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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Yeppers...it is dysfunctional to say the least.
  2. Excellent point. They can send kids home with a 1/4" hole in their jeans or give ISS for lying, but heaven forbid that they do some real leg work. (I'm not trashing all teachers/administrators. I'm just sayin'...things ain't like they used to be.)
  3. WORD. How is it that as a society we have become so thin-skinned? Reminds me of the threads about the ATV wrecks where somebody said it's not cool that the 28-year-old was DUI with a 13-year-old kid on the ATV and people said oh, please, the family's suffering, don't say anything about this! Huh? I don't get it. Things are what they are. We do nobody any service by not talking about things. RE: bullies - again...what's with the thin skins? I get that it's not pleasant being bullied, believe me. But immature threats on FB isn't going to solve anything, or make them stop bullying
  4. NY Gal, when I hear the stories of folks like you, I get even sicker thinking about it. Of people who went to funeral after funeral after funeral, knowing that the people died for nothing...because of pure evil. My heart is heavy on your behalf.
  5. Ooh, Sym's! I was in NYC years ago and a friend wanted to stop there (this was in Westchester County, if memory serves). It was messy, but I got THE BEST winter all-weather fleece-lined jacket for way less than full cost, and the stores down here don't carry ones that heavy. Man, them thar yankees know how to dress for cold!
  6. I FULLY understand why they might not want to eat homemade stuff from someone they don't know, but that makes me sad. But GREAT IDEA, FBBC! I live near the station behind Kroger on Burnt Hickory...I think I'll stop in there with 3-year-old nephew one day and see what they'd like (homemade or not).
  7. Yeah, a good number of years ago. I wasn't impressed, but maybe it's different now. But then, I don't do well at places like TJ Maxx/Marshall's/Ross, either...too much stuff all jumbled together.
  8. I will NEVER forget. I am watching the original footage on MSNBC.
  9. Somebody else vomiting. I can be feeling just fine, but if I hear someone else retching, it's all I can do not to follow suit.
  10. Holy crap! I guess you get what you pay for. RE: cowboys sitting in their saddles all day - yeah, but they can get off any time they want, and they're not lined up 23" from the next cowboy! EWWWWWWWWWWW. Y'all can fly like this, but I ain't gonna.
  11. I have to say - this one thing means the WORLD to these kids and they don't even know it. They may never know how much more awesome their lives are because of your good example. Hang in there...you're going to find a way, I know it.
  12. Agreed on letting Friendly Geek help you. But nobody's mentioned beating your kid with a stick. Did you?
  13. Bless your heart. Sounds like you are OVER IT!!! I don't have any kids, so I can't give you any personal advice, but I can tell you about my parents (the best EVER). They gave us copious amounts of love and discipline, and we grew up to be responsible human beans and good citizens. When they said something, they stood by it. I think Momof3's advice is FANTASTIC (and NC-17's as well)...this is the sort of thing my parents did, and they stood by it. I did think of one thing that may help you be firm with them, and that is this: you are not doing them any favors by doing everything for
  14. Yeah, this is where I wound up after I read the second article.
  15. Resistance is futile...I would be assimilated. In addition to which, I'd just break my bonds and knock you in the head to get my wallet before stepping over your unconscious body to get out the door with my fifty-eleven books. Seriously, next time I'm in Powder Springs (I'm there at least once a year...) I'll check y'all out. I do love me some books and regular book stores!
  16. Hey, I love the Adopt A Road idea! I'm going to call the DOT. I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me to ask about it, because I know other areas have them. And fitandbfree - you are CORRECT.
  17. Yeah, I'm a-thinkin' there's some backstory to this that Mr. Lazy-Arse Reporter didn't feel like writing. (Or Mr. Lazy-Arse Editor didn't feel like including.) And the dog didn't even die! Yeah, somethin's up...
  18. YES!!! YES, WE SHOULD, DAMMIT!!! It ain't fair! (a little smart-arsery there...heh) Well, crap...you, too, with the common sense! It is spreading! GAH!
  19. She has two hearts??? Sorry...sometimes my sick twisted freak mind just can't resist. RE: Mayo - from what I can tell (no experience, personal or otherwise) it's a well-regarded institution. I'd check into the FL option just because of distance as well. But whatever you do, BE PRO-ACTIVE in your (his) medical care. Just because a dr. says something doesn't mean you have to do it if it doesn't seem right to you.
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA That's exactly what I would have done! (I pulled over to the side of the road one day because my mother didn't fasten her seatbelt - she ususally does but wasn't thinking - and my toddler nephew was in the car and I felt an example had to be made of her. ) Yeah, I can't go with that throwing trash out the window.
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