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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. My mother got the vaccine shot with no ill effects. I had chicken pox, so I'll be getting the vaccine as well. Shingles skeer me!
  2. Dude...well said. I will bust on lawyers all day long, but if/when I need one, you'd best believe I'm not looking or the cheapest one. Some things are worth what you pay, and this is one.
  3. Very insightful, Bubba T. I think that is really where the future lies, esp. in this economy. However, your avatar scares me, much like Bono's glasses.
  4. Hello, WW...Gwen Stefani? That girl can rock some red lipstick. Sorry, NC...I like Clinique and L'Oreal, but I can't guarantee it wouldn't rub off.
  5. Excellent thoughts, JTH. I was thinking along the same lines. This is way troubling for a child that age. And my 5yo nephew could do some real damage to an adult, so I have no doubt this kid could as well.
  6. Thanks for your insight, Jeanne. I always like when you comment on legal stuff. Although it does tend to break with tradition here at pcom of our shooting from the hip no matter how little we know about a subject. Has anybody heard what the remaining three have decided?
  7. Agreed (natch). It wasn't just Nathan...
  8. Not disagreeing with you one bit. I know from which I speak...I have walked that dark, lonely road and it's by the grace of God that I did not choose to continue down that path.
  9. This reminds me...I have had trouble with both asthma (mild) and anxiety, and at the beginning, I did a lot of reading. There is a dr., I believe at Johns Hopkins, who believes there is a direct correlation between asthma and anxiety. I don't remember all about it, but he's one of the main ones to push for the recognition that one can lead to the other. And it's so logical.
  10. mei lan


    Don't make me cut you. Fine by me.
  11. OK, that's what I was trying to remember. I think he wanted it on the November ballot where it would have a better chance of succeeding, and the outcry caused him to push it up to the July ballot. IIRC, which is not always the case.
  12. I seem to recall seeing one, but I can't remember where. Either where Italian restaurant is that starts with a P, or in the Publix shopping center next to CVS or in the LaBamba shopping center. Yes, I'm no help.
  13. IIRC, good ol' Nathan tried to lump it in with one of the popular elections (primary or general) to boost the chances of passing, and there was such a ruckus so that's why it was changed to this.
  14. Wow. That is one of the most profound things I have ever read. Thank you.
  15. Crap, I had a whole post written and it went poof. So maybe I was just supposed to say this - first, I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. Second, you are still in shock, and it will be a year before you even come close to having some sense of normalcy in your life. Not that I did not say you would stop grieving then. This grief is deep and dirty...you not only have the loss of your sister, but also the knowledge that she wanted to leave. Then you have all the circumstances surrounding the situation, and you just keep going around and around in your head trying to figure out what went wrong
  16. mei lan


    If I saw a guy like that at the Steak n Shake, I'd ask him out for a date.
  17. Very well said, my dear. I would just like to say again what a great job I think the DAs office did on this. Well done, folks!
  18. We be twins. Well, triplets if you include that other girl.
  19. I'm pretty sure each is paying only their own share. Pubby?
  20. LR, my mother says my grandmother did die of pneumonia. Her drs. at Emory said her lungs were just SOOOO hyper-sensitive to every single thing that she would have episodes over stuff that would never bother other people. I have mild asthma, and my dr. told me in December to make sure to try to avoid getting colds, because they can so quickly turn into bronchitis and then into pneumonia.
  21. Just don't forget your tea to go with your Skittles.
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