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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. BTW - I'm quite sure I don't agree with Pubby on many/most issues. But he does a heck of a job keeping this site going, and in the absence of any traditional real news organ in this county, he has done us a tremendous service by putting pcom into place. I think the slurs against him vis a vis Paulette are rather juvenile...all he has done is give people a forum to air their opinions, and that is what American politics is all about.
  2. I'm very conservative, and I voted for Will. And while I will not attack Ms. Braddock personally, I do think she won because she ran as a Republican. I also think she kept quiet because she knew she had NOTHING to gain from making appearances, answering questions, defending herself, and otherwise speaking out. It could only hurt her. If I'd been her campaign manager (which I wouldn't have been, but if I had), I'd have advised her to do just as she did. I don't think pointing this out makes anybody look like they're attacking her personally, and I don't think it necessarily does her any go
  3. I still haven't heard anybody address why there were so few voting machines and cards. I get combining the polling places (sort of...in theory, at least). But DANG, don't reduce the number of machines!!! What did they do...sell most of them when they combined polls? COME ON!!! I'm still hacked about this. We can build a $10 million frickin' 4-lane road to run between two 2-lane roads, but we can't adequately manage our polling places????????? :angry2:
  4. I didn't see any particular line-holding at Russom, except people holding a person's place in line who wanted to go to the restroom, or a lady with a baby who needed to go to the car to feed it. I personally wouldn't have cared it people held the line for their spouse...it's not like they'd be letting 18 people in line in front of us. My major beef was with the NINE measly voting machines and NINE voting cards. Geez Louise.
  5. Are you my brother? This sounds just like him!
  6. Well, damn...what is that a tunnel TO...China? Didn't the union contract specify horizontal vs. vertical??? Dammit...our tax dollars at work for us. Funny aside - I did the Dam Tour at Hoover Dam several years ago (one of my favorite things I've EVER done...if you're ever out there, DO IT!), and we walked in a horizontal tunnel to look out a big louver on the face of the dam. On the way back, the guide turned on a light in a vertical tunnel with a grate over it. We had walked on said grate on the way to the louver, but I just about freaked when I thought about walking across it
  7. Oh, now, that is just sad. I'm going to pray for you.
  8. I left at 5:45 after standing in line 2 hours and 35 minutes, and yes, the line was WAY longer when I left than when I got there. If OP voted at 9:40 and there were still 278 people behind her (I think that's what she said in the other thread), DANG...that's some late votin' right there. This was an absolutely absurd and stupid situation. Boneheaded planning is what it was. Sheesh.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA :runstogethairdryer: hahahahahaa Despite my avatar, I am basically a reptile, so I've had the heat on already quite a bit and use my electric blanket at night. OTOH, I do save in the summer on electricity.
  10. sigh Is it time to move to TN yet? (No state income tax, no ad valorem tax, etc.)
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss...surely, the greatest grief on this earth is the death of a child. I agree - AFTER is when the hard part comes. I often think of Zach Williamson's parents (kid who was killed several weeks ago), and pray for them, because now is the hardest time. LR - I will pray for the family. I do hate to hear of such things... momof3 - I will say this...a sudden death is awful, but I'm not sure it's worse than watching someone you adore be sick for a very long time before dying. I often think how much better it would have been if my father had just dropped dead of a
  12. Well said. I am truly sorry Mr. Avery lost.
  13. Truly shocking. I cannot think what those who voted yes were thinking! I also think that somebody got the legislators (or whoever writes this crap) to word it as being a reeeeeally good thing, when it SO was not. sigh
  14. :runningtoclosettosearchpocketsofjacket: (j/k)
  15. WOW. What an awesomely wonderful thing to do. Thanks for sharing!
  16. OH MY GOSH!!! Oh, honey, I feel for you big-time. Yeah, they're gonna get a call from me tomorrow.
  17. I mentioned on the other thread that I've heard good things about ING online, but I have also heard really good things about BB&T. And I do love credit unions. Member of IBM and Lockheed.
  18. Oh. Hmmm. I think this is one of my not-thinking-quickly-on-my-feet nights. The brain is dull. I think I'll go watch an old movie.
  19. I voted in the primary (I vote in every election unless I am in the hospital, which has never happened). I met two of my near neighbors in line, but we had a lottttttt of time to get to know each other. Like I said, I felt sorriest for those who had physical limitations and little kids.
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