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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan


  2. mei lan


    HEY! What about me? Or NC-17? Or DGITW? Or me?
  3. So, so true. The reality of the awfulness of the situation hits awhile after the accident, when you start to realize that no, they really aren't coming home. I will keep these folks and the Zach Williamson family in my prayers in the coming weeks. :sigh:
  4. Good. I hate when companies won't make good on something that's THEIR problem.
  5. Yes, some time back, I had to ban myself from WebMD. I had at least six dread diseases at one time. I figured for my mental health that I needed to just LEAVE IT.
  6. Call A Friendly Geek...he'll fix it.
  7. :spewingdietcokeonmonitor: HAHAHAHAHAHAA (Can men even have lupus?) Blood tests can tell MANY things, but what I'm thinking of with a man could be signs of heart or liver disease (they'd want to do many more tests, I should think). Leukemia (or similar diseases) is the only thing that comes to mind as being diagnosable strictly from a blood test. Please do keep us posted.
  8. I'm not waitin' for tacos...I get my fix from the TB in the skeezy strip shopping center in Acworth on Glade Road. (I wish they'd get some posher* tenants in that thing...it's just pathetically sketchy, but the whole area is borderline sketchy. *ANY tenants would be posher than what they have.)
  9. Well, I'll keep y'all in my prayers. I HATE stuff like this! My dr. never calls me in...he just sticks the results in the mail and writes snarky comments all over where he wants me to change things (for some reason, he doesn't think Little Debbies lower triglycerides... ), so I have no ideas as to what it could be. When is the appt.? Please do keep us posted.
  10. That's what I thought...that's what I'm using.
  11. How could they still be tasty when they never were?
  12. Radicals R Us. I could not agree more. RE: Friendly Geek - The Seven Hills Blvd. extension is a PRIME EXAMPLE of wasted money. $10 million for a 4-lane road to run between two 2-lane roads. Federal money and SPLOST for what the fed. money doesn't cover. That just hacks me right off.
  13. I've always heard that you need an auxiliary heat source (fireplace, etc.) if you go the heat pump route (which could be the heat strips referred to earlier...I don't know much about heat pumps). I personally would rather have natural gas with a traditional furnace.
  14. Ooh..is January the best name ever, or what? (I'm sure she does good photos, as well.)
  15. Excellent points!!! I wasn't thinking of it that way.
  16. Perhaps OP should print out this thread and give it to said teenager so he could see he has it better than he would have it if he lived with most of us.
  17. Agreed...I didn't mean down at your level. (Not that you're a low-level gutter snipe...you know what I mean. ) I mean like not building a new building for maybe three years instead of this year, or - GASP!!! - cutting some of those fat-arse salary positions at the BOE, etc.
  18. I think this is a two-perspective topic. From God's perspective (and this should be the church's as well, natch), it doesn't matter what you wear...what matters is what's in your heart. From man's perspective, it seems to me that it would be more of a reflection of how you want to appear to others (including God). NOT saying wanting to impress...just saying that attire should take into account what you want to convey to others. I tend to go with LPPT and eym sirius - I want to take more care with my appearance as a sign of my respect for others. That is NOT passing judgment on anyone else
  19. I like #2 better...the buckles at the top of #1 distract me. I like nowens98's selection, but they seem a bit mannish to me (JMHO). And I'm tired of Burberry, but those rain boots are cute.
  20. Yeah, I think I'd go by and talk to somebody in person, and if you're not satisfied, go higher.
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