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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I called the Health Dept. and they faxed mine to me for free. And it was correct.
  2. I KNOW!!! I got tears in my eyes just listening to it again.
  3. Pretty darn funny. Esp. when Hillary was hitting him in the arm to get him to agree that everybody would forget all about it by tomorrow. hahahahahahahahahahahaa And I gotta agree - with her money and professionalism (and I'm more of a fan of hers than not), she shoulda done MUCH better. Contrast that with the pre-drugs Whitney of 1991 just before the first Gulf War: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WVDARznt8
  4. I see you are suffering from the Expect Waaay Too Much From People syndrome. Not to worry...I have suffered from same for years, but am slowly getting better.
  5. :( I got nothin', but I hope she feels better soon.
  6. Postman - you're prouder of your daughter than of a dog? Go figure!!! (Just messin' with you. She's way cute in that pic, and a nursing degree is nothing to sneeze at.) LPPT - LOVE LOVE LOVE those baby eyes!!! Keep those precious pics coming. I am so glad you got her. I don't need a dog, and don't particularly have a fondness for chis, but I wanted her! Precious, precious... Hey, LPPT, a question - how do your other dogs respond to her?
  7. Good God, woman (or man), it's not worth dying over!!! Just go to south Florida or Puerto Rico. Anywhere but Mexico! (I would put a grinning smiley, but I'm not really kidding.)
  8. Good heavens - at this rate, she'll weigh 1,000 lbs. by her first birthday! Oh, I DO love beautiful and loving animals.
  9. Yeppers. I have two checkbooks left from my last box that I do not even remember ordering, it was so long ago.
  10. Will keep y'all in my prayers. Please keep us updated.
  11. No. They get stuck in my teeth, and then I'm all annoyed trying to ferret the gummy crumbs out of the crevices of my molars for 30 minutes.
  12. Well, as to the actual journalistic background of the news persons, I might agree with you. But as to the openness and availability of all different news sources and news stories and different sides of news stories, I would disagree. Before the advent of the internet, news presenters could present whichever view of the news they wishes. Now, with the free and easy access to full information on the internet, it's much easier for people to find the truth to back up (or not) whatever news story they see. I personally find all the entertainment, glitz, and back-and-forth-ing of current "n
  13. Not to be a picker of nits, but I think two of them are new (Barnett and Pownall) and the others are old. Well, not old, but been there awhile. But you do make a valid point. Perhaps these two new ones will put some new perspective on things.
  14. Old news. He retired (not a nanosecond too soon) and Gary Black is the new Ag Commish.
  15. Yeah, baby, we'd be interested. Agreed on getting more visibility. I'm passing the word as much as I can, though.
  16. Kim, my heart goes out to you. Surely, there is no greater or more profound grief a person can experience on this earth than the loss of a child. I'm just so terribly sorry.
  17. I'm serious! What could be so important (other than a true health emergency) that it's worth risking your life over? See: truck in ice in Oklahoma today...sad, sad, sad.
  18. Happy birthday, you weird Albert, you.
  19. We love our DDD. I wonder if he knows what a cult following he has?
  20. I'm guessing China's already there ahead of us.
  21. No, I have not watched the Surprised Kitty video like 1500 times. No, sirree.
  22. Everybody but Arnold gets a bullet for confusing me. ('Cause I like Arnold.)
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