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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Hey, Shan! Hope all is well! I'm here...just been very busy this weekend.
  2. Oh, totally agreed. I'm totally for calling the popo and stomping on his head while waiting for them to arrive (in order to keep him from escaping, of course). No, pukes like this there's no telling what they'll do, and they DEFINITELY need to be kept away from children. I totally agree. Read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin deBecker...it sheds a lot of light on things like this.
  3. Prolly has educational stuff on it about health food and saving the planet. (I'm just messin'...I love Kashi. Expensive as crap, but I like it.)
  4. Ooh...I need to check that one out. I loved hating that girl!
  5. I. Just. Do. Not. Understand. Honestly...I just don't get it. Why in the world would a family turn their backs on another family member and treat them hatefully? I mean, I get that people are different from family members (God knows I am different from many of my own family members), but what could be so awful that would justify excluding a person from your family? The only things I can think of are a) religious legalism which leads to gross intolerance (note that I did NOT use the world "Christian", because that attitude is NOT endorsed by Christ) or 2) pure ol' meanness. Crap. I ha
  6. Call the SO for details on how to set up a Neighborhood Watch. Cpl. Gurley is very knowledgeable and helpful.
  7. HOW AWFUL!!!!!!! You are doing the right thing!!! Besides - they make artificial trees so much better and more realistic these days, and then, you don't have a hot mess to clean up after Christmas. Bless your heart.
  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE real trees, and I prefer white lights. I like the coloredy (as my nephew used to say) ones on other people's trees, but for some reason, I just love the little white lights.
  9. IIRC, the local American Legion post provided my Daddy's flag. They did the military rites (rifle volley, Taps), and two sailors from Atlanta NAS did the flag protocol. It was BEYOND moving. The sailors looked like they might be 12...one of my cousins said were they high school ROTC, and was amazed when I told him. They were PERFECT, though.
  10. I adore Alton Brown. ADORE HIM. He lives on Whitlock off the Square, doncha know. I'd bother to find out where, 'cept I'd prolly not be able to stop myself from stalking him (poor man).
  11. MEGADITTOS!!! I love Regency stuff, but those characters were just hideous. Have you seen the BBC version of P&P? If not, WELL worth the watch...six hours to lust over Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. YOWSA!!! But the rest of her family - ye gods!!! The casting is just par excellence...Julia Sawalha (of Absolutely Fabulous and a ton of other things) as Kitty, and I can't remember the mother's real name, but she was just AWFUL (fantastic, that is)...I HATED her!!! I know a person is a good actor when they can make someone who's read the book and who knows acting love or hate them. I read s
  12. hahahahahaa I did the same thing! Took me a second. hahahaha Sadie, we really don't think you're a complete dork. Mostly.
  13. Prayers for them, and I'm glad to hear he's being seen by Emory drs.
  14. I'm so glad I'm not the only bibliophile who has a hard time reading Austen!!! I LOVE her work, but dang...if I'm not in the right mood, it's frickin' dry as dirt and I just plod and plod until I finally give up. I most always read more than one book at a time as well. I'm a big non-fiction fan, but I usually like to mix it up. Right now, I'm reading "Gift of Fear" by Gavin deBecker (third time...awesome book), "Witness for the Prosecution and other stories" by Agatha Christie, and I just started "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. (Not that I need help winnin
  15. Again, DUH. One of my very best friends is an attorney, and I advocate the use of attorneys in most situations where there's a doubt. And again, DUH that there are good and bad in every profession. I was talking about this specific incident mentioned by the OP. Some lawyers are called "ambulance-chasers" for a reason...I also know a few of these personally. I just know that sometimes people will try to get money from any source possible because money is the end game for them. So, in summary, YES, I know most lawyers are good. YES, I know there are some bad eggs in every other pro
  16. Bullet for you. We do not kid about serious matters such as this.
  17. I rather doubt either will run (despite all their protestations to the contrary), and I really doubt either will be the nominee. Could be wrong, but that's my guess at this point. But Palin wins on hair alone...or rather, The Donald loses on hair alone.
  18. You're welcome. We aim to please.
  19. :spewingteaalloverkeyboardandmonitor: Dang you! A bullet for that!
  20. Could.Not.Resist. :wub: http://www.wimp.com/supercute/
  21. Sean Connery and Robert Downey, Jr. - Oh, yeah. (Got a little bit-o-lust in my heart right now. )
  22. I LOVE going to Callaway at Christmas. Their light thing is the very best one...I love the whole nature/quietness aspect of it.
  23. Well, duh...of course the client has to be amenable to it. But a lawyer doesn't have to do every single thing a client suggests. Contrary to your (apparent) belief, there really are a few slightly shady lawyers out there.
  24. I was so terribly sorry to read this earlier. Just so sorry.
  25. I'm a newspaper junkie, so I do hope they continue. Not sorry to see them trend just a wee bit to the right, however, if indeed that is the case. Will read article and respond when I have a little more time.
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