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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'll watch anything with Mike Rowe in it. Actually, I think I've seen this one...I'll check it out when I get home. I love his defense of blue-collar workers.
  2. Who has the time and lack of a real life to be a troll? Whoever it is, I don't want to meet it. Then my mind wanders and this reminds me of the troll under the bridge and the Billy Goat's Gruff. Heh.
  3. Please take me with you. PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU. PLEASE. TAKE. ME. WITH. YOU. Something low-key, perhaps, like Hilton Head, or Pawley's, or Amelia Island?
  4. Oh, honey...I could write a book. But it'd be so negative nobody would want to buy it. Suffice it to say that #2 is SPOT ON. :sigh:
  5. Looks like. I was wondering the same thing till she referenced the NY Girl post in the latest NY Gal post. If that's not confusing enough for you.
  6. I was asking an honest question. The policy still bothers me, but the two drink maximum is a great idea. I would much rather bring nephew there than to CEC, where there is no maximum (according to what people say). Thank you for responding with details.
  7. Good point. I would like to hear from NY Gal herself on this...
  8. What could possibly go wrong? I'm no prude, and I don't mind if anybody has a drink or eight as long as they're not harming anyone else. But in a family environment where eating is not the main draw? Man, that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen. And it seems like it would raise liability issues GALORE. I really don't see the value-add to this. I had thought about taking nephew sometime because he would LOVE to learn to skate. But not now.
  9. The correct spelling is "heatherns".
  10. Hmmmm. A little weird, IMHO. Maybe they should say kids welcome till 8pm or something. Or well-behaved kids welcome till 8pm.
  11. Good for the manager. I've heard good things about the place, but the kids thing would SEND ME. I'm too sorry...that is just inexcusable. And in a bar environment? I mean, the place has "Tavern" in its name!
  12. OH EM GEE. From Rhonda's link: Packing This method is uncommon in the West, but has traditionally been used in Africa. A cut is made diagonally and an inert material such as clay or ash is packed into the wound; massive hypertrophic scars are formed during healing as the wound pushes out the substance that had been inserted into the wound. Cigar ash is used in the United States for more raised and purple scars; people may also use ashes of deceased persons[citation needed]. I swear, the things I do not know.
  13. That dude has some serious scars on the right side of his face. Very symmetrical.
  14. Serious bidness, sister. We'll just be clueless together (as we rule the world).
  15. Yes, honey - Stick will indeed bloom one day. Walter Reeves says bushes and trees bloom when they're good and ready (i.e., mature enough).
  16. I put this chick in the same bin as those creepy Kardashian people. Must...stop...brain...cells...from...dying............
  17. Agree with GT...she was never afraid of losing her job. She's a manipulative witch is what she is. I do hope they charge her with a felony...she also entered a witness room after she had been instructed not to. She was one of the most hostile witnesses I've ever seen on the stand. This could be quite interesting.
  18. That case I mentioned in Rome? They arrested the wife as she was leaving her lawyer's office trying to make arrangements to get her $2M payout ASAP.
  19. Yeah, I think she goaded him into doing it. And being the typical male thinking with his body part below the belt, had no clue. I hope they've gotten enough on her to charge her if that's the case.
  20. Awwww...what a nice thing to say! :scuffingtoeindirt: If you keep bein' so nice, I'll make you my #2 and shuffle ol' Blondie to #3.
  21. I thought she already collected. Maybe she didn't...that would be nice. Case in Rome five or so years ago (Harper/Reynolds) same exact thing...she was to get $2M ins. and he murdered the husband. Thank GOD they were both so stupid they were arrested before the husband's funeral.
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