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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Interesting. I'm no fan of FB because of their stupid (non) privacy rules, but I hadn't thought about it from your perspective. I think if I had a kid, I'd rather he/she not do it just because it's hard enough to get them through teen years as it is. FB seems to be one more opportunity for trouble (one way or the other). Not dissin' anybody who likes it...that's just my perspective.
  2. I'm not aware of this Knapp character, but I'll second the motion on getting a top-notch (SUPER top-notch) dr. I am BIG fan of being proactive with your medical care. I will indeed keep you in my prayers. Let us know what happens.
  3. Good one! OK, you're back on track with the guy with a long gun riding the horse down 278. I don't patronize your store for two reasons: a) I don't live anywhere near you, and 2) I would have to buy a whole bunch of books every time I came and soon I would be penniless. But for those who can without ruining their lives, I heartily endorse your store. I much prefer small stores to the big box thingies. I mean, books are books, but there's just something about a regular bookstore.
  4. old as Methusaleh (sp?) old maid old coot reliable as cold in winter (or heat in summer, or Christmas coming in December, etc.)
  5. No, you don't sound like an idiot...you explained it perfectly. Thanks for telling me!
  6. Oh, I forgot about Evanovich...she makes me howl, and she's female. Her characters are HILARIOUS!!! Lulu, Grandma Mazur...worth checking her out if you haven't already.
  7. Not to mention which it's ILLEGAL to ride an off-road vehicle in a public roadway. ::backingoutofthreadbeforeigetintrouble::
  8. Pure-o-dee sorriness. Hate it, but it's true.
  9. See other thread about litter on the roadways. Yes, I totally agree with you. HOW HARD IS IT TO BE CIVILIZED??? Apparently too hard for many. GRRRRRRRRRRRR...
  10. They should be glad they're not in jail out in Phoenix. Sheriff Joe makes 'em toe the line. I love that guy! In all seriousness, besides making our lives better and what we see more beautiful, I truly believe that keeping our county clean and well-kept helps deter crime (see broken window theory). Rudy Giuliani believed this as well, and he sure as hades cleaned up NYC.
  11. Next you'll be saying you can't have 666 people there.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAA Good one. hahahahahaahahahahaa
  13. I must not use it...I have no clue what it is or does.
  14. I've only read the first one, but it was riveting. Did you know that Wilkerson and Cruz are still around and active? Wilkerson founded (and remains as pastor emeritus, I think) of Times Square Church, which has multiple services per week and still reaches out to people on the street. Cruz has a ministry to people all over the world. He's 71 now, and I'd think Wilkerson is that old or older.
  15. CORRECTAMUNDO!!! Daaaaaaaaaaang RE: HCG diet - the 500 calories a day spooks me almost as much as the injection part (not that I hate needles; I'm just leery of taking something like that, drops or needles). And dang...I should think you would lose weight just on 500 calories/day without the hormone stuff. PS - I had to ban myself from WebMD. I found too many dread diseases that I was certain I had.
  16. Yeah, that's me. (And yes, I would be annoyed at the earphone thing as well. )
  17. Good news, albeit tempered with the knowledge of her long road ahead. But I LOVE her attitude, and I'm sure her drs./therapists do as well. That makes ALL the difference. I will definitely keep her in my prayers.
  18. That is PRECIOUS! I esp. love her sending Rockadoodle along to keep you company. That right there is a sweet little heart.
  19. She warned everybody up front to not say anything at all if they couldn't say something nice. I, too, would have a VERY hard time going to see said parent. I called a (physically) close neighbor lady last year whose 10-year-old was sliding down a VERY steep hill at the back of my property. This is literally down a ROCK BLUFF with a shallow dirt/mud surface - very steep and about 30' at least high. She was also there with another 10-year-old from down the road about a mile, and three boys age 12-13 whose last names they didn't even know, and who accessed the hill from the property that ba
  20. RE: surgery - oh noooes! Is there anything we can do for you other than recommend things? Do you need meals cooked or anything? I could bring over casseroles, etc., that you could stick in the freezer...it'd be something to keep the apes from going hungry. RE: female authors/singers - me, too! I mean, I don't totally avoid them, but I think it's because women are more apt to write treacly, sappy CRAP and that just gets on my last nerve. Give me a solid honest book any day than tripe designed to manipulate emotions. (Haven't read that Sookie series, so can't speak to that.) Ditto
  21. My SIL is doing it, but I think it sounds creepy. That's just me. I prefer things like peachesga and bradsgirl06 are doing.
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