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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. She wants us to beg. While hiccuping.
  2. Well, as I stated in the earlier vent thread(s), I don't want to vote too far in advance of an election in case something comes to light that might affect my vote. I've voted early before, but this time I couldn't vote the week before because I was out of town that week. So I said, well, after all, I'll just go on VOTING DAY. I have no quarrel with the combining of the precincts, although parking would still have been messy. But the lines were due to having too few voting machines and too few ballot cards. At Russom, there were NINE voting machines, and nine or ten ballot cards, so tha
  3. Welcome home, fine sir, and God bless you for your service!
  4. Ditto. Never easy, at any age. :sigh:
  5. But enough about me...let's talk about you. What do you think of me? (line from Beaches, IIRC)
  6. Just read about that...DOH! Wonder how their contract reads? I'm sure they'll have to clean up the mess, but I wonder if they'll still get paid? Bet they're not thrilled with the publicity of it, though.
  7. To find out what's going on locally, but laughs (about many things, including those not necessarily meant to be funny) would be my second reason.
  8. Yeah, I like a good sneeze, too. But I'm one of those who cannot sneeze softly to save my life. I know men whose sneezes are like kitten sneezes, but here I have this fog-horn-yelling lumberjack sneeze. A funny - my mother and I were at a funeral for a dear relative; in the middle of this DRONING blather from the preacher doing the funeral, she tried to stifle a sneeze, and it sounded like a (very loud) dying animal. I had to keep my head down and couldn't look at her for anything, lest I burst into hysterical laughter.
  9. Hi, my name is Mei Lan. I'm 49 years old, and will eat most anything that doesn't eat me first ('cept filter-feeders). Also, I like disco music. Boo.
  10. DGITW brought up decriminalization v. legalization...gotta mull on that one a bit, but I'm good with that as well. I think we have wasted WAY too much money and effort on prosecuting folks with the teensiest bit of pot. I don't get why this had like eleventy negatives. But whatev.
  11. I believe I used the word "insidious", and I stand by that...I believe that to be true of any mind-altering drug. Doesn't always have to be insidious, but it can be, and all too often is. At any rate, for underage persons, it's completely and totally inappropriate for several reasons. Also, I did not realize we were including the realm of medicinal uses...if a dr. prescribes it, I have no quarrel. I am for anything that will help ameliorate the suffering and assist with palliative care for seriously ill patients. I believe it is also recommended sometimes for the treatment of glaucoma.
  12. Agreed. For me, it's nephews, but the principle is the same. And not because I don't think they're smart; it's because they don't understand things like moderation, etc. I think it's more a reflection of the culture than it is of my not trusting them. I do believe it hugely important to be honest with them, and to talk about this, and we do that often.
  13. Alcohol is indeed as insidious as marijuana. My family has been drastically affected by the addiction/misuse of same.
  14. Dumb or not, it's currently illegal and should not be tolerated in any form or fashion for his age group. (Not saying OP would do that; just sayin'.)
  15. I'm guessing market research would not support a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's in Paulding. But as with the Avenues, if they did, it'd be in NE Paulding, which of course means it could also be in W Cobb or SE Bartow.
  16. It takes a lot to offend me, and that's certainly not something that would. Just don't get us started down that anal sex path like you did the other day.
  17. I heard awhile back somewhere around $2000, but I have absolutely no concrete information for you. sorry
  18. I have DirecTV...used to have cable, and would NEVER go back. I LOVE my DirecTV, and the nerdy channels make up most of my viewing as well! LOVE me some Deadliest Catch, Biography (anybody's), Dirty Jobs (hubba hubba!), Dr. G Medical Examiner, etc. If husband loves sports, DirecTV is awesome in that regard as well. My brother stubbornly clung to his cable for several years, but finally found a great deal with DirecTV and is THRILLED he switched. You can go to their web site and check out the channel line-ups. My brother got an AWESOME deal with lifetime free-or-discounted HD, free D
  19. The happiest non-Muslim-terrorist-type in the world when 9/11 happened. What. A. Loser. I shall never believe he didn't have something to do with her disappearance/demise.
  20. Oh, I can tell this site is gonna be a lot of fun! I'm a vintage girl myself, but I love that folks have enough confidence and sense of humor to do something they will love instead of what somebody else "expects" them to do. (Caveat being if you get Daddy & Mimsy to pay for it, you proll shouldn't do something which would outrageously offend them.)
  21. Stand up and be counted! Oh wait...you are standing up. :snort: (I'm just messin' with you...I don't even know you, but my sister is short vertically-challenged as well, so I have a particular fondness for same.)
  22. BTW - I feel the same way as DGITW (feels about W) about Bill Clinton...can't condone his behavior and have little in common with him politically, but I can't help but think I'd like him if I were to meet him and that he'd be a blast at a party. Edited because it didn't make sense.
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