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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. What's a clicker? A remote for keyless entry?
  2. My three-year-old nephew would have done better than this goob! I love the smackdown he gave her.
  3. What?! You're telling on me??? (Seriously - somebody would send abusive PMs? That's just wrong.)
  4. :rofl: 7 here as well. Do you know the largest and smallest? (Antarctica and Europe.)
  5. Dr. Davidson does a lot of these surgeries (he did my mom's) and is a GREAT guy. It's not like you'll have to do this every day for the next five years. I trust Davidson...he's my eye dr. as well. But the other opthalmologists in Rome (Bob Harbin, Harton) are excellent as well. They just don't do as many cataracts as Davidson. Maybe there's somebody else, but I can't think who it might be.
  6. sounds right. My nephew just learned about a month ago and he's 3 1/2. He just couldn't comprehend the whole thing till then, and then one day...trained. No accidents, nothing.
  7. REALLY?!?!? I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! And depressed. I really thought they were gonna tell me.
  8. mei lan


    HEAR, HEAR!!! Any LE type will tell you that most crime is based on opportunity. Don't give them the opportunity.
  9. Matchbox cars. I was rather a tomboy, and while my sister loved her Barbies and Mrs. Beasley, I loved my cars. Still have many of them.
  10. Bless your heart. I'm glad the kitty is feeling better, though.
  11. Termidor here, too. I don't trust the bait system.
  12. OMG!!! HAHAHAHAHAA I am torn between laughing and cringing when I think of this! Bless her heart! But I can so totally see my 3-year-old nephew doing this. Bless her heart.
  13. Nah...you just made me laugh at the candy remark. However, in all fairness, I should also add, "NC-17, you ignorant slut!"
  14. mei lan


    Damn straight. And shoot to kill if somebody's in your house.
  15. How would you prove they're illegal (either company top-down or workers)? I like Moose's posts, too.
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAA DOH! hahahahahahahahahaahahhaaaaaa
  17. Great story about going to Oakland...I have also heard it's a great and historical place. Great story!
  18. Well, DUH to all you said. I'm not disagreeing with you IF these allegations are true. In the first half of my comment, I said pretty much the same thing you said here. I am just taking into account the possibility he may not be guilty.
  19. AWESOME!!! Southwest is THE best airline I have ever flown, bar none! Happy nappy joy joy
  20. Oh, goodie! Cover for my crime! Really, that is so cute that they call you and ask for meals. They and your kids will remember that forever. Megadittos on cooking in advance and saving money. Great habit.
  21. WELL SAID!!! No matter the offense, if you don't forgive, it will eat you up inside. Plus, it makes you a slave to the offending party, tying you to them forever. Forgiveness is one thing I worked REALLY REALLY hard at when I was viciously betrayed several years ago, because I know if I didn't, my life would be a wreck. But as you say, forgiveness does NOT mean forgetting. Remembering is what keeps us safe from future injury. Again...cannot even go there. Just trying to imagine it makes me want to go throw up and then take a shower to wash off the creepiness and evil. D
  22. If you turn around and find that your new food has gone missing, it wasn't me, I swear!
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