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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Apropo of nothing, but I was standing in that very spot looking at the Dakota the day before this happened. Strange.
  2. We went with the regular kind when we had to replace ours about a year ago. The tankless prices are still high, even with the tax credit (which I don't even know what it is now), and didn't guarantee any hotter water than the tank heater. We got ours at Homey Depot...had it out and installed the next day by a very professional dude.
  3. Some folks are very, VERY good at finding a demon behind every bush. Never mind that there's nothing really back there but a squirrel and some dead twigs, but.......
  4. I'm so sorry this happened, but I should think you could do some advance work re: talking to attorneys by phone in advance of your trip. At least that way your time would be more productive instead of leaving everything till you get there. I'd also talk to the police and pull the official report as well.
  5. LOVELY! My computer desk sits next to a window overlooking the back yard. The other morning, I saw a mama deer and her twin babies come wandering through. They stopped and looked at me and then resumed their browsing. The babies are big enough now not to have their spots, but I saw them several times in the summer when they were just teeeeny tiny! I don't care how often I see these animals, I just get all happy inside when I do see them.
  6. I agree with you on all of this, chickie. I get the heebie-jeebies when somebody makes statements that they don't back up...if you can back it up, back it up. Otherwise, it just comes across as sour grapes - or worse.
  7. Who compared him to Larry McDonald? The Sound Guy and I were discussing voting for McDonald as a Democrat in that other thread, but I don't believe either of us compared Avery to McDonald. I don't know enough about Avery to make a call like that, and he obviously doesn't have a record to track yet. I am voting for him because of the two candidates, my opinion is that he has a better grasp of what's going on and what we need. I may feel differently in two years (if he wins this one), and if I do, I'll vote for his opponent. Sorry to hijack, but Emory Gordy lives here? Isn't he mar
  8. HOLY CRAP!!! They did a non-emergency transport of my dad to Redmond in Rome a couple of years ago and I think that bill was only $900 or so. Which I thought was high, but I know they have fuel, wages, time out of service, etc. The EMTs were very nice; our only complaint was the billing. They sent a bill which was payable by either Medicare or secondary insurance like 15 times, and Mother called all 15 times. They were very nice all 15 times, and finally stopped sending the bills.
  9. I knew I was forgetting somebody! Larry McDonald was an awesome man...that was a travesty that went unanswered. One of the few things I massively disagreed with President Reagan about.
  10. I've heard that a lack of something - potassium? - can cause cramps, as well as some meds. I've heard of people eating bananas or drinking pickle juice to avoid cramps.
  11. Hey, thanks, dude! I'll peruse these for good information. I may be up that way next year sometime, and it might be where I could spend a couple of days in/near the city. I really do think it looks like a fascinating town.
  12. It'll be ok...I voted for a Democrat one time, and I didn't fall over dead. (Actually, I think I've voted for two or three, but the last one I remember was our beloved Sen. Zell Miller. What a great guy.)
  13. Bumping this for Go Blue! Any insights you wanna share about Detroit? I'm truly curious. Architecture, people, etc.
  14. I know. I just figured I'd save some effort on the part of knee-jerkers.
  15. Yeah, I can't click on this link because a) my mother is a microbiologist and knows the most disgusting things imaginable about stuff like this, and 2) I've had to ban myself from WebMD because I was diagnosing myself with too many diseases there.
  16. I assume (yes, I know what that means) you mean the dude convicted for raping his daughter and not the burglary suspect.
  17. If I ever look in the mirror and see a bitter old man, I'll just keel over dead with a heart attack.
  18. Well, it was 1999. But the pre-trial diversion aspect does make it more serious than the other arrest. But overall, still nothing to do with why I'm not voting for her. If she were the candidate I liked and agreed with, and (and this is important) she had been up-front with all this when she first announced her candidacy, I would still vote for her. But, as it happens, I am voting for Will. When she first announced, she could have said something like, "I have made some serious errors in judgment in the past. I was arrested twice; once 11 years ago for felony insurance fraud for (and l
  19. Well, speaking as a recovering Southern Baptist*, I feel uniquely qualified to respond. Bless his heart, I'm sure what he was saying was that Christians do not believe the Eastern mysticism/religious aspects that go along with true yoga. But as a Southern Baptist, he couldn't help throwing the baby out with the bath water. Much of the yoga in the US is not the type practiced by those in the Far East...it does not require the chanting, humming, etc. When I personally follow along (and I am soooooooooooooo not where they are) with the yoga chicks on FitTV, they say things like open up your s
  20. See, if I came to your door, I'd just stand there like an idiot pressed up against the window talking to your babies.
  21. Whatever you decide, be sure to stay updated on the State Dept.'s travel warning web site (http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html). They issued a warning this week for Americans traveling in Europe due to threats of terrorism. As you will see from the listing there, it's not on the list, but I found in another place that it was an unofficial warning. Great Britain has issued a more forceful warning and raised their threat level. Not telling you not to go; just be informed as to what's going on as you make your choice.
  22. That is so not true!!! The big players in the stock market are a bunch of silly jr. high girls! (And that's insulting to jr. high girls.)
  23. HOLY CRAP!!! I thought a dead frog was bad. If I had dead voles and a live squirrel, I'd probably have a heart attack!!! I am so making somebody else open that skimmer cover now.
  24. Hey, great colors! You match! So who are you gonna sue?
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