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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Dang tootin'. I'd be on their behinds NON-STOP until they solved the problem. NO EXCUSE, even if it was $27.50 a night. But 4275/night? Please.
  2. I really feel for you all. I didn't realize this is where you lived; the house for sale next door at that price would be depressing to me, too. I also wouldn't be happy about the Dollar Genearl. I LOVED your idea about seeing if you could get them to give it a rustic/neighborhood-friendly look. I always feel very sad when people don't keep their property up. Unless you're dreadfully sick or something else is very wrong, it doesn't take much to keep things neat and orderly. I'm so sorry.
  3. Good point. Oh, I like you. I could not agree more.
  4. Well, you Apple folks will join the rest of us when hackers get bored and decide to move to your side to start causing trouble.
  5. THIS!!! It is what it is. These kids need to learn to deal with it. As I said, yes, I would hire a lawyer (for which child would reimburse me in time) to get the charge pled out to a misdemeanor. But it is what it is.
  6. Yep. I don't like the cheapie things because they just seem flimsy. But I do wash and reuse stuff like you do.
  7. Also on my list. Theoretically, I'd like to drive from Miami on the old A1A road straight through to Canada and then do Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, but that might be a bit much. I'd prolly be happy starting at Boston. We spent a couple of days in Seattle a few years ago, and it is without a doubt one of the LOVELIEST cities in the entire country. Totally liked it.
  8. Or so he says. If nobody's talking, then they don't really know a whole lot, it seems to me. I'm not saying he's a liar...I'm just saying that it seems to me a whole LOT Of information is missing, and if the kids won't cough it up, I don't know how they can do otherwise than treat them all the same.
  9. If my child had been in on any part of this, I would hire a good lawyer to see if we could plead the charge(s) down to a misdemeanor since no major damage was done. I would not have the lawyer look at suing the school board in the hopes of getting my kid back in school, EVEN IF I thought the punishment was too harsh or unfair. I would tell my child, hey, life is hard...it's harder if you're stupid. And the sooner you learn that truth, the better off you'll be. I would also let him/her know that as they were out that late (WAY after my curfew) and had reverted to the behavior of a 14-year-o
  10. mei lan

    RIP Earl

    He was a good 'un. I do love me some good bluegrass.
  11. If you go in May/June, you can avoid the skeeters. We did, and it was wonderful.
  12. I feel your pain, dearest. I'm TERRIBLE at this. But I have seen stuff on pinterest and elsewhere about cooking for a week on the weekend and freezing, etc. Also seen some crock pot stuff where you put the whole thing together and freeze or whatever and then just put it in the crock pot. Edited because I'm a dork.
  13. You crack me up, girl I swear, I saw the exact same thing on my last trip on Carnival...but thank the Lord I wasn't paying for it. I had to go for the company I was working for at that time. Believe me - a more miserable four days on board a ship that didn't sink have never been spent. I'm still scarred...
  14. Glad you found something! I HATE that process.
  15. This is on my trip list. Fly into San Diego, drive the PCH all the way up to the Canadian border. And if I'm rich by then, take the trans-Canada passenger train from Prince Rupert (north of Vancouver) to Vancouver to Toronto to Montreal to Halifax. SWEET!!! Also on my list. I have a big list. Not on my list. I liked Wyoming ok, but I got my share of cattle ranching helping the parental units when I was a kid.
  16. As in, trailer park diverse. We cruised Princess when we went to Alaska, but I'm so not a fan now of their being owned by Carnival. I hear very good things about RC. Now, that is just WRONG on so many levels!
  17. The pictures are fantastic. I would love to see it. RE: cruises - I would also advise against choosing a discount cruise or low-price cruise line. Just sayin'...
  18. Megadittos on that, and ESP. if you do a cruise to Alaska. Which I highly recommend. Also, my mother and I went to Colorado last summer...flew into Denver, rented a car, and drove in a loop west, then south, then back to Denver over several days. It was a very nice trip! Santa Fe/Taos/Albuquerque is also a fantastic trip. If you've never been to Texas...gosh, just pick anywhere and go (except on the border). Texas is FANTASTIC. If you like gambling, neon, shopping, shows, and hos, you will like Vegas. I hated it. HOWEVER, if you go anywhere near there, you MUST visit Hoover
  19. Not disagreeing with you necessarily, but the person I am now would strike back with no warning if some guy tried that on me. And I probably would have done the same when I was your daughter's age, but thankfully I never had to find out.
  20. No idea, since they're GEICO commercials, you dweeb.
  21. Oh, bless your heart - I feel like driving down there and giving you a big hug. It didn't make sense to me when I read the first post, either, but I've got it now. And yes, I would have done the same thing if my kid was grounded and her step-brother came over...I would have allowed her to go with him with the understanding that this was a special occasion since she doesn't get to see him often. Which DUH...should have been logical for daughter to understand, and probably was, but crap. I can only echo what others have said - consistency, consistency, consistency. When she finally get
  22. mei lan


    Dude. That's something I hadn't even considered. :runningtoreformulatepreparednessplan:
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