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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. IIRC, we had put Animal in charge of talking to the workers and seeing about holding elected officials' feet to the fire on this. We need a status report from him.
  2. I always donate to the thrift store in Paulding Plaza...they take vouchers from like a dozen places, including the women's shelter, the pregnancy center, etc.
  3. Can't speak to the Nook about this, but if you get the Kindle, I forgot to mention that you'd do well to get a cover. You can get a decent one for $30, but of course you can pay more for nicer ones as well. I'd read the reviews, though...some are definitely better than others, and not necessarily by price.
  4. My mom has a Kindle, and we love it! Cons: You're not holding a real book. I'm such a purist that I just prefer real books. I remember going to the library when I was a kid (and the bookmobile coming by as well - we lived out in the country) and just absorbing the smells in the stacks and the delight of finding new books, and rediscovering old favorites. Pros: a) It will hold hundreds of books. 2) Amazon has thousands of free books available for Kindle...I've downloaded about 1300 for my mother...everything from Classics (complete works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Shakespeare,
  5. Oh, so there is something up here in our end of the county! Now if we could just get the work restarted.
  6. Good Lord...I just need to go to bed for a few days and hibernate. Between this and the kid in the car wreck, I'm bawling my eyes out this weekend. And I don't even know them. But the beautiful thing about prayer is that it doesn't matter if we know people or are half a world away...God knows them and He's there with them. And so I continue to pray God's comfort and mercy and grace on their lives. ::headedofftobedwithboxofkleenex:: :cray:
  7. I've heard of the Quiverfull thingy, but I don't know much about them. Seriously? No adopting? How stupid is that??? I agree with Riograce...all children are treasures, and how much of a blessing it is to those who don't have a home for someone to take them in!!! My siblings are adopted, and this issue is near and dear to my heart. My life would have been so empty without them.
  8. Good heavens! If the hyacinths are worse than the irises at multiplying, that is a disaster! I love the irises, but they do like to breed like rabbits.
  9. Amen and amen, sir. I pray God's mercy and comfort on these folks. I don't have children, but I truly believe that the loss of a child is the deepest, most hideous grief a person could suffer here on this earth.
  10. Meh. You're gonna have to go some to beat the dude with a gun riding a horse down 278.
  11. You said a mouthful there, sister.
  12. This would be my major reason for not having any more. They escaped (so far) with Josie's health intact, but the next one might not be so lucky/blessed.
  13. Man, oh man...I just read this in the AJC, and I feel sick. I am so sorry. I will keep all these folks in my prayers. My heart is broken.
  14. I'd be interested to see what you find out. I've never heard of them being on any sort of government assistance, although I don't follow them closely, so they certainly could have been. It's my understanding that they own several car dealerships/storage buildings/office buildings/whatever and that that's where their income is from. I personally can't fathom a family like that, but to each his own.
  15. Amen to that, sir. My heroes...they risk their lives every time they leave the fire station. God bless!
  16. Please, God, make it so. Dang, but I'm tired of this dryness. I can take the heat, but I do so hate to see things drying out like they are.
  17. Hey, thanks for totally making me cry right before I go to bed. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  18. Well, you did, but I'd prefer to wait till after Labor Day to talk any more. Like Madea, I am sick to death of talking politics right now...I just wanna curl up with some good books (not about politics) for a few days. But in answer to your initial post, yes, I am willing to give Avery a chance. I voted for Zell the second go-round, but other than that, haven't voted for a Democrat in a very long time. I do vote the person, and not the party.
  19. I'm so sorry. As Madea, et al, said, anger is part of the process. I just hate it. Such a waste.
  21. OK, Nosy Nellie here wants to know why...the only thing I can think of is the possibility of carrying some disease or other from your birds to birds in chicken houses?
  22. I use them, and have been VERY happy with their service for 10 years. I think it's $18.95/mo. for the first year? (I pay mine a year at a time, and it's $19.95/mo.) When I first signed up with them, I was living in Smyrna and that house had ADT previously. So I called ADT, Brinks, and somebody else I forget right now. Couldn't get ANYBODY to talk to me. Finally remembered Ackerman, called tehm, and hooked me up pronto with no issues. When I moved here 7 years ago, this house needed some additional wiring for the alarm system...they sent out a guy to design what needed to be where, anoth
  23. Are you sure you're a die-hard Democrat?
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