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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. I have NO use for a man who will not pay for his children. And yes, I've heard every sad sob story ever told about poor pitiful put-upon fathers and mean hateful money-grubbing mothers. I don't care. You made the kid, you provide for the kid. PERIOD.
  2. Who cares where your truck was? The report will state that you are a witness, and it will NOT state that you were the cause of the wreck. I feel for you - I hate stuff like this. Sorta gets under your skin. Until you mull it over for awhile, and get that oh-I-hope-they-do-sue-me mad attitude, and then you'll be fine. I'd do what Nitro says. Just picture Lawyer's wife telling him she needs a new mink coat/trip to Europe/Mercedes and then picture him hustling into office thinking of ways to shaft people out of money. That should help with the attitude.
  3. Cannot. Even. Go. There. My mind just shuts down.
  4. Just the expression on her face during the preview is enough to send me over the edge.
  5. CE has another thread about it somewhere...I told her I couldn't watch it and to tell me what happened.
  6. I grew up on a farm, so I'm right there with you. Is there a farmhouse or something near where this pasture is? I wouldn't be above stopping to ask them sometime if I really wanted to know. (Just be prepared to hear he sold at auction for beef.)
  7. I hear Rockmart has a Days Inn. :snickersnort: (Sorry...couldn't resist.) Do you like the mountains? Hiwassee and Dillard both have some cute places to stay for not a boatload of money, esp. this time of year.
  8. Hmmm...I've never been married, so I don't know if this would be true for me or not...I think it's the phrase "fully support". I have no desire to be joined at the hip with anybody, and don't care if they like what I like or whatever. BUT I do know that I would ask that the other party be respectful of my interests and desires, even if he thought them silly or whatever. I mean, I wouldn't care if he played golf or whatever, as long as he didn't make me do it. I think golf is silly, but I would respect his desire to do it. But if he belittled me for doing the things I think are important..
  9. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Well, that changes things. Just thump his head and go on about your business. He is obviously clueless in this area. You just hold your head up high knowing that whatever this meeting thing is is making you a better person. He may not even mean for it to be odd and non-supportive...men are so weird in the ways they look at things. He may even not think that much about it. But whatever...I'm so independent that my attitude would be, hey sorry you think that...see if I care. Hrmph.
  10. Kinda like a soap opera. Just sayin'...
  11. I think the list of things that make me abnormal would be much longer than the list of things that make me normal.
  12. I'd say don't answer the door, but that wouldn't have worked yesterday. I hate to be rude, but I believe I would find myself getting more and more...firm in saying no. To the point where I'd open my door, say thanks for stopping by but as you know I am not interested, and close the door without giving them a chance to say anything. At some point, they will get the message.
  13. For the record, I (a rabid conservative just a shade to the right of Antonin Scalia) have been against many things in the GWOT since 2001. Not saying we shouldn't do things, but some of it (like parts of the Patriot Act) make me leery. At the very least, I think such things should be widely debated and studied, which is what we're doing here. Where's a huggy-huggy icon? I love that civilized people can disagree and remain friends. :clapping: :clapping: PS - some believe that Shoe Bomber #1 is/was Jose Padilla and was McVeigh's partner-in-crime.
  14. I have a sheet in my purse with all my medical information and history on it, including current meds, etc. I also have one for my mother (and she has one for me) in the event either of us had an emergency, I could just hand it over to the EMTs/ER personnel. I've also heard it's a good idea to keep it posted somewhere visible if you live alone, like on a refrigerator.
  15. OK, I'm back to being against the scanners. And Nitro does have a point about it being GOVERNMENT involvement in the business transaction between fliers and the airlines. Thanks for the radiation info...Miss Right-Brained Girl here don't know nothin' 'bout no scientific stuff...
  16. All of his powers weren't stripped...just most of them. Cagle can appoint two of eight committee members to decide what legislation gets attention, etc. I'd rather have eight people deciding on legislation any day than just one, but that's me. Apropo of nothing, but Cagle is a snake, IMHO. And he brought all this on himself when the hospital bed tax vote came up last year and two committee chairmen came out against it. He stripped the committee chairmen of their chairs in retaliation. That sort of got the ball rolling on reining him in.
  17. Oh, btw, OP - I'm with the others. Water off a duck's back. I know that's easier said than done sometimes. But honestly, I've learned that sometimes folks aren't as good friends as they would have you believe.
  18. Yeah, that's right - your obscene ibuprofen-in-a-ziploc thread got thrown into the tonk on account of anal sex, IIRC.
  19. I used to be this way! I went from 8th grade until I was 39 without throwing up once. No matter how badly I felt, I just didn't. But I got the mother of all stomach viruses (virii? ) and I threw up and diarrhea'd for three straight days. Ever since then, I feel the least bit bad, I'm headed to the bathroom. I even devised a strategy for not messing up the water closet area because I'm such a messy puker (puke in the shower and wash it down). I know...TMI. But something about that one stomach virus broke the spell, and now I can't keep it down no matter what.
  20. Tell us about it when it's over. I don't think I can bear to watch.
  21. Well, I was with NC on Les Stroud until you posted this...ol' Les is def. #2...I do love me some Mike Rowe! Hubba, hubba!
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