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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. hahahahaha I was thinking the same thing! Welcome, many names person!
  2. Oh, my Lord - she's been seen in that hideous thing before? Did you notice her mis-matched shoes? (Not black/blue, but red/green.) GAH!!! But she really is such a great actress.
  3. Well, apropo of nothing except my occasional silly interest in London tabloids, I found the following two stories about the Golden Globes interesting. I don't watch awards shows, since to me that's about like watching 7th-graders vote on class superlatives. Two observations: Ricky Gervais is DA BOMB (his Scientology comment was hilarious!), and Helena Bonham-Carter and Tim Burton are perfect for each other. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1348067/Golden-Globes-2011-Ricky-Gervaiss-risqu-attack-self-loving-Tinseltown.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13481
  4. Oh, dear. And here I thought I was gonna get by without giving anybody a bullet today. But no!!! You had to go and show common sense. Bullet!
  5. I personally think (esp. considering the economy these days) that kids would do better to learn a trade than to go into debt going to college. In hard times, folks are still gonna need plumbers...college graduates of a liberal arts college, not so much. PS - I do also know that Detroit and Michigan have been incredibly hard-hit by the economic downturn.
  6. Ooh...I hadn't heard that about Herman...yeah, Uncle Newtie would be a deal-BREAKER for me. I do not see voting for him in any way, shape or form. Fine if he's in somebody's cabinet, but no way is he getting my vote. I am sick and tired of watering down my vote (i.e., voting for RINOs) in the hopes of just getting some ol' body elected. From this point forward, I am going to vote my conscience, result be damned.
  7. The Pacemaster looks good...I'd check out several before buying. If you're looking at a good model, I'm guessing fan and all that jazz comes with it, just because it's cheap to add that stuff in and makes it look glitzy, doncha know. My mother chose Sears because they're always good to take stuff back if there's a problem with it. I got a recumbent bike from them that I really like as well.
  8. Seems like two different topics in the GoBLUE! situation - what caused the situation (an what they could have done differently), and how they handled things when they saw things falling apart. My only comment, and I'm a radical conservative just a shade to the right of Antonin Scalia, is that sometimes doo-doo happens. And there but for the grace of God go I. Many good people have bankrupted before and went on to live solid, productive lives (including Dave Ramsey). I find such situations sad rather than maddening. I will also agree with DGITW somewhat in that the big banks are not
  9. My mother got a NordicTrack from Sears...it will fold up, but she doesn't fold it up unless she's going to move it, because it's sort of heavy. OK, it's real heavy. Anyhoo, it wasn't too hard to put together...she and I did it after supper one night. Personally, I would rather buy a name brand than go with something cheapo just for the made-well factor.
  10. Pubby said "icky and weird". :snicker: Sorry...that just struck me as funny. Call me Sadie.
  11. A friend of mine's brother was a slacker/ne'er-do-well all the way through high school and after. Just petty get into trouble crap, along with drinking and such...his father had walked out of their lives when they were tots and their mother was...well, somewhat silly. One day he up and joined the Marines (major surprise to me), did his stint, came home, went to college, and is now a successful CPA. The Marines really did make a man out of him. He's such a sterling guy, and all he needed was pointing in the right direction.
  12. HEAR, HEAR!!! Give this girl a cookie!!! I have OFTEN wondered the same thing!!! Girls are grossed out at the thought of using somebody else's toothbrush, but they'll have sex with anybody and everybody? The very THOUGHT of this just makes my skin crawl. And condoms are not 100% protection against STDs. Gross, gross, gross. With regard to STDs, when you have sex with a person, you're also having sex with every person they've ever had sex with, and every person all of those people have sex with, etc. GROSS!!! (I have to go now...I'm totally grossing myself out.) Edited to add that
  13. What did your husband have to say about all this?
  14. Oh, yeah, I was gonna ask that, too.
  15. This is all I found at Lexis-Nexis doing a search of the entire code, and it appears (to my reading) that the video is legal since the kids were not in a private place. See O.C.G.A. § 16-11-62. Linky: http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/gacode/Default.asp Still, if you called the SO and had somebody come out to verify whether it was legal, perhaps that would discourage said neighbors from their videotaping activities.
  16. I believe we have agreed about this before. Not being a stick-in-the-mud, but a) I don't like the privacy issues, 2) I tried it and something was just...lacking. Not saying anybody else shouldn't do it if they want, but I just didn't get the appeal. After about the third privacy issue following my signing up, I deleted my account. There have been several more privacy issues raised since then.
  17. I'm in the Herman Cain camp.
  18. The Andy Griffith Show, b/w version only.
  19. Personal bankin' bidness...HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Thanks for posting! Web site says internet banking site of Bank of the Wichitas, est. 1913. Funny.
  20. No...I talked to a postal clerk at the Acworth PO and she said they wanted to, but were not allowed to. Which means the unions put the kibosh on their delivering except on the regular days.
  21. mrnn - I KNOW!!! I wish alarm clocks came with a coffee IV drip that would automatically start about 45 minutes before I'm supposed to get up.
  22. I'm a snoozer. I'm also a night owl. My sister is a wake right up kind of person, but she also starts nodding off around 9:00 every night. It's a difference in personalities. I promise, it's not that I'm lazy or just don't want to get up...it's that I cannot physically wake up like morning people. We're not bad...we're just different.
  23. HAHAHAHAHHAA A mayberry for you! hahahahahahahahahaaa
  24. I can't help it. I'm just a geek. I don't know half the stuff everybody else in the world seems to know, but weird, arcane political/government stuff I can rattle off. GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!
  25. Well, probably speaking for most of us here, we just love to read. And the more we read, the better we get, and the faster we get. Reading, to me, is the gateway to the REST OF THE WORLD. If you can read, you can learn about ANYTHING...places, people, events, history, how-to, you name it. I generally read 30 minutes to an hour a day. If you'd like to read more, I'd suggest two things: a) pick out something you're really, really interested in and get a book or books on that, and 2) check out information on how to be a better reader (either via internet or ask a librarian for resources)
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