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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Ivy, that's a great idea! That does away with having to remember anything (tag #, etc.), and many folks always have their cell phones with them. A picture might also trigger someone else's memory if they saw it. Cool idea. The only thing I can think of that would help more is if the subdivision had a monorail. (I am so messin' with you. Please feel free to slap me with a wet noodle. ) PS - I just thought of something...I'm going to pass along your idea to our Neighborhood Watch folks for our subdivision as well. You get a mayberry (I'm the self-anointed official mayberry g
  2. Two words - AWE SOME!!! I hope you have a FANTASTIC week!!! Hugs...
  3. Awesome! The convertible pictured is a '65...I'm a purist.
  4. Aw...gonna have to check this out. I LOVE auctions! Cars, cattle, antiques...you name it. Thanks for the info!
  5. Oh, dude...that bug looks great! How much was it? Here's my bucket list car:
  6. Oh, dear...that is gonna be bad. I'm guessing you will go back to a MESS, but that is no reason NOT to take a wonderbar vacation! You have a great time. (Just better you than me...with my family, that is. If I were marooned in a cabin for a week with 20+ of my relatives, somebody would get hurt.)
  7. Hey, things I never knew! Pcom = education.
  8. You know, I love Christmas...LOVE IT. But I agree with you - it has gotten to be the biggest hassle! In the last few years, I have made a VERY concerted effort to gear my life back down to quiet levels so I can appreciate the holiday. I do fewer presents, fewer parties, and more staying home decorating and enjoying the season and reflecting on the origin of same.
  9. Well, if you're the goob who keeps parking in my front yard leaving big ol' tire crap marks when you pull off so that I have to keep reseeding the grass, I won't shoot you, but I will box your ears.
  10. Hmmm. I sorta like being anonymous and not telling everybody when I'm leaving Home Depot and going to Michael's. I'm just weird, I guess.
  11. Floyd's EMS is very good, as are both of Rome/Floyd hospitals. A body could do worse than have them. Heck...as little as I think of WellStar, I'd just as soon have them take me to Floyd or Redmond if I couldn't get to Piedmont.
  12. Utterly ridiculous. I have nothing new to add except that I did notice what I saw someone else mention about the TSA folks not changing gloves...if they are touching so many people in so many places, how many germs are they spreading when they run their hands down somebody's pants? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Ye gods!!!!!!!
  13. Sweet! Boots are our friends.
  14. YOU ACCEPT TRADE-INS??????? :keelingoverindeadfaint: I will DEFINITELY be by to see you soon. If not before Christmas, then soon after. WEEEEE HOOOOOOOOO!!!
  15. Bless their hearts. I'll just go on out of here now.
  16. But why would that make you go OUT of the house? Unless........you have an OUTHOUSE instead of indoor plumbing. If that's the case, then I apologize for mentioning it. NEVER MIND. I obviously cannot read, since topic clearly says OUT OF BED instead of OUT OF HOUSE.
  17. First, those who have been burgled - I am so sorry!!! That is BEYOND frustrating and creepy!!! Second, SO charging to patrol? I think not. I think I'd hammer whoever told you that for specifics. Third, I don't live anywhere near y'all, but GO FOR IT on the Neighborhood Watch thing!!! I just spearheaded the start of one for my neighborhood, and it can only HELP. If you start the watch (more about that in a minute), Cpl. Gurley of the SO will give you a customized - for Paulding County - sign to put up at the entrance to your neighborhood and window decals for homes who wish to put t
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