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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I hate that!!! My mind starts to wander, and five minutes later, I'm thinkin' CRAP, what did I miss?
  2. Upon further reflection, I think this will be more painful to the kids than if the charge had just been knocked down to a misdemeanor. This is going to be a lot of work, PLUS they have to testify against those who don't take the deal. And Jeanne makes a great point about it not being expunged. I think it was well-done by Mr. DA. And thanks to Pubby for clarifying that all the kids were at the meeting.
  3. Repeater action? Are you buying it just for target practice, or for something useful? If protection, I personally would go with a shotgun over a rifle. And if I went with a rifle, I would have zero use for a repeater action. But to each his own. If you like it, have at it. Henrys are good guns, I hear.
  4. Unless my child was in intensive care, he/she would be at the meeting.
  5. WORSE than tacky!!! That is truly beyond the pale. Color me crazy, but I'm thinkin' they didn't get that idea from God.
  6. I should add that I don't do sappy, but I know a lot of people do. If you like Nicholas Sparks's books, you'll probably like the first half of the movie.
  7. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!! The only tax I have ever voted for was the fire tax. And that was because I (stupidly) believed what they said, and then they pulled their little stunt. Silly me. Never again.
  8. You didn't miss nuttin', honey. The second half was very good, and well done...this was the actual story of the sinking. The first half was pure drivel that annoyed me so much that I had a hard time enjoying the second half. But, it's still worth seeing for the picture of what did happen. The story has always fascinated me. There were SO MANY THINGS that went wrong, and SO MANY CHANCES for people to do the right thing that would have altered the outcome. And we have marvelous safety measures now because of it. Of course, the Concordia fiasco proved that they don't always work, but they
  9. Ooh...I didn't expect this. You bet your sweet bippy I'd take the deal...I'd knock people over to get to the papers to sign. Very good.
  10. Holy crap, LR!!! I'm so sorry. I'll keep her (and you) in my prayers. Please keep us posted on how she's doing.
  11. I'm trying to remember...this grandmother died years and years ago. She was in the hospital for a very long time before she died (and off and on for years before she died). Pneumonia is certainly a possibility, but I think with her, it just got down to her lungs couldn't take in enough air to supply what her body needed. She wasn't a smoker, for what that's worth. I'll ask my mother what the final deal was...she could have had pneumonia and was just so weak from everything else that her body just couldn't cope. My understanding of asthma (and I think this would be true of COPD and emph
  12. Oh, I will agree that he's a dweeb. He's a plastic dork, and I cannot believe he's the candidate. But I shall vote for him and hope for someone better next time. :sigh:
  13. I haven't gotten the idea that Ann R. is speaking on behalf of women everywhere. In this instance, she was called out by this Rosen person and chose to respond. But either which way, any wife of a politician running for Congress is going to be a privileged person (by virtue of the fact one has to have money and/or access to it to get anywhere) and if it's politically expedient, the campaign will use them to campaign for their husbands. IT is what it is. I don't see how she's any different than any other Presidential candidate's wife.
  14. Do they know a cause, LR? Allergies/asthma or smoking or other? Has she been sick a long time? These are curious questions more than anything. My maternal grandmother died of COPD way too young. But the drugs they had back then weren't nearly as good as what's available now.
  15. No, I will not vote for this TSPLOST or any other SPLOST. Politicians never saw a dollar they didn't want to spend, and I'm not voluntarily giving them one more cent.
  16. I think it was a silly, needlessly provocative remark. And I don't care if Ann R. had a dozen maids and nannies. Raising five sons while having multiple sclerosis and overcoming breast cancer is no walk in the park.
  17. Ain't takin' that bet. They looked like street people. :sigh:
  18. You really, REALLY need to have a nice sit-down talk with your husband about this. It's bothering you WAY too much, and even if you (together) decide it's best not to say anything to her, the least he can do is not hide away with his father and leave you alone with the mother. He really needs to back you up on this.
  19. Honey, if that's the worst thing you ever do, you'll be fine. It takes a big person to admit they were mistaken.
  20. I was in the ER one time waiting on my father to be assigned a room (one of the many times he was hospitalized the last few years of his life), and these two characters were sitting near me discussing what they were going to ask the dr. They were going to request pain meds, and they were using the actual clinical name of each drug and which mg they wanted the prescription to be, etc. I wanted to slap them both.
  21. My friend who talks so much tells Every Single Detail of Every Experience. "And then I got out of my car, shut the door, and walked into Publix. So I was thinking about calling her, but forgot and was looking at the ground beef......" Then after an interminable amount of time, she'll invariably say, "Well, anyway, long story short..." at which point I (and our other friends) will say loudly, "TOO LATE!!!"
  22. I say go for it. Nobody should ever feel intimidated. The second amendment is there for us...use it.
  23. Move to a city/state/country where they don't allow anyone not LE to have a gun? I mean, the laws are clear - concealed carry is legal in many/most states now. I personally have never felt threatened by anyone wearing a gun.
  24. Oh, and fired with cause...meaning he doesn't get the $16M buyout in his contract that he would have if they'd just fired him because they didn't like his record or whatever. What. A. Moron.
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