plastic shredders. It makes me sick (quite literally...I will throw up if I focus on it too much) I personally think we could swing a lot of weight even aside of military action if we decided to get involved. sigh
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