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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, man...that is just about the saddest thing I have ever read. Imma put you on the prayer list at church.
  2. That's awesome, sweetie!!! I'm so happy for you! Does 9yo know yet? If so, what does he think? (He'll be its third parent. )
  3. Amen, sister!!! Personally, I just ignore fools who do stuff like this. (I can't even remember the last time I called someone a fool, but this certainly fits.) If nephews were to be with me when we passed such a sign, I would DEFINITELY use it as a huge teaching tool. Bottom line, it illustrates two things: a) we are still free, and 2) some people will always be stupid.
  4. That's a big 10-4. I'm puttin' this on my list!
  5. Me and you should hire someone to video...we'd make a fortune! Polk County is a skeery, skeery place.
  6. mei lan


    I know from depression and anxiety, and I finally had to actually ban myself from looking at WebMD because I realized I had a brain tumor, congestive heart failure, colon cancer, ALS, and blood clots in my legs, all at the same time. And no, I am not kidding. Thank the Lord I know better now, and realize how to utilize Cognitive Behavior Therapy (monitoring and improving self-talk and thoughts of the patient). If you can convince her to go for counseling, a counselor who understands this would be an asset. Sounds like the trigger may have been her sister's death on the heels of your father
  7. Well, I ain't gonna be there. I'm just sayin' for it to work right, it has to be the Hiram Wal-Mart (in which I would not be caught dead...some things are scary even in the daylight). Somebody else can give us reports on what happens.
  8. This constant barrage by our own government against our freedoms is becoming way too predictable. :sigh:
  9. If it's signed into law, Amazon will simply do away with their affiliate program in Georgia, and continue their business as usual. This will ONLY hurt affiliates (like me) who sell stuff and who live in Georgia. They've done it repeatedly in other states and will do it here. Y'all may recall the Cabela's that was slated to be built in Adairsville? Yeah, Sonny & Co. killed that deal dead as a hammer when they told them they were gonna make them pay taxes on their internet sales. Thanks, boys. Real helpful you've been there. YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! You are my new crush
  10. Has to be the Hiram Wal-Mart for it to work properly.
  11. RR, I wonder if these folks used to be set up at the intersection of 41 and 92 across from the Chevron, and then later at the Day's Auction place on 41? They were FABULOUS and then someone stole their trailer, and I only saw them sporadically after that. I only venture to Hiram twice a year, but BBQ might make me a regular.
  12. mei lan


    True story, majorly. I would also add that depression can take more than one form, and if she has anxiety with the depression, she may be imagining all manner of things that are wrong with her, when nothing physically is. 68 is YOUNG. I hope she gets better (from whatever's bothering her) soon.
  13. Article and subsequent discussion (save Mr. Dis) seems to miss an important point - America isn't like the rest of the world. No, we don't walk much. Because we live too frickin' far from everything! If we lived and worked in Manhattan, yeah, walking would work. Or in downtown London, or Amsterdam, or Tokyo, or Mayberry in years gone by. But America is humongous, and we take advantage of our wide open spaces to spread out. (Yes, I know the PC term for it is urban sprawl, but whatever.) I live in a populated area of NE Paulding. The nearest grocery store is four miles from my house
  14. Nekkid and Wal-Mart should never be used in the same sentence.
  15. First, I love your house and how it's situated. Are you going to replace the lattice? My porch is higher than yours,a nd I'm about to tear out the ugly lattice crap, and haven't decided what to do next. Second, the curtains both look great and are a great idea, esp. considering your situation. Excellent job!
  16. Here's the story from today's Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2132626/Princess-Cruises-sorry-ignoring-stricken-Panamanian-fishermen-later-died-sea.html From this story it appears Princess/Carnival agrees they passed him and should have stopped. They are saying the captain and the officer on watch did not receive the report about the boat. If true, the salesnoid who promised to tell them should be reprimanded (at least). RE: Pubby's monologue - for the record, I am very conservative (just a shade to the right of Antonin Scalia) with a healthy streak of lib
  17. Here's a similar story from something called Newser (not familiar with it). I know there are two sides to every story, but this lady is genuinely upset, and the fact that she sent the CG an e-mail with their coordiantes telling them about the boat makes me think she's legit. My opinion of Carnival (and its companies) was horrible prior to the Costa Condordia fiasco. Now this. I truly wouldn't be surprised if this is true. PS - Yes, NPR is liberal, but I'm thinkin' not every single thing they print is a lie. http://www.newser.com/article/d9u89q0g2/princess-cruises-says-captain-of-cr
  18. I'm sure the fact that the charges were felonies had something to do with that.
  19. Fergit, hayull!!! Also, this:
  20. I know. I say that to everybody.
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