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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. OMG - you were serious! HAHAHAHAHAHAA I'm only laughing because that's totally something I would think if I were distracted. hahahahaha
  2. But it's for the children!!! I personally think public safety (fire and LE) should never be cut even in hard times. But there is room in the education budget to trim (I'm not talking laying off teachers here...I'm talking about not building new buildings, etc), and pretty much everywhere else.
  3. Preferably while shooting off fireworks. At midnight.
  4. That totally makes my heart hurt. :cray: :(
  5. Excuse me...that's "tornader", and you have to be chewing tobacco or missing some teeth.
  6. Agreed. The problem is not the exterior influences (social media, the "other person", etc.)...it is the stability of the marriage itself. If a marriage between two mature, loving, committed adults is built on a stable foundation, then you could throw social media, "other person"s, etc., at it all day and it wouldn't matter. I think people have gotten so caught up in the "soul mate" "fairy-tale" (insert your own idea here) aspect of marriage that they forget that many/most times it's pure DRUDGERY. Marriage isn't all wild sex and romantic candlelight dinners...it's figuring out how to
  7. I could not agree more...like I said, I don't care what anybody wears to church, but I generally do not dress down (but not outrageously dressy, either). But I just about FELL OUT several years ago when I went to the symphony (properly dressed, natch) and saw a lady in a TUBE TOP (and it wasn't part of some snazzy ensemble, either). GAH!!!!!!!
  8. Goodness, yes! Depending on the church you visit, you'll probably be in for somewhat of a surprise in the casualness of dress. While I personally don't do grunge for church, God isn't concerned what what one wears...He just loves that a person wants to worship.
  9. I like the Blue Willow idea, but I like the Cracker Barrel idea if you want to stay close to home. I'd call for reserves, though. hijack Lowrider, how is your adorable grandson? Haven't heard anything out of him in awhile. /hijack
  10. Well crap!!! I love that store. I hate stupid lazy thievin' people.
  11. Dude. You are so massively cruel. What if he loses his ipod again? heh Seriously - I am so impressed with you folks who hold the line. THAT is the only way kids can learn...actions do have consequences.
  12. Uh, yeah, baby. Homey here sure didn't have an allowance when I was 17...I worked from the time I was about 13 (mowing lawns, etc.), and then at 16, I got a several-nights-a-week part-time job. I paid for my own car insurance (parents bought the good-bit-older car) and any other frivolous stuff. :clapping: :clapping: WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am sooooo proud of you!!! That is one awesome story! Well said. Y'all have some great ideas.
  13. Indeed, lumak, indeed. I will definitely keep Paulding Mom in my prayers.
  14. Yes, I'll bet the people who live very near the tracks will lie awake all night due to the quiet. I used to live near a train track...I still love that sound.
  15. When I saw the topic title, I read "volunteer opportunist" and I'm thinkin' WTH...wouldn't that be an oxymoron? :D But what a great post! And such great lessons for your kids. My parents took us along when they did for others when we were kids, and we kids carry that with us today and are better people for it. Way to go. Excellent ideas from FreeBird.
  16. AGREED on taking a loved one in if they show signs of confusion, etc. My dad was septic with a staph infection from knee surgery and the only way they would have known before he died was that he was really weak and could hardly walk. My mother said to him wonder what was causing that, and he said something bizarre about the lemons he ate for lunch. She knew right then that something was dreadfully wrong and took him to the ER. A couple of years later, after a cerebral bleed following surgery to put in a shunt, his behavior was totally off the wall. Brain injuries/illnesses are BIZARRO, le
  17. I know two people who have had strokes at a young age, and two others who had serious blood clots that could have been much worse. All were on birth control pills at the time, and the stroke victims were smokers as well. DANGEROUS combination. Not saying that was what happened to this girl, but it is more common than you think.
  18. I first turned on the heat three or four weeks ago. What can I say...I'm a reptile. But I do save money on a/c in the summer.
  19. I know...Wayne Kirby is my current commish, and he got one, and I also sent one to Mr. Barnett as commish-elect.
  20. I wrote a two-page typed snail mail letter to Ms. Holden and cc'd Mr. Austin and the post 4 commissioner and commissioner-elect stating just my thoughts on the matter. I was civil and polite and stuck to the facts, but did not hold back. I just thought they needed to hear how we felt, and esp. after hearing the pitiful explanation. I shall be interested to see if I get a response, or if they provoke me by further arrogance.
  21. A couple of other observations after reading the AJC article. I knew that the judge is a woman, but I didn't know she's also black. Which is irrelevant in the eyes of justice (and me), but in such a controversial case, I'm glad no race element was present. The judge cried as well...she looked really upset and was wiping her eyes with a tissue and said this has been the hardest case she's ever handled. I wasn't real impressed with the Michael womens' statements...they were pre-sentencing, and they both seemed to be dry-eyed, although Aimee was doing that dry-eye crying thing. She did ap
  22. hahaha PSYCH!!! hahahahahaahahahahaa
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