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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't watch it, either...I don't do manipulative crying things very well.
  2. Oh, Subby, I truly got tears in my eyes when I read this!!! This is AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!! God bless you, dude...what awesomely great news. :happydancewhilecrying:
  3. Dark gray - right. I can see everything well, 'cept I keep having notifications of messages when I've already read them all. BUT that's a nit and I don't mind if it's not corrected.
  4. Voices - I agree with Subby...your comments are always interesting and thought-provoking. And I must say that reading all these comments (and esp. one from a guy) about people who have similar troubles makes me not feel quite so lame/stupid/weak/whatever about having issues with anxiety, etc.
  5. This one is just a set-up for next week's big event.
  6. I took your post the way you meant it (didn't occur to me otherwise). Yes, I also think it's a genuine medical phenomenon (some misfiring of our fight/flight mechanism, I'm guessing), but yes, also exacerbated by personality/whatever.
  7. I've always wanted to go to Madagascar.
  8. DDD says it's gonna be a big 'un this time. At least as big as last time, and maybe bigger. Sorry - here's a linky to DDD: http://forum.gon.com/showthread.php?t=596641&page=3
  9. RE: Subby - I'm guessing personality type may have something to do with a predisposition for this, as well as some sort of genetic predisposition. In my case, several people on my father's side of the family going back a couple of generations have had troubles with anxiety and depression. RE: QOTSA - I Dr. Weil.
  10. I must say you people have provided some very thoughtful - and thought-provoking - responses on this thread. I hereby bestow mayberries all around!
  11. The Pubster is on a roll. (Totally agree, btw. The law is the law.)
  12. I snickered deep down inside myself.
  13. I hate that!!! I've done that before, and glance in the mirror and go GAH!!! I feel like such a weenie when I do it. In your case, at least you're dealing with 8th-graders. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Definitely!
  14. This is what I've found as well. And yes, IT SUCKS. I think the one thing that shocked me the most was that after the initial attacks, the thing I was terrified of the most was THE NEXT ATTACK. I have read that folks whose attacks are triggered by places will avoid going to certain places (and in some cases avoid leaving their homes at all), and I can see why. Terror is a horrible thing.
  15. I officially appoint you my #2. All Hail Deputy Queen Blondiega1!
  16. HEAR, HEAR!!! Exactly what I was thinking. This is so common-sensical that I should give you a bullet, but I like you, so I shan't.
  17. :screaminginhorror: BASIC MATH!!! :screaminglouder:
  18. I had extensive testing when I was having these pains, and to my surprise, it wasn't gallbladder, but rather acid reflux. The pain was radiating from my esophagus, which was having spasms. If it keeps up, go to the dr.
  19. What a GREAT idea about driving to the ER and waiting it out. I wish I had thought of that when I was having them several years ago. I, too, have learned more about warding them off, talking myself through them, etc. I went on medication for a time to get myself under control, and to learn about it. My dr. wanted me to stay on it, but everything I've read (great research and resources on the interwebz) says that you can control it if you learn how and practice it, and that it's better controlled than with meds. I think for me the absolute WORST was having an attack consume me and I did
  20. Speaking of things we love that have been discontinued... :cray: (And yes, I do hate the discontinued color of lipstick. But worry not. When I am Queen of the Universe, I shall remedy such injustices.)
  21. GAH!!! :runsscreamingintothestreet: Numbers and I don't get along! It worked...I'm afraid!!!
  22. Yeah, I wanted to take a pair of scissors to those bangs! And I've never seen Julianne Moore look bad, but this was close.
  23. Oh, and CAtherine Zeta-Jones looked lovely as ever, but I swear she looks like she's wearing Scarlett O'Hara's curtains.
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