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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Saw that...very sad. And I'm in agreement with you. I love football, but in the last few years (before it became a national discussion), I've been totally put off by it because of the head injury element. My 5yo nephew wants to play, but he likes baseball and soccer better, so we're encouraging him in those two directions. sad, sad.
  2. Hey, now - not all of us! I'm skeert, too!
  3. Megadittos on this. I'm voting for Crowe (as it stands now). Don't know who I'll vote for in the Heath/Carruth contest. Prolly not vote like JTH. :sigh:
  4. Yes, I forgot to mention that. I did pay special attention to the bouquet - LOVERLY! And megadittos on the not matchy-matchy.
  5. No, I di'int! I just threatened to hurt you. But LOVELY pics, and what a lovely wedding!!! You looked adorable, the attendants all looked great, and the kidlets were precious. Love the green. Thank you for sharing! (I prolly wouldn'ta cut you, you know. )
  6. What a precious little place! I'm very happy for you!
  7. Congratulations, sweetie!!! Now post pics afore I cut you.
  8. The couple who caught it didn't even know the little guy was upset because his back was to them. When they found out, they offered him the ball, but his parents said no, he needs to learn he can't have everything all the time. The sportscasters went nuts and brought down wrath of folks on the couple who caught the ball. I thought the kid's parents handled it great, and the Rangers did as well.
  9. Questions of the universe.
  10. You know, I just realized something. I grew up in a pretty sheltered environment...both parents in the home, church-going, on a farm, small town, that sort of thing. I've heard stories about bikers and biker gangs (not that I think or thought all bikers are in a gang, good or bad) as far back as I can remember. But I don't ever remember being afraid or apprehensive when I would see a bunch of bikers riding by. That's a good thing.
  11. HEY!!! Can I get a witness!?! I personally have never understood the whole hate speech thing. I mean, intellectually, I understand when people say things that are hateful and cruel. I just don't understand hate speech as regards the law, etc. But like I said, I just ignore stupidity like these signs, and I would even if they were directed at me.
  12. Sleep deprivation is a very real concern in this modern society. I was sleep-deprived for three straight years due to my father's illness (I'm talking SEVERE sleep deprivation), and it took me a couple of years to get to where I could sleep through the night after he walked on ahead. And the last two years my sleep has been very uneven...I'm now resting very comfortably, but it's the first time in over seven years that I have slept really well for an extended period of time. It has adversely affected my health in several ways. Work has also been a factor with my not sleeping...the more
  13. I love this! I'm so sorry about your SIL. I've been praying for her and wondering what was the latest. I'll continue to pray for her and the entire family.
  14. Make it a cell for three. I agree that I'll pare down my internet doings. I cannot believe that bunch of slimy weasels did this. But wait - they're slimy weasels, so what else should one expect?
  15. Same here. I don't know the pain of losing a child, but I do know grief more than a person should ever know grief. I firmly believe that the grief over the loss of a child is the most profound grief a person can know on this earth. A parent just should never outlive their child. Don't let anybody tell you oh, it's been long enough, you need to get over it and get out more. Or whatever. Of course you have to process through the grief (probably multiple times) in order to move on, but you didn't lose your car keys or a favorite vase - you lost your greatest treasure and a part of YOU!
  16. I figured as much. And yes, he will be fine. When he figures out he will be the Older Brother Who Knows All, he'll like that.
  17. Call me and I'll come sleep on your porch.
  18. Already there. I'm posting from my super-secure hideaway. Post of the week.
  19. Good, 'cause I heard the other one closed. Also, that would be a graet location for one! It is. It's going in on 41 between the new Wellstar building and the VFW post.
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