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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Hey, thanks for the reminder. Next time just give me a paper cut and squeeze lemon juice into it.
  2. I'm sorry. We can no longer be friends. Exercise and I do not get along.
  3. My mother is a lab tech, so she knows things. Anyhoo, I asked her, and she said if Cipro didn't hit it, then it's a specific bacterium that needs another med specific to it. She said he should have done a urine culture to see what grew out. (Her profession totally grosses me out. You mean you like fiddling around with pee and watching germs grow? GROSS!!!) Anyhoo, she said the urologist would be the next logical step. I would add that I had a UTI a couple of years ago that took three different antibiotics before one hit it. I can't remember what finally got rid of it, but I WAS SO G
  4. Amen to that, sister (or brother)!
  5. We could never be friends. I don't even own any starch.
  6. Good advice. My mom, who never goes to the ER, went to the ER with her GB pain. I had an RN tell me her GB pain was worse than childbirth pain. Anyhoo, Mother had hers out the following week via laparoscopy with no troubles. My uncle, however, fiddledy farted around until his GB got infected from all the gallstones stopping up the bile duct(s), and had to have the surgery like they used to do, where they slice you across the back and you're in the hospital for 10 days. I'd much rather have it done the easy way.
  7. Unless we're talking about the big ol' Schwann's trucks here (and I'm guessing we aren't), they just creep me out! I don't have kids, but I wouldn't let my nephews go get some ice cream from them. ESP. the ones who have clowny things painted on them. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Either of y'all who has been hit lately have alarm systems? If so, did they go off? Just curious...
  9. Well, see, here's the thing - many times (or most times), it's not like you have 12 minutes to sit around and chew the fat and find out how he's doing and if he's just having a nosy day or whatever. If a person is in my house without my invitation, I'm guessing they're not there for my well-being. And if I guess that, then I'm also thinking they may be on drugs or armed or whatever. No, it is not my goal in life to shoot anybody. EVER. But neither do I think it prudent to allow people to enter my home without my permission willy-nilly.
  10. Yeppers. I ain't gonna sit around and wonder what somebody's motive is or whether they're some friends of some kid relative of mine or whatever, or not call police if I think they just sat around and hung out or whatever. Pull crap on us, and you will be sorry.
  11. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too cute. I like this girl.
  12. Is this sort of like when kids on soaps go off to summer camp and come back five years older? I haven't seen any of the new "House" episodes, so I can't speak to it exactly.
  13. WELL SAID. Any LE type will tell you that most crime is crime of opportunity. If you don't give them the opportunity, they will hit somewhere else. If somebody wants to get in badly enough, they're gonna get in even if you have the best security system ever. But since most criminals are stupid (thank the Lord), we can do many, many things to make it hard enough to hit us that they just move on to somebody else.
  14. Wow...what a great and noble thing. Please thank him for me.
  15. I can deal with small animals. The other, not so much.
  16. We have a 3-way stop for a non-blind intersection...totally hacks me off every time I have to stop there. Oh, and somebody did get Paulding's finest to come out and ticket folks who don't stop at ours. I didn't get a ticket 'cause I stop (and gripe), but dang. Can we petition for the removal of a stop sign? grrr Oh, and another thing - we have another intersection that IS blind one way, and there's no 3-way stop there...that intersection gets WAY WAY more traffic than the stupid 3-way stop intersection does. HELLO.
  17. Oh, God - where's my smelling salts?
  18. I wash most things (including towels) after 2-3 wearings unless I get something obviously dirty or stained.
  19. Yeah, well, we don't like you, either. (So not true, but I couldn't resist. ) Edited to correct spelling in my lame attempt at humor.
  20. Oh, good. Yes, I hate any time somebody is attacked like that, and I wonder what set them off? I'm sure the owners are upset...I know I would be.
  21. Makes sense if you're looking at a map. But again - for what reason? If the new I-75 exit (whenever they get around to doing it) goes in at Third Army Road as planned, wouldn't extending Seven Hills all the way over to 92 just be redundant? Why not leave as is and have everyone turn left onto an expanded Cedarcrest?
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