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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. :D It's sorta like Paulding is their go-to for redneckery and such. Hey, got three minutes to fill? I bet we can find some snuff-dribbler out in drecky Paulding to go on camera and tell us about the latest trailer-park whatever.
  2. This kid truly cracks me up. Love the stories about her!
  3. RE: rude scheduling people - inexcusable, no matter what sort of office it is. RE: separate waiting rooms - no clue...even if you're wearing a hospital gown thingy, you're still covered up. Whatev. I still say that if men had to have their you-know-whats smushed in a vice-like grip in a machine for mammograms, we'd have had a Dr. McCoy-like tri-corder device years ago.
  4. So you're walking around with a broken flip-flop glued to your hand? I'm only laughing because I've SOOOO had days like that. An entire decade of them, in fact. Bless your heart.
  5. Uh...lemme think here...this one is hard...uh....THE PARENTS!!! But then, I'm one of those strange birds who believes that when people have children, it stops being all about THEM (the parents) and that for the next 18 years they need to do whatever is required to care for their children - yes, even up to and including getting them safely to/from school.
  6. Typical of all Fox entities across the board...they do go for glam and glitz and sensationalism. One of the reasons I quit watching Fox News (I stick with internet news now).
  7. I don't even know what to say except THANK GOD he got through it without harming himself. :cray:
  8. I read this as "Gayness is when you can no longer see the good...", and I'm thinkin' DAAAAAAAAAANg...no wonder she's gonna get bashed! (Yes, I am a dork.) Anyhoo, agreed on all y'all have said...suicide is absolutely horrific to the people who are left, but it is without remedy for the person who died. I have been in the depths of depression and darkness - DEPTHS, I tell you - and it is a very painful place to be. For someone to get to the point where they actually believe that the deletion of their very life is actually the only/best option is just incredibly sad. Things like al
  9. FTR, I have no interest in this story; I didn't even read the original thread. However, I have noticed in the last while that folks (not just here but pretty much everywhere) have become so incredibly thin-skinned. I read these comments and didn't notice anybody bashing anybody, but it was clearly perceived to be that way. Folks, when people discuss the facts/non-facts of a situation, they're more than likely not trashing the people involved. They may be saying this person could/should have done something differently to make this not happen, but that's a fact/opinion, not the equivalent of
  10. Esp. the one in the hat!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
  11. Look at that dimple! How precious is he!!! OK, officially in a cuteness coma now. :wub:
  12. We did when we cruised to Alaska, because the departure point was so far away (both location and time), and because my father's health wasn't the best. Also, the trip insurance will pay for things like a life flight to the ship if you were to need it (God forbid). We got ours through insuremytrip.com.
  13. I believe the Republican candidate for Commissioner of Labor is incorrect.
  14. Hey, that sounds like great fun if you like wine. Which I don't (yes, I know I'm weird).
  15. Oh, pipeline, schmipeline. Just give us a good tunnel access here in NE Paulding! GAH!
  16. Seems like taht would be fine under the Fair Use statute, but the Las Vegas Review-Journal that I mentioned above is suing people left and RIGHT for posting anything (even stuff that links back to their original story so that they get hits off of it) for a minimum of $75,000. They hired a company to do nothing but that, as I understand it. I'm not gonna look up the story because I don't want them comin' after me.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA I'm right there with you, brother. OP - I believe the resident expert on all things Disney is Mr. Dis.
  18. (Edited because I hit the wrong button and nothing posted.)
  19. Whatever you do, don't post a story (or link to same) from the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Sheesh...
  20. Ditto that. I just don't get men who won't support their own children. But that's a discussion for another time, I suppose. (Or not...it's a dead horse that's been beaten into a greasy spot on the road.)
  21. Dude...this is AWESOME!!! Keep us posted! Woo hoo!
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