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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I am so sorry. My heart is grieving for you. Truly a profound sorrow, but you are correct...she is no longer in pain.
  2. I found this at Wikipedia (I know, but for general purposes, it's quick)...pilots are former IAF fighter pilots, and cockpit doors are reinforced and totally secure. El Al also now utilizes countermeasures to anything trying to shoot the plane down. Airport security measures Passengers are asked to report three hours before departure. All El Al terminals around the world are closely monitored for security. There are plain-clothes agents and fully armed police or military personnel who patrol the premises for explosives, suspicious behavior, and other threats. Inside the terminal, pass
  3. El Al is indeed awesome in its security. They have specialists who question passengers as they pass through security checkpoints, and they are rumored to have air marshals on every single flight. These specialists are trained in what to look for in a terrorist, and that's not just profiling of Muslims, etc. They are trained to ask particular questions and watch for particular reactions, etc. If they have doubts, they can pull passengers aside and have them questioned by other security personnel. I was questioned by such a specialist once in Frankfurt, Germany. I was flying Delta non-s
  4. Also, how old is she? Sometimes they leave people on the ventilator so their bodies won't stress so much. (Of course, then sometimes it's hard to wean people off of it, but that comes later.)
  5. Where is she? I've heard mostly good things about such surgeries, although of course there can be complications from even the simplest of procedures. Good doctors are the key. I don't know anyone personally who has had open heart surgery, so I can't help you there.
  6. I like it, too. I'd be a fabu wedding planner, 'cept I've sung in enough weddings (at least 40 gazillion, and I never exaggerate!) to know that I don't want to be anywhere near most brides. Bridezilla is a term for a reason. Edited because the brain is mush.
  7. Are you me? I've been to many places, and seriously, LV has to rank in the bottom 1% of the places I've ever been. What a neon-y, tinny, fake, cheap, tacky place!!! We drove from LV to Lake Tahoe, and I was amazed at the gambling that is EVERYWHERE...airport, grocery stores, restaurants...you really can't go anywhere that gambling isn't. Churches, I guess, but we didn't check any of those out. And in the casinos...I figured it'd be glamorous or something, like on TV, but it was SOOOO boring! And the saddest thing were these old people who had come with tour groups sitting at the slot m
  8. My Kindle has 1,100 books on it. But I'm probably couple of hundred books behind you on the physical book count. I've always wanted to have a house with a REAL library/study...like the ones in the olden days, where they had a ladder that goes around a rail so you could go up high to get to a particular book. I might make one yet. I'd check out this Monster Librarian thing, but I'd be afraid I'd get paid.
  9. I just watched that video...DAAAAAAAAAAANG. This is just so wrong. SO. WRONG.
  10. NO!!! I never agree with taxpayers footing the bill for these things (on principle), and CERTAINLY not in this economic environment. These sports teams need to pony up for their own damn facilities, just like any other bidness.
  11. You still mad at him? I don't dive and I've never snorkeled, but the water is what would sway me...BEYOND lovely.
  12. I swear, with the spiffy new buses on some routes, I'd rather go Greyhound! And I've always loved trains, but you have to shell out some bucks there, usually. Honestly, flying these days is so low rent...used to be a great experience, but no more. Unless you can afford to do the private aircraft thing. Yeah, I might could force myself to go that route.
  13. This is the way to effect change. If enough people stand up to them, they will have to change or the airlines will lose too much money.
  14. Awwwwwwwwwww...bless his big ol' heart. I'm so happy!!! I thought about you several times during the night when I'd wake up. Happy!
  15. Welllll...in light of that, I'd probably lean towards the all-inclusive. I'm not really much help at these things...sorry.
  16. DOH!!! I could never work for a book store. There would be pig trails through the stacks of books in my house. And that's even with having a Kindle.
  17. Yeah...bio mother has been putting on a big show of being all sad and everything the last couple of weeks. Riiiiiiiiiiight. What's really sad is that strangers will probably mourn the death of this precious child more than any of the adults in her life. Damn.
  18. Speed limit in our sub is 25 (lots of hills and curves), and the popo has been known to stake it out. You can make a traffic violation request (it's not called that, but a form where you can ask them to patrol an area more closely) on paulding.gov.
  19. True...if you're talking tropics, I would rather go for Turks & Caicos in the Caribbean or Fiji in the South Pacific. I'm sure Bora Bora would be great as well, and who could argue with the Four Seasons? PS - I first read that as Tora Bora, and I'm thinkin'...death wish? HAHAHAHAHAHA
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