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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Ah. Thank you...I had been wondering. Originally I had heard Lowe's, but that was way before the economic downturn.
  2. Prayers, you got 'em. But know this - I have been where you are, BELIEVE ME. BTDTGTTS. PM me if you need to talk.
  3. 1) Excellent health always for me and my loved ones 2) $10+ million 3) Wisdom and humility in handling the money well and giving to those who need it (without enabling bad behavior, of course)
  4. OK, I've been mulling this over all afternoon, and I have a question for bambismom. What are you going to do when she gets home? So she comes home. Will she just run off again? How are you going to talk her into staying short of having her confined to the RYDC (which I suppose you could do, but what would be the point)? IF (and only if) they could be shown to both be ok and willing participants in this little stunt, what about pulling a little reverse psychology on them, and saying, well, this isn't what I would have chosen for you, but ok, stay down there with him? And (of course) not p
  5. I don't want to crucify him. (However, if I were the girl's mother that probably wouldn't be my response.) As I said before, coulda/woulda/shoulda doesn't mean jack at this point. The reality is that he is 18 years old and an adult; she is 16 years old and a minor. I have no doubt she left willingly, and could have even planned the whole thing. That's irrelevant at this point. I'm sure you know ignorance of the law is no excuse, and if he doesn't know that, he will shortly. The FBI doesn't really give a crap about teenage boys in lurve. Even if he winds up not getting a major penalty (
  6. That is hilarious. HAHAHAHAHAHAA I'm sorry for your woes, but I love Bear's attitude!
  7. I am agreeing with you as well...but your last sentence is the kicker. What if she left willingly and decided to come home but he said no? What if he put her out to make her way home and something happened to her? As long as these factors are unknown, every effort must be made to find them, IMHO. Dealing with the consequences can come later. I think you're doing great. My prayers are definitely still with you.
  8. As with LPPT, I get what you're saying...I truly do. But you're talking coulda/woulda/shoulda when the real world is what is. He is an adult, and he has taken a minor across state lines. Forget sex offender stuff...he could be in truly deep doo-doo.
  9. I'm such a terrible joke-teller and joke-rememberer...I'm loving this thread which has real potential.
  10. mei lan


    It was just the tunnel surveyors getting a read on some readings for the next phase of construction. They like to play with people's heads like that.
  11. I get what you're saying; I really do. But there are an awful lot of 18-year-olds who are in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world facing God knows what every day, day in and day out, and they're not asking anybody for anything or committing felonies, etc. I won't comment on the girl, because she's a silly stupid 16-year-old (I know this because I was one once). While I do see your point (and my heart sees it especially well), whether anybody likes it or not, 18 is an adult, and adult actions have adult consequences.
  12. Isn't that like a gooberment specialty? (I wish I were kidding.) Oh, well...as long as we have a tunnel entrance up here in NE Paulding.
  13. OK, this is my favorite place I have been EVER. I could totally move there, and I am not kidding. I've been to the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and to 46 states. LOVELY weather, great people, and just a marvelous, wonderful small-town atmosphere. I didn't even want to go to Alaska when we cruised there several years ago, but my father's health wasn't great, so I went along with the parental units for their peace of mind. OH WOW!!! Now, it's the ONLY place I want to cruise! Love me some Alaska, and esp. Ketchikan. Thanks for the reminder.
  14. Well, of course. But what chaps my arse about this and the income tax return thing (Barnes released his and Deal hasn't/won't) is that Barnes has learned from his mistakes, and is shellacking Deal on PR. And as we all know, many votes can be had just by good PR. Deal is proving me right that he is a terrible candidate. sigh
  15. You certainly have our prayers. God knows where she is, and He's bigger than some punk named Shane and He's bigger than silly teenage emotions.
  16. Ditto. I feel your pain, OP. My sister went bat-doo-doo wacko when she turned 40, and had one HELL of a mid-life crisis. Her marriage didn't make it through it, but it wasn't hormones...it was that she and her now ex-husband were both selfish and had been for years. I will also say this - they married young, and she felt she "missed out" on things. Also, former BIL was heavily into pron, which helped matters NOT ONE WHIT and was the original reason for her leaving. But, God is good...she is more in my life than she ever was married, and I'm thankful for that (she is a WONDERFUL person),
  17. And that has to do with ugly feet in flip flops how? Sorry...just messin' with you. I am sorry your a/c is out. That is a true bummer. I wear flip flops even in winter, unless I'm going somewhere or outside. But my feet do look presentable. Nice, even.
  18. Yeah, I'm with you on this one as well. Well said on all. Sorry, but he'd be sorrier he didn't bring her back than if he did. And he would HOPE the FBI found him before I did.
  19. Thanks for the QFT thingy...I'm pretty savvy about the interwebz, but somehow that one slipped by me.
  20. You know what? I don't even care about the why anymore. I am so sick and damn tired of taxes going up and up and up. Agree with you and naturegirl and Madea. sigh
  21. sigh Assessment went down 1%; taxes went up 3%. Could be worse, I suppose, but it still irks me.
  22. Depressingly, I totally agree with you. And I'm getting REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY tired of that. (Being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, not agreeing with you, that is. )
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