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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Thank you! I knew that some do that, but had no idea Pumpkinvine was one of them. Yer smarrrt!
  2. Ravelry.com. Yes, you will be addicted, so don't bother going there.
  3. I'm not getting a good picture of this...there's also a bridge over Pumpkinvine Creek on 41 in Bartow County. Wouldn't the headwaters (laughing at headwaters for a creek) be north of there?
  4. Excellent advice. The idea of keeping a journal of your symptoms is great, because it will give you a black/white something to hand to the dr.
  5. OK, now, see, I was with you up till right there. Them's fightin' words. However, I will say that the only Waffle House I like is the one at Brookstone over on Mars Hill, which ain't exactly a slummy part of town. So, ok.
  6. Happy happy, Joy joy! Very sweet thought of sharing the bouquet, too.
  7. AWESOME pics! Thanks for sharing. I like the ones with both of you and all the kids. Also - this is the perfect illustration of how to have a very nice wedding without a lot of folderol and hoopla and $$$$$. What a nice wedding! And I, too, love the colors...very individual.
  8. Well, Jesus said it, and the point is just what NC-17 said...that we shouldn't expect people in church to be perfect, or else why would they need to be in church? Just as healthy people don't need a doctor, perfect people don't need God. There are no perfect people; hence, all people need God. Here is the actual passage from Luke 5 (New International Version): 27After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, 28and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. 29Then Levi held a great banquet for J
  9. From Bible Gateway: Quick Search Results: gossip Keyword search results 10 Results Showing results from: 1. Proverbs 11:13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret. Proverbs 11:12-14 (in Context) Proverbs 11 (Whole Chapter) 2. Proverbs 16:28 A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. Proverbs 16:27-29 (in Context) Proverbs 16 (Whole Chapter) 3. Proverbs 18:8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts. Proverbs 18:7-9 (in Cont
  10. OK, I've been mulling this over. You make an EXCELLENT point. And I agree, to a point. Where the behavior begins to cause a serious disruption (don't know if this one would classify; wasn't there) is where it should be addressed, IMHO. Obvious best answer would be to have the parents sit with/near the kids and make them behave. But you are absotively correct. Jesus said, after all, that healthy people aren't the ones who need a doctor...sick ones do.
  11. Or Ephesians 6:4 (New Living Translation): "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord."
  12. Pre-K? I probably wouldn't, but that's just me. I like the cupcake to school idea, but then some kid probably has peanut allergies and they won't let you bring cupcakes because maybe you sprayed the muffin tin with cooking spray that had been manufactured in a plant that formerly had some peanut oil in it at one time. Also, based on Momof3's thread about her son's birthday party, you probably need to poll every kid to see where they would like the party and what specific foods they would like served. That way, you can be certain of pleasing everybody. PEOPLE ARE NUTS, I'm tellin' you!
  13. NO, it is not just you. What was it you said in that other thread that I said I'm gonna quote for 80% of my responses from now on? Oh, yeah...PEOPLE ARE NUTS.
  14. Sorry...keep tryin'. I'm still waitin' on you to better the guy riding down 278 on a horse with a long gun storyline.
  15. :angry: OH NO HE DI'EH'!!!!!!! If I were a guy, I think I'd have had to restrain myself from punching the guy's lights out. But I'm a girl, so I would have had to settle for giving him a withering look and a tongue-lashing he wouldn't soon forget. OHHHH, the incivility of some people. I think my head just exploded. (Of course, you were at Denny's. )
  16. I think I will adopt this as my default post on about 80% of topics anywhere. (I'm only laughing to keep from crying.)
  17. I'd have said something to them as well. Did the parents give you grief? Whatever anybody thinks about making kids attend church, IF they are there, they should behave like civilized human beans.
  18. Congratulations!!! I'm glad all went well. I think this thread needs some pics, though. I'm very happy for you.
  19. Don't know how to change the title. But what's important is for you to be assertive and make sure you feel comfortable with the medical personnel. If you think it's important, don't let them blow you off. BTW - why are you just now finding out about a leaky heart thing? Did they not tell you, or did they send the report to somewhere you didn't get it, or did they tell you and you weren't listening? (I say that last not to beat you up, but just as a question...I'm REALLY bad about remembering what a dr. told me during a visit if I'm not careful.) Please do keep us posted. I'll keep yo
  20. Hey, you do good work! Are you a member on Ravelry? I am addicted. I cannot sleep until I check for new crochet patterns.
  21. No idea, but your title says chest pain on right side, but post says chest pain on left side. Which is it? Also, what I would encourage you to do is find a dr. you TRUST and can talk to. And one who has a good reputation. Piedmont has some awesome heart drs. It's a longer drive, but IMHO, it'd be worth it. I'm guessing there are also good ones in Carrollton (Tanner) and I KNOW there are good ones in Rome (Redmond). Some folks I know weren't impressed with their experience of same with WellStar/Kennestone, BUT that's not to say they'd all be bad...I wouldn't know that. Also - what ER ar
  22. I originally read this as "3-minute walk", and I'm thinkin'...crap, man, I thought I was bad! My bad. And yes, it is a LOVERLY evening.
  23. This is why I feel like throwing up every time I hear of a child being removed from a home. I could never work with CPS. And I'm HARD on the parents, and I feel this way. I also hope the kids aren't returned to them. But it still makes me want to cry. I know full well what you discuss about mental illness as well. Doesn't make me want to cut folks any more slack because of it, but I do understand it. It's a hard situation.
  24. I love flying out of B'ham! It is soooooooooooo easy compared to Hartsfield! And, you just jump on I-20 and boom, you're there. I've only flown SW out of there, but that's such an awesome airline. SW also flies to Islip, which is on Long Island, which may (or may not) get you a better price.
  25. Bless your heart. I was agreeing with you, hence the statement "until they start killing people", which they did abundantly on 9/11 and at other times.
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