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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Stayin' home for once, and eatin' my mother's AWESOME cookin'. I love staying home during any holiday...everything's so quiet, and I can just enjoy.
  2. I will change the way I do some things, but not others. I totally agree in that I refuse to be afraid. Where I feel the need to avoid x per cent chance of something happening, I will. Otherwise, I'll do my own thing. But I will not do it out of fear. I will do it because that's what I choose to do.
  3. Green pea salad (English peas, boiled egg, onion, mayo, mustard) with cheese and crackers. Prolly a Little Debbie for dessert. I love me some Sister Schubert rolls.
  4. Do not get into a tussle with NC. You will lose.
  5. You're welcome. I am a tough but benevolent dictator dictatrix.
  6. Proverbs 17:28 (New Living Translation): Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent. Or as the old saying goes, better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. sigh
  7. That thought used to be anathema to me, but now I think it sounds pretty darn common-sensical in certain situations.
  8. Happy days!!! Congratulations, girlfriend!
  9. Oh, goodie...a perfect opportunity to post my all-time favorite movie clip about zombies:
  10. There is no better day to snuggle under warm covers than a cold, rainy day. Brrr!
  11. OK, a bullet for you. (Ask Madea...I've anointed myself the unoffical bullet giver-outer. She's gotten two, the mean witch. ) Anyhoo, you do get a bullet for dissing us reptiles who do not want to freeze to death while we're sleeping. GAH!!! A bullet for you, too! EXACTLY. You, my dear, get a mayberry.
  12. PRECIOUS!!! Thank you for sharing! This baby knows he is loved. :wub:
  13. Triplets...I thought the exact same thing. Even IF they really did get engaged and it was True Lurve, wouldn't you have a little self-respect and dignity to NOT announce it for a good while? It just smacks of "See, I can do that, too!" But I've never seen much sensible out of this chick.
  14. OH. Yeah, that guy. I thought momof3 was talking about the original YouTube video on this thread where the guy was in the studio talking to the lady on the phone about her and her daughters being searched.
  15. I don't know...I gathered from the video that he's some sort of radio talk show host. (I'm a lot of help, I know.) I wasn't impressed with him, to be honest. I don't like these new procedures because of the health aspects and because of the alternative "groping" pat downs. But I've not liked the whole TSA thing from the beginning...if we don't learn how to spot terrorists, it's not going to do one bit of good to pat down grandmas and little babies. The passengers are the ones who have foiled many of these things anyway.
  16. I personally like El Al's better solution. The problem with that comes, as RioGrace said, is that it's neither easy nor cheap. But it's very, VERY good.
  17. Me, neither. Momof3, neither. Anti-Social R Us
  18. This is the only post I've seen. Sounds fishy to me, as well. I hope he's ok...
  19. I like Jessica McClintock as well. But whatever you do, please don't slather it on!!! Less is more. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but dang...sometimes I get into an elevator with another person who is drenched in perfume or after shave, and even if it's of good quality, I feel like fainting by the time I get out. Not to mention the fact that I smell like them after we part! :blech:
  20. Well, God love her...it sounded logical. hahahahaha
  21. I hate stories like this. I'll add my prayers to those already praying.
  22. I would be jealous, but I know what my abode would look like with that many books, and that would be skeery.
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