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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. EJ78's reason is good, but it's also a good idea if you're in a creepy area where you might run into carjackers...if you leave a space between you and the next car, you can bolt around them. Of course, I don't know if carjackers would want to get a car behind a bunch of cars, but I have heard it recommended. Otherwise, some folks are just driving-challenged and need a good slap upside the head.
  2. Yard work with with 3-year-old nephew "helping". Should be a productive day...he is a character. No toy tools for this kid...he wants to use the same things we use. Which always ends up well.
  3. Where is this house? I don't mean actual street address, but what area? (Asketh the Nosy Nellie. )
  4. Ooh, one of my favorites as well.
  5. Exactly why I am voting for Will. I am not so much voting against Paulette, although I don't like her record, as I am voting for Will because of his position on the issues. Maybe with me it is a combination of things (none of which has to do with her legal issues from the past)...I just believe Will's statements and I like his thinking on things. If he turns out to be a fruitcake and/or a fake, I'll vote for somebody else next go-round.
  6. GAH!!! I thought I was bad, but I hereby step aside and give the crown to you.
  7. Holy cow!!! I love the idea of being out to myself like that, but I think I would have sprung for the sprinkler system. (I didn't even know you could have those installed in a residence.)
  8. I'm still waiting for my agent to call me back from about a month ago asking about this. Should I give him another call?
  9. Wow. Just...wow. BTW - American company that bored the holes for rescue, and NASA personnel guided them in how to survive in tight spaces, etc. Woo hoo!
  10. Well, I'm not going to gripe - the only tax I ever voted for was the Fire Tax (although I didn't know at the time that Mr. Shearin & Co. were going to take them out of the budget so that amounted to a tax increase ). I am of the opinion that LE and fire personnel should be the FIRST folks taken care of in the budget as well as the BEST taken care of.
  11. Ye gods. If this were some of my relatives, I'd be thinking about sedatives before I thought about any food.
  12. Or do like I did and get a membership from Cobb. $20 (although I think it may have just gone up to $25) for a two-year membership. We use it ALL THE TIME. It's closer than either of the Paulding liberries (even the new one under construction). Much better system (no offense to anybody...it's just the truth).
  13. GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!! You have no idea how often I say this very thing.
  14. Has anybody ever seen them together? What do we really know about ol' Casey?
  15. :clapping: :clapping: And yes, I am voting NO.
  16. My tax dollars better not go for some bizarro statue...you can pay for that your own doggone self. And you certain have never struck me as an artsy person. I'm feelin' mighty suspicious right about now.
  17. First I've heard of it, too. Not that we don't need more (and better) liberries, but dang...in this economy, I wish they'd just put it off a few years. I already pay $20 every two years for a Cobb Liberry membership anyway.
  18. I just try to keep my nose clean and lay low. I don't know what's goin' on most of the time, and I don't wanna know.
  19. I'd commiserate with you, but my Little Debbie is taking all my effort.
  20. mei lan


    Got a wee bit up here in NE Paulding...hope we get some more! I have a fence to stain, but we need the rain worse.
  21. Do you mean diverticulitis? (Not picking on you...just confirming.) If so, my mom had a spell awhile back, and she was sick as a dog, and in great pain. From what I could find out, it's one of those manage it things - with diet, exercise, de-stress stuff, etc. - and see if you can avoid setting the inflammation off. You are young, so that's a good thing. Keep us posted.
  22. Agree with all. Do NOT NOT NOT give them something spiffy to drive, and certainly nothing that will go fast. I like the Yugo idea, but make sure it's mechanically sound...just not capable of much. heh
  23. Ditto to all. Something like The Avenues would be great, but they would only build in pricier neighborhoods...in Paulding, I only see that in the NE area, which means it could also be SE Bartow or N Cobb.
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