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About Christine0402

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 04/02/1975

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  • Place of Residence
    Northeast Paulding

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  • Location
    Dallas, GA 30132

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  1. Can anyone recommend a grief counselor in the Acworth, Kennesaw, or Dallas areas? I am looking for someone who specifically handles grief issues and who treats adults. Preferably a female, but will consider males also. Thank you in advance!
  2. My husband worked with a guy who would microwave & eat salmon at his desk every single day and leave the container on his desk until the end of the day. They had a communal desk so it was a huge issue, especially to my husband who hates fish. This same guy would also eat oranges every day and leave the peels, drippings, and seeds that he spit out all over his desk. Needless to say, they had an ant problem. My office pet peeve is talkers. People who come to your desk and talk, talk, talk, despite you giving them verbal & non-verbal clues that you are busy and want them to leave. I h
  3. My niece is 8 and LOVES doing this. I think it's a great way for kids to be outside, get some exercise, and show their creativity by painting rocks to hide. Apparently this is the big thing to do now.
  4. Prayers that she stays put for a little while longer! If it is of any consolation, my niece was born at 31 weeks - 14.25" long and weighed only 2lbs 6oz. She was in the NICU for 40 days, yet absolutely perfect - no issues at all. She is 7 now and in the gifted program at school.
  5. Project Catsnip is $35 for neuters, $55 for spays. I don't know if they will cut you a deal for ferals or not. Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull Rescue was doing cat spay/neuters for free last year due to grant money, but that money has since run out. I would try calling some vets and shelters to see if they can help. New Hope Animal Clinic is the vet who was contracted to do the free cat neuters from Friends of the Forlorn Pittbull Rescue. Might try them, too. We NEED to get this cat/kitten population taken care of! A female cat can have up to 7 kittens every 4 months, I think. That is 21 ki
  6. The house was actually my parents' so I have no idea what type of coverage they had. But that is good information to know. Also... never purchase the tallest house in the neighborhood. We learned the hard way. That is the house most likely to get hit during a lightning storm. We found out during the fire from one of the neighbors that our house had been hit before, although there was no damage in that case. The house that we just bought is a small ranch surrounded by much larger, taller 2-story homes, and I am perfectly okay with that! LOL
  7. UGH. I'm so sorry. I have a Kenmore set that I've had since the 90's and it still works great, despite a little squeaking from the dryer (knock on wood). I'm so scared of when it dies. We had a house fire in 1997 from a lightening strike to the attic. It burned most of our split level home down. It is miserable tromping through piles of black, sooty, wet, smelly piles of your belongings and seeing everything ruined. I KNOW the feeling. We were fortunate to live in a rental house while they rebuilt our home. Make sure that you get the same quality of stuff that you had in the first place. T
  8. Oy. That would annoy the heck out of me! Can you put up some sort of property divider, like a little mini fence or landscaping border or something that would deter the dogs from coming over? I'd have another talk with her and tell her that the dog poop really bothers you and that you shouldn't have to survey your lawn daily to let her know when her dogs mess on it. Tell her that if it doesn't stop, that you will be forced to report it to the county. Then take video of her dogs and report it to the county under the leash law. I hope that it does not have to go that far. Good luck.
  9. Some/all of Chick-Fil-A's now recycle their styrofoam cups. It's set up for restaurant-use only, but I think it is good that they are doing it. I'm sure you could bring a cup or two with you to recycle while you are there, but there's not enough space for you to bring a whole bag worth of cups with you to recycle. Instead of throwing things out, I have gotten into the habit of using the online Facebook groups to get rid of stuff. There is a local group where you can post things that you will get rid of for free - older tv's, mattresses, toys, clothes, household goods, non-perishable foods,
  10. I'm sure that the Paulding County Animal Shelter would take them. If not, I KNOW that the Cobb County Animal Shelter does. When I used to live in Cobb, we used to twine the papers together and take bundles and bundles of papers to them. They use them to line the cages of the poor homeless pets and they go through them like crazy, as you might imagine.
  11. They did catch him. He was pulled over for a traffic stop but he bolted. From what I have heard, he was a suspect in an armed robbery. They were looking for him in the Blackberry Run section of Seven Hills. He was spotted in the Windsong section (active adult) of Blackberry Run. They had Cobb, Paulding, K9, and a helicopter looking for him. Plus, I heard that he ran people off the road trying to escape before he fled on foot. What a jerk.
  12. Your husband - and all of you cancer survivors! - are in my prayers. My mom got good news this week, thankfully. Her treatments were rough and there were many days when she thought that she couldn't do it any more, but she got through it. So will DH. He will need your support in a big, big way. There's also a fantastic organization called "Loving Arms" who partners with Kennestone and others. They are a cancer support group and they do all kinds of wonderful things. Contact them and see if they can help you in any way. Keeping you all in my prayers!
  13. I am very sorry to hear this. My mom has been dealing with Stage 3 anal cancer since Feb. She finds out on Wed if the cancer is gone or not. She also went to the cancer center at Kennestone and had very good treatment there. DH will be in good hands. The PET scan will give the docs all/most of the info they need to set forth a plan. My mom needed chemo & radiation, but others will need one or both. The oncologist was in charge of the chemo and the radiation oncologist was in charge of the radiation. The radiation is in the 320 bldg and the chemo is in the 340 bldg (or maybe it's re
  14. FWIW, I've been on Tramadol before. The doctor told me that it is "light" pain reliever. It probably was just not strong enough.I hope Lexi feels better!
  15. I like Dr Dylan Reach in Acworth off of 41 near Nance Rd. He is very thorough! The office is called "Acworth Family Eyecare" or something along those lines.
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