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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. "Gacy" - on Sleuth at 9. It's channel 308 on DirecTV, but I don't know about other providers.
  2. :angry2: :angry2: I swear, I hate people.
  3. Well, I don't know how much help I'll be 'cause I don't have kids. But if I did have them, I would nix the web cam stuff. I see no reason why that would be a necessity.
  4. I swear, that still just makes me laugh. PS - Avery is pro-life as well. The positions of the two candidates on this are identical, I believe.
  5. Ditto for me, too. I will keep y'all in my prayers as well.
  6. Maybe I'm weird, but I got what he was saying when I first read it. (I haven't read the other thread.)
  7. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
  8. I've been with DirecTV for nearly 8 years with ZERO problems. I was only obligated for a year and have been out of contract ever since. You couldn't pay me to go back to cable.
  9. Those will be the backup services in the event Clark cannot continue. They are from Cobb and other surrounding counties.
  10. Wow. God bless you for staying with them. I will them (and others who are going through hard times) in my prayers.
  11. Hmmm...I REALLY like the sound of five minutes from your house. OTOH, though, five years isn't anything to sneeze at. I think what I would do first is talk to your current employer and tell them your situation. I would say, listen...I really am grateful for the job and I like working here, but because of (whatever), I am going to have to find another job. Is there any way you can work with me on this? I really hate to walk out on five years employment. The worst they can say is no, get lost. Which of course, they may do (see DGITW's thread about sucky employer attitudes these days). I'
  12. CREEPY!!! I'm glad their little trick was foiled.
  13. YEPPERS. Don't trust 'em as far as I can throw 'em. Will, good answers.
  14. Aside from thinking BofA is owned by the debil (see Sadie's topic), I am just so terribly sorry. I pray God's blessings on you. You will recover, indeed, and you have a great attitude. I think you are marvelous. Well said, sir.
  15. I'd like to know the answer to this as well.
  16. OK, got it. I wasn't thinking about bidding as a whole ahead of time. Yes, you are correct on all points.
  17. Dude. That is impressive. WHOA!!! That was before I checked the count above...she's down to -14! Does pcom keep some sort of record?
  18. Yeah, that's still sounding like a trip to the ER to me.
  19. Ditto...I hear very good things about them. Much better than I hear about Wellstar.
  20. hahahahahaa He's NY's answer to Basil. heh
  21. That seems like it's not kosher to the company...if they provide services through the rest of the year, seems to me they should be paid for said services. The county should make some sort of provision for cost overruns, etc. I don't see why a private company should have to bear that burden.
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