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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I vote Chick-fil-A on the corner next to AutoZone.
  2. Oh, no doubt. I'm just wondering if they could PROVE who did what?
  3. Yeppers. BTW, I was not backing the BOE in my statement; merely making an observation. RE: road painters receiving less punishment - I could go for that IF it could be proven which kids only did the road. I mean, I wouldn't be happy with my kid for that, either, but I do see your point with it being allowed in prior years. But if there's no proof of who did what, why couldn't all the kids say they just did the road and get the low punishment?
  4. Well, you're a yankee. I do not say that as a derogatory term (else I would have said damnyankee... ), but rather by way of explanation. See, this is when I admire yankees. I am a strong-willed, assertive person, and I would just have a really hard time telling someone that. It's ingrained in us Southerners not to hurt people's feelings, even if not hurting their feelings is detrimental to us. And while I am totally for niceness and being polite, etc., sometimes I wish I were more able to be this honest. I remember last year during the snow, somebody on here was griping about kids sl
  5. Good points. If your house, husband is going to have to back you up on not having her over as much. If her house, just don't go. I will say that with this level of dysfunction, it doesn't matter how many people she has to talk to. She probably doesn't have very many, because she's likely run them all off. So she talks to family because they can't go anywhere. Well, too bad. At some point she will gt the message if you stick with the program of not letting her ruin her peace of mind. If she shapes up, she is rewarded with more visits. If not, continue to stay withdrawn. I really
  6. True story. See, the problem is that you're trying to solve a problem with a rational, kind-hearted solution because you are a rational, kind-hearted person. She is not. So your strategy is doomed to fail. I promise you - DISTANCE works wonders. I have given great thought to whether I want to keep this friend in my life, and after much consideration (several times), each time I have decided I still want us to be friends because the friendship does have some value for me. But I just cannot be close to her. I must control my exposure to her, and only see her when I'm feeling up to it.
  7. Well, that strategery worked out well for the kid. :shakinghead: It would appear that the board members did not take kindly to being backed into a corner by threats and intimidation. Who knew?
  8. I have a friend who's sort of like this...she's TOTALLY a compulsive talker, and yes, everything is all about her. This is indicative of a very dysfunctional personality. Not excusing it; just explaining it. The way I have worked to solve my problem over the years (because she's really a sweet girl and I choose to keep the friendship for right now) is one word: DISTANCE. Say it with me...D-I-S-T-A-N-C-E. If you're not around her much, you won't be able to hear her yammering. You say you've tried to leave hubster to talk to her? In Yoda's words, there is no try, there is only do. Leave
  9. Well, y'all can keep all your crap. All I know is if somebody tries to take my Dogs Playing Poker on Velvet, they're gonna draw back a nub. RE: Kinkade - I like some of his stuff, and some not. The ones I like are because they evoke a sense of comfort, shelter, safe haven, protection, whatever. He's sort of like really good mashed potatoes. I don't want them all the time, and gourmet chefs certainly wouldn't think them worthy of praise, but sometimes, there's nothing better than a good helping of Mama's homemade mashed potatoes. I'm not thrilled with Kinkade's character...there
  10. With regards to the grief over the death of a child, I don't think there is such a thing as getting too carried away. I have never experienced this grief, but i firmly believe that it is the most profound grief a person can suffer on this earth. My heart goes out to you both. May God bless you and warp you in His comfort.
  11. Yeppers. And add to that the God-awful number of vacant lots in the subdivisions...
  12. Oh, I LIKE YOU. Way to go!!! I could not agree more. I'm about to put monitoring software on my computer and my nephew is only 5 (but he's precocious and already looks up games...with my permission and me sitting there beside him). I intend to do everything in my power to make sure he doesn't get into anything bad via internet. Twitter would be a little harder, but I'll do my darnedest to keep up with that as well.
  13. The difference between you and Petrino is that you aren't having an affair with that girl, and you didn't have a motorcycle accident while traveling with her and lie to your employer and your family about it.
  14. He admitted everything to the school and his wife/family when he found out the police report was going to include her name. Stupe. You have this fabu job, a family, opportunities that most others would kill for, and you throw it in the ditch (literally). Stupe.
  15. I think it's basically the law of supply and demand. Supply of workers is very high; supply of jobs is very low. This means it's an employer's market, and they have so much inventory from which to choose, they can get it for the lowest price possible. I personally do not subscribe to this style of doing business, because I think you get what you pay for (i.e., the old saying you pay peanuts you get monkeys to work for you). I would MUCH rather take less on the bottom line and have excellent employees than just hire any old shoe off the street for the least possible money. But that's where
  16. Awesome pics!!! I've never heard those birds called sandpipers...I think Daddy called them killdees (so named because of their song). LOVELY pics.
  17. Awwww...bless your heart! I'm so glad she's healthy aside from these initial issues. My baby nephew (now age 5) was in the NICU for the same things, and he hasn't slowed down since he was released. Congratulations.
  18. H8ters be h8tin'. (EXTREME SARCASM THERE.) I cannot even fathom what would make somebody become a monster like this, but it doesn't matter at this point. I can't come up with enough awful, hideous words to describe the things I think should happen to him via the justice system. With a dull, rusty pair of scissors.
  19. ADORABLE pic!!! This is why I'm not married. I'm waitin' on him to grow up so I can marry him.
  20. Good for them. Like I said - I like Macs. I just think there will be increasing attempts at malware for them.
  21. Story about a trojan that's gained control of half a million Macs and counting. Mac users beware. (BTW, I like Macs...they're just too expensive for my wallet right now. But I've said all along that the hackers would start to focus on Macs as they got to be more popular and the hackers got bored messing with PC people. http://www.slashgear.com/flashback-trojan-captures-over-half-a-million-macs-05221667/
  22. Congratulations, GG. Great pics...the second one, she looks like, "WHAT NOW?!?!? Where is my warm safe dark place?" Dr. Denmark was a treasure, IMHO. A great lady. My nephew slept on his tummy, and still does (he's 5 now). If he hadn't been allowed to sleep on his tummy, he'd not have gotten a wink of sleep for months.
  23. I do the same when I'm in such an area. I just question the part about "little like a scam artist". Little?
  24. Brain cells rubbing together tryin' to get fired up? Amen to this. You should see parts of Yellowstone Park...it is still like a war zone 20 years after a hideous fire literally scorched the earth and nothing will grow.
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