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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, I'm no help here...you have named my two most unfavorite places in the entire WORLD!!! Vegas is bad enough, but Jamaica is a pure HELLHOLE. You could not pay me to go back to either place. If I were going to get married with a small wedding (which would be my choice), I would just call up my pastor or a JP and say, how about meeting us at the chapel/my house/courthouse at noon on Friday, and then we'd all go out to eat or something. If I'm gonna do a destination wedding, it'd be somewhere I LOVE, like Ketchikan, Alaska, or Cade's Cove. Or even my back yard. I thought Shan06's we
  2. EXCELLENT POINT. Forgiveness does NOT equal forgetting, and many times forgetting would be dangerous (extreme cases like incest, etc., but emotionally as well). I don't hold grudges, either. I figure they'll get what's coming to them sooner or later, and I sure as heck ain't gonna let their stupidity ruin my life. When you don't forgive, you allow yourself to be chained to that person. :blech: Not saying this is easy...forgiveness is one of THE hardest things I have ever done. But I worked at it, and determined that no matter how many days in a row I had to forgive those who injure
  3. No, we don't. Yes, we do.
  4. This made me laugh, but it's totally logical! I hope it works.
  5. Yeah, don't worry about that. I'm lost sometimes, too...I just pretend like I know what's going on so people won't laugh at me. Key to life, doncha know...
  6. OK, dammit...how come nobody told me about the quiche?
  7. I KNOW! And why? I mean, if we gained an hour, it seems like we'd have more energy. But I'm just puttin' along on fumes. i'm a weakling
  8. Have you tried sitting his carrier on top of the clothes dryer? I've heard that works in lieu of taking a ride in the car (which you said didn't work, but I'm just tryin' to brainstorm here). Has hubby or big sister either one tried holding/rocking/walking around with him? My littlest nephew is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot-natured. He would cry and cry until I stood in the coolest spot in the house where he could feel the a/c directly on his skin, and then he was out like a light.
  9. :shok: They're in Marietta now? YEAYEAYEAYEA Thanks for the info!!! I used to keep them in bidness when I lived in Smyrna. Oh, yowsa...
  10. Pfft...you are not. You just want everybody to think you are. Reputation and all.
  11. Amen to that, sir. Those who would pooh-pooh same just haven't been there, and I pray they never are.
  12. Dunno, but I feel for you. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not at my best when I'm tired. Maybe the little big ol' feller will snap out of this soon and sleep beautifully. so sowwy
  13. Well, I just thank God it's not another subdivision. What kind of cars will they be driving on this range?
  14. Yeah, that's what I'm screamin'...if it's rowdier than today, I think I'm headed out to Wyoming for a couple of weeks.
  15. Except chocolate. Pay attention!
  16. mei lan


    I rank that right up there (or down there, as the case may be) with a Brazilian wax...I would have to be under anesthesia.
  17. My dislike of topic is inversely related to topic title: little babies, grannies, apple pie, bubbles and unicorns... oh, and world peace World peace - ain't gonna happen; no need to debate it. Unicorns - ain't none; no need to debate it. Apple pie - meh. I'm totally a pie person, and I like most any other pie better. Apple cake, though...now that I can get excited about. Grannies - IF they're nice, I like 'em. My mother is a marvelous granny. One of mine died before I was born, and the other was sick all the time, so I never had a good one. Little babies - well, who can argue abou
  18. Hey, thanks for the buzzkill.
  19. In the summer, Chick-fil-A's peach milkshake is the BEST. But otherwise, the OK Cafe.
  20. heh Well, to me there is a difference between people who just flat out annoy me and annoying people who make me laugh. Pcom falls into the latter category.
  21. I didn't see it, either, but here's a summary from Billboard Magazine - http://www.billboard.com/column/the-juice/kanye-west-s-today-show-interview-airs-1004126099.story?tag=hpfeed#/column/the-juice/kanye-west-s-today-show-interview-airs-1004126099.story?tag=hpfeed Even if I liked his music (which I don't), he annoys me. I choose not to be in the presence of annoying people if at all possible.
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