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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm not a big fan of the scanners, but if as you state they are radio waves and not x-ray, that eases my mind totally. I don't care what they see...any idiot getting their jollies from seeing my anonymous nekkid parts as part of 3200 in a day (400 images/hour x 8 hours) is pathetic. I'm definitely against the groping business inasmuch as we're not doing things like El Al and figuring how to spot REAL terrorists. No way would I let my kid be groped. And I do have concerns about government encroachment into our rights and trashing the Constitution as well. But for me, your statemen
  2. What a great thing to do!!! Just please tell him don't do the Justin Bieber haircut. That is so annoying!!! Although, if he is donating it, I suppose I'll (grudgingly) let him do it however he wants. He's earned it, and exhibited a great character quality in the process. I'll let it slide this time. But next time...:D:D
  3. Assuming one doesn't feel any real danger, I think this is absolutely the best response. They're clearly doing it for shock value or whatever, so give 'em a little shock...so everybody can hear. Then holler, "AS IF!!!" as you hit him on the head with your purse.
  4. Wow, that is really lame. Yes, you need to join in with the rest of the world doomed to sit in interminable meetings while speakers drone on into infinity about...NOTHING. Here's yesterday's Dilbert:
  5. Agreed, agreed on all. I like to think I'd kick his arse out to the parking lot, but like FABF, I might be stunned enough not to say anything for a minute. But when I did...boy, howdy! I, like Blondie, would raise a total ruckus, and I'd be whaling away on him at the same time. Loser. He's done got me fired up now...I hope he tries this on some PMSing or menopausal woman soon. Moron. Moron Loser. I also tend to be VERY aware of people trying to get into my personal space, so if he got close enough to me to rub up against me, I'd be surprised. I pretty much always try to stay aware
  6. Oh, hell, NO, he won't go. A teensy scolding, at most.
  7. You go, girl! Same here...
  8. Go for it. I anointed myself Official Bullet Giver-Outer (as Madea can attest...), so I anoint you the Troll Patrol.
  9. I seem to remember a thread or two on here last fall/winter about gas companies harrassing customers to inspect their lines and taking some part that would make the gas inoperable until they let the gas employees in the house. Dumb, IMHO...and those fees are as well. I'd keep lookin'.
  10. Hey, now I don't feel so badly about not being able to think of anything I'd do over. Certainly not perfect in any way, shape, or form, but it has made me who I am today. And honey - if a car is the one thing you can really think of you'd do over, I'd say that's fantastic! PS - Believe me...college graduates do not start at the top. I'm not sorry I finished, because I've had the best track record ever of not finishing things I start, but it has done ZIPPO for my career, inasmuch as I'm not an engineer or doctor.
  11. GAH!!! I am so naive sometimes...I think about them stealing information from me, but never about stuff like this. Glad I have security (same as yours, according to one of the recent threads).
  12. I think Dianer did ok for someone thrust into the spotlight at such a young age, being in lurve, and then finding out her fairy tale was a bad dream complete with a horse-faced monster. She did stupid and did a lot of good things. And at least she was classy in her carriage and dress. I agree with DGITW...I hope he treats her well from here on out.
  13. Somebody fell in one of the boarded up tunnel entrances and can't find his way out in the dark.
  14. Where's Tidwell Road? I'm not placing it. I love longhorns! The mental pic of him and those goats is cracking me up.
  15. Sounds great to me, and as AFG said, a tremendous undertaking. I don't have kids, so my only comment would be that if I personally were doing it, I would NOT take any grant money from any government agency. You take their money, they can tell you what to do.
  16. Really? He's really that stupid? Or perhaps someone had access to a computer or phone of his? Otherwise, it just does not make one bit of sense. Ye gods.
  17. Oh, how my heart hurts for this soldier and his friend. God bless them every one, and may they meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.
  18. That is what is so strange about the times we are living in now. Hark back to what Mark said about not beating yourself up. You have done the best you could, and if you have to walk, so be it. I am just so sorry you and your family are going through this, but you are not alone. Used to be the majority of folks who went through stuff like this really were deadbeats because times were so good. Now, not so. A friend of mine owned an architectural firm and lost his house to foreclosure. Tough, tough times. DGITW yesterday said something about selling both their houses and renting for aw
  19. I know what you mean...I'll absolutely LOVE something, and then I'll see it everywhere, and amongst the most goofy of persons who have no idea of the value of it, and then I'm just BLECH. Boo.
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